Showing posts with label Stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stars. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Constellations - Orion

We learned before about the constellation the Big Dipper.

Let's learn about some more constellations!

The constellation of Orion looks like a person, and if you connect the dots
and use your imagination you might be able to see someone who is hunting with a bow and arrow.

In old Greek stories (called mythology) Orion was a great hunter.
(from: wikipedia - orion constellation)

The best way to find Orion in the sky is to look for three stars together, these are part of Orion's belt.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Big & Little Dipper

We just learned about the North Star.

Up in the sky at night, you can usually see one or two groups of stars that look kind of like a measuring cup, scooper, ladle or spoon.

A group of stars is called a constellation, and these are called the big dipper and little dipper.

The big dipper is also part of a constellation called ursa major.
big dipper
(From: Wikipedia - big dipper)

The little dipper is part of a constellation called ursa minor and the north star polaris is one of the stars in the little dipper
little dipper
(From: Wikipedia - ursa minor)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

North Star

We just learned about the Milky Way

Let's learn about the North Star.

The North star is one of the brightest stars in the sky at night, and if you point toward the direction where the North star is, you will be pointing North!

Many people through the years have used the North star to find their way while traveling on land or sailing on ships at night.

It's also known as Polaris.

(from: wikipedia - polaris)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Milky Way

We just learned about Earth's Seasons.

Let's learn about the Milky Way.

The planet earth that we live revolves around the sun in our solar system.

The sun is one of many stars in our galaxy called the Milky Way

milky way
(From: Wikipedia - Milky Way)

It's called the Milky Way because up in the night sky it kind of has a milky white color.

Our galaxy has somewhere from 200 to 400 BILLION stars!

That's a whole lot of zeroes! 200,000,000,000