Sunday, June 30, 2013

Return from Exile

Many years after God's people were exiled from their land by Nebuchadnezzar,
a new king came along named Cyrus who allowed everyone to come home,
and even gave back their treasures.

Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther were leaders that God chose
to help rebuild his people after they went back to their homes.

(from: wikipedia - esther)

Saturday, June 29, 2013


We just learned about the Planet Alpha Centauri Bb

The brightest star in the night sky is called Sirius.

(from: wikipedia - sirius)

It can be found near the constellation of Orion.

Friday, June 28, 2013

French - July, August

Let's keep learning the months of the year in French!

We already learned that January is Janvier, February is Février, March is Mars, April is Avril, May is Mai and June is Juin.

Next up is July and August.
July, - Juillet - sounds like zhoo-ee-ay /?/

August- Août - sounds like oot /?/

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Circuit board

We learned before about electrical circuits.

If you take apart something electronic like an alarm clock, computer or a radio,
you will see a colored board with a bunch of metal and plastic things sticking out of it.

This called a circuit board.
circuit board
(from: wikipedia - printed circuit board)

The lines that you see on the circuit board are made of metal that are like wires in a circuit,
laid out on the board as small as possible to save space and make electronics really tiny!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Horse withers

We just learned about Cow Stomachs

Let's learn a little about Horses

Horses are big wonderful animals, with the largest eyes of any land animal.

When people want to measure a horse, they measure from the ground to the horse's withers.
The withers is the spot on the horse where the neck meets the back.

Horses are measured in hands, which is the same as 4 inches.
So if a horse is 15 hands high, then it is 15 * 4 = 60 inches tall at the withers.
(from: wikipedia - horse)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ear bones - Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup

We just learned about the Inferior Nasal Concha.

Inside your ear are three little bones that your body uses to help make the sounds you hear.

The hammer, anvil and stirrup bones vibrate in your ear so you can hear.

middle ear
(from: wikipedia - middle ear)

Sometimes people call these by their names in Latin language:
malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), stapes (stirrup)

Monday, June 24, 2013


Let's keep learning about the countries in Europe!

Last time we learneda bout Ireland.

Next up is Scotland.
Scotland is on the North part of the same island where England is.

(from: wikipedia - scotland)

In Scotland there were many families, also called clans and each clan had their symbols (called crests) and colors (tartans).

wallace crest wallace tartan
(from: wikipedia - clan wallace)

Scottish mean wear something called a kilt, which is like a skirt but worn by men!
(from: wikipedia - kilt)

They play a special instrument called a bagpipe,
which is a big full of air and a bunch of horns attached to it.
(from: wikipedia - bagpipe)