Showing posts with label Kidneys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kidneys. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Renal Pyramids

We just learned about the Renal Hilum.

Another part of the kidney is the Renal Pyramid.

When the blood comes into the kidneys from the arteries it gets split up into one of these pyramids to get filtered and cleaned up.

People can have anywhere from 10 to 18 pyramids in their kidney.

(from: wikipedia - renal medulla)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Bony Labryinth

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Renal Hilum

We just learned about the Connecting Tubule.

Another part of the kidney is the Renal Hilum.

We know renal means something to do with the kidneys.
Hilum means something that sticks in like an indentation.
On the side of the kidneys, the part where oval shaped kidney sticks in a little is called the Renal Hilum.

This is where the arteries, veins and ureter go into the kidneys.

(from: wikipedia - renal hilum)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Inner Ear

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Connecting Tubule

We just learned about the Distal Convoluted Tubule.

We've learned a lot about the renal tubule part of the nephron in the kidney that helps clean up the blood.

Another part of the renal tubule is the Connecting Tubule, also called the CNT, junctional tubule, or arcuate renal tubule.

This is the last part of the renale tubule, and helps control the amount of water and sodium in the blood.

(from: wikipedia - nephron)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Ear Canal

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Distal Convoluted Tubule

We just learned about the Loop of Henle.

Another part of the kidney is the Distal Convoluted Tubule, also called the DCT.

As the blood is cleaned up along from the Loop of Henle, it goes to the DCT where it helps control the amount of potassium, sodium, and calcium in the blood.

(from: wikipedia - distal convoluted tubule)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Concha

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Loop of Henle

We just learned about the Proximal Tubule.

Another part of the kidneys is the Loop of Henle.

This is a tube that carries liquid down and back up, and helps separate the dirty liquid which turns into urea going back up at the end of the loop.

(from: wikipedia - loop of henle)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Intertragic Notch

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Proximal Tubule

We just learned about the Bowman's Capsule.

Another part of the nephron of the kidney is the Proximal Tubule.

When the blood is all collected in the Bowman's Capsule, it slowly filters out some of the bad things in the blood which turn into urea to be pushed out of the body later.

(from: wikipedia - proximal tubule)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Earlobe

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Bowman's Capsule

We just learned about the Glomerulus.

Another part of the kidney is Bowman's Capsule.

This is also part of the nephron, just like the renal corpuscle and the glomerulus.
Remember that the glomerulus is the bunch of blood vessels that brings blood to the kidneys to be cleaned.
Bowman's Capsule wraps around the glomerulus, and collects the blood in one spot to be cleaned up.

(from: wikipedia - bowman's capsule)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tragus

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


We just learned about the Renal Corpuscle.

Another part of the Kidnys is the Glomerulus.

This is a small bunch of blood vessel capillaries called a tuft that helps push the blood and water through the kidneys to be cleaned up.

(from: wikipedia - glomerulus)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Antitragus

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Renal Corpuscle

We just learned about the Nephron.

Another part of the kidneys is the Renal Corpuscle.

The word renal has something to do with the kidneys, and the word corpuscle means something to do with cells.
The renal corpuscle works to help clean up the blood by filtering out bad stuff.

The kidneys take in blood from the body, clean it up and send it back around the body, and then any waste gets sent out of the body when you go to the bathroom.

(from: wikipedia - renal corpuscle)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Antihhelix

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


We just learned about the Interlobular Arteries and Veins.

Another part of the kidney is the Nephron.

In the renal column that we learned about, the nephron is a very tiny microscopic part of the renal column that helps do the work of filtering and cleaning the blood.

(from: wikipedia - nephron)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Helix

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Interlobular Arteries and Veins

We just learned about the Renal Cortex.

Another part of the kidneys is the Interlobular Arteries and Veins.

These are the arteries that bring fresh oxygenated blood to the kidneys and the veins that take the used up deoxygenated blood away from the kidneys.

They are inside the Renal Capsule, and go around the kidneys to make sure there is a fresh supply of clean blood for the kidneys being pumped in every heartbeat.

(from: wikipedia - interlobular arteries)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Auricle

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Renal Cortex

We just learned about the Renal Capsule.

Another part of the kidneys is the Renal Cortex.

This is just inside of the renal capsule, and is where the kidneys start working on filtering out bad things from the blood.

(from: wikipedia - renal cortex)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Outer Ear

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Renal Capsule

We just started to learn about the Kidneys.

One part of the kidneys is the Renal Capsule.

This is the tough outside of the kidneys that keeps the inside safe.

(from: wikipedia - renal capsule)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Human Ear

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


We just learned about the Primary Olfactory Cortex and a lot of things about how the human nose works.

Another part of the human body are the two Kidneys.

The kidneys are an important part of the body that helps keep the blood clean with the right amount of liquids.
When the heart is pumping blood through the body, it gets sent through the kidneys where it gets cleaned up.

(from: wikipedia - )

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Metastasis