Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Spider Spiral Orb Webs

We just learned about a spider exoskeleton.

Usually when we think of spider webs, we think of the big spirals, but not all spiders make webs like that.

The spiders that make the big spiral orbs, are called orb weavers.

When they build the web, the start off by using non-sticky silk so they don't get stuck to their own web.
They tie one line of silk across two spots.
Then they hook another line of silk in the middle and drag it down, so it is almost in a Y shape.
They keep adding more lines from the middle of that Y to the outside where they can hook the silk line.
These lines are called radial lines.

After the radial lines are done, the spider makes a small circle of threads in the middle to tie the web tightly.
Next it makes a few wide spaced spiral circles around the web.
That makes a nice starting point for the web, and a place for the spider to walk.

Next the spider starts with the sticky web. It walks around on the non-sticky spirals it just made, and replaces them with sticky spirals very close together so they can catch bugs.
They do this for the whole rest of the web, then sit there and wait for some food.

Many of the spiders take down their whole web every night and eat the silk, then rebuild it again right after!
That's a lot of work, but it helps keep the web from getting all covered in dirt.

(from: wikipedia - spider web)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Kudu

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

External Carotid Artery

We just learned that the Common Carotid Artery brings oxygenated blood up to the neck, and splits into two tubes, and one of them is the internal carotid artery which brings blood to your brain.

The other artery is the external carotid artery.

This artery gives blood to all the other parts of your head, your ears, eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, teeth and skin.

(from: wikipedia - external carotid artery)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Ear Muscles

Monday, January 19, 2015


We just learned about the US State of Indiana.

Iowa is a state in the midwest part of the US.
It's nickname is The Hawkeye State to honor Native American Chief Blackhawk.
It's motto is Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.

(from: wikipedia - iowa)

Iowa used to be owned by France a long time ago, and the flag of Iowa has blue, white and red stripes just like the flag of France.
There is a bald eagle in the middle, holding a ribbon that has the state motto on it.

(from: wikipedia - flag of iowa)

The state seal of Iowa has a soldier on it, some wheat for the wheat farmers from long ago, lead because of the old lead mines, and the Steamboat Iowa which was one of the largest and fastest boats on the Mississippi in the 1800s.

(from: wikipedia - seal of iowa)

There is a place in Iowa called the Grotto of the Redemption, that is made up of fancy rocks, seashells, statues and caves all built up near a church and displaying many statues.

(from: wikipedia - grotto of the redemption)

The famous painting American Gothic was painted based on a house that is in Eldon, Iowa. The house is now a historical location and you can tour it.

(from: wikipedia - american gothic)

Herbert Hoover, the 31st president of the US was born in Iowa.

(from: wikipedia - herbert hoover)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Nepal

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Arrest of Jesus - Sword

We just learned that Jesus had gone off to a place called Gethsemene and prayed to God about the job he knew he had to do,
and that Judas gave Jesus a kiss to betray him to the guards.

When the guards arrested Jesus, some of his apostles tried to fight them, and one of them cut off the ear of one of the people arresting Jesus.

Jesus told his followers not to fight, because he knew that he had to go and die on the cross, so he had to go with the guards.

He told them "Put your sword back in its place, .. for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.
He said that if he wanted to he could call down angels to protect him if he wanted, but he knew that he had to die on the cross.

(from: wikipedia - arrest of jesus)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Jesus' Miracles - Healing Lepers

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Raphael Rooms - Raphael

We just learned about the famous work of art The Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata by Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, also known as Donatello.

Another famous work of art is a collection of paintings called the Raphael Rooms by artist Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, also known as Raphael in Italy in 1509.

Just like Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, these were frescoes.
They were painted during the Italian Renaissance, which was a time when artists from all over Europe came to Italy to share their art and work with other artists.

The leaders of the Catholic church named Pope Julius II asked Raphael to paint four rooms, and in each room to paint all four walls and the ceiling, which is twenty paintings.

Unfortunately, Raphael died after he had only completed two of the rooms, so the other artists that he worked with finished the other rooms.

The first room he painted was The Stanza della segnatura, meaning Room of the Signatura.
The four paintings there were to represent theology (God), philosphy (wisdom), jurisprudence (law) and poetry.

The painting for philosophy was called The School of Athens and many people feel it was his greatest painting ever.

Raphael painted 21 different people in the painting, and the people in the painting are supposed to be famous philosophers through history.
Two of the most famous philosophers were Aristotle and Plato, who are in the middle of the room by the door.
Each of the philosophers is dressed and posed different, to help show who they all are and the things in life they tried to study.

(from: wikipedia - the school of athens)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lunar Rocks

Friday, January 16, 2015

German - Black, White, Brown, Gray

We just learned that red, yellow, orange in German is rot, orange, gelb,
and green, blue, purple, pink is grün, blau, lila, pink.

Let's learn some more colors!

Remember German has an R sound (xr) that is at the back of your throat, almost like you're gargling water.

black - schwarz - sounds like sh-vah-ts /?/

white - weiß - sounds like vah-eess /?/

brown - braun - sounds like b-xr-ah-oh-n /?/

gray - grau - sounds like g-xr-ow /?/

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

In Spanish:
negro, blanco, marrón, gris

In French:
noir, blanc, brun, gris

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cumulus Clouds

We just learned about how cirrus clouds are thin wispy stringy clouds way up high in the sky.

Another type of cloud is called a cumulus cloud.
They are usually puffy, almost like cotton balls.

Cumulus clouds usually come from warm air that made water vaper rise up into the sky.
The water vapor cooled down and turned into water droplets for the clouds.

Sometimes cumulus clouds can turn into clouds that make rain, but the white puffy ones usually do not rain down.
Since they block the sun a little, these clouds can cause cooler temperatures.

(from: wikipedia - cumulus cloud)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Submarine Volcano