Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Far Sightedness

We just learned about the Near Sightedness.

Another type of refractive error that people can have is called Far Sightedness, also called hypermetropia.

If someone is far-sighted that means they can see far away very well, but they can't see up close very well.
An easy way to remember that is that if you are "far-sighted" you are good at seeing far away.

A lot of people become far sighted when they get older, and they can not see up close as well as they used to.
This is one of the reasons that old people will hold something out in their hand with their arm stretched out as far as it can go, because they can see far but not up close.

Older people will also get what are called "reading glasses" meaning that they only wear them when they need to look at something up close like when reading a book.

If someone is young and far sighted then it usually means there is a problem with the shape of their eyeball, or their lens or cornea are not the right shape.
This makes the light coming into the eye not focus on the retina, but focus past it, so it doesn't send the right signals to the brain.

For old people it is because the eye muscles are weaker and can't focus the lens as well as they used to.

(from: wikipedia - far-sightedness)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Frenulum of Lower Lip

Monday, June 29, 2020

Subglacial Lakes

We just learned about the Meltwater.

Another part of Antarctica is the Subglacial Lakes.

We know that sometimes the ice and snow melts and turns into ponds, rivers or lakes.
And sometimes these lakes are way deep down underneath the ice.

Antarctica has hundreds of lakes deep down underneath the glaciers, called "subglacial lakes".

The biggest one that has been discovered is Lake Vostok.
This is down underneath Vostok Station, and the water is over 2 miles below the ice.
Lake Vostok is 160 miles long, 30 miles wide, and 3,000 feet deep.
It has as much water in it as Lake Michigan.

(from: wikipedia - lake vostok)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Palisade

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Basilica of Saint-Denis

We just learned about the Notre-Dame de Paris.

Another part of early Christianity is the building of the Basilica of Saint-Denis, built in 1144 AD in France.

One of the church leaders in France named Abbot Suger was upset that the churches were not big enough to handle all of the people coming to worship, and he also believed that having a beautiful church filled with light and color was a way to show worship to God.

The church that he had people make was the first one that was later called "Gothic" style.
This type of building had 5 special things that made it gothic:

Pointed Arches - The ceilings, windows or roofs would have an arch shape that was pointy at the top.

Ribbed Vaults - The tall hallways in the churches had large supporting beams going back and forth along the ceiling that looked kind of like ribs.

Flying Buttresses - The outside supports that helped hold the building up are called buttresses. For these buildings, they had long buttresses that stuck way out from the church, so they called them flying buttresses.

Tracery - The windows or doors used stone or metal to make shapes.

Stained Glass Windows - Glass that was colored and then framed into windows for artwork and light.

(from: wikipedia - basilica of saint-denis)

(from: wikipedia - basilica of saint-denis)

(from: wikipedia - flying buttress)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Holy Tunic

Saturday, June 27, 2020

George Washington as President - Alexander Stirling Calder

We just learned about the statue of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark made by Charles Keck.

Another famous statue is George Washington as President, Accompanied by Wisdom and Justice made in New York in 1918 by Alexander Stirling Calder.

Calder's father was a sculptor, and as he grew up he studied art and helped his father with some of his projects.
He went to school in Pennsylvania, and then went to Paris when he was 20 to learn more about sculpture.
After he came back to the United States he became well known for making statues of important people.

In New York City they wanted to make a large arch for the 100th anniversary of George Washington becoming president.
They made it like the other famous arches in Paris and Rome.
Calder was asked to make a marble statue for this arch of Washington as President, and another artist made Washington as Commander in Chief of the military.
Sometimes they call these two statues Washington at Peace and Washington at War.

(from: wikipedia - alexander stirling calder)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Gabon Mask

Friday, June 26, 2020

Russian - November, December

We already learned that January, February is Январь (Yanvar'), Февраль (Fevral'), March, April is Март (Mart), Апрель (Aprel'),
May, June is Май (May), Июнь (Iyun'),
July, August is Июль (Iyul'), Август (Avgust),
and September, October is Сентябрь (Sentyabr'), Октябрь (Oktyabr').

Let's keep going!

November - ноябрь (noyabr') - sounds like noh-yah-b-d 文A

December - декабрь (dekabr') - sounds like deh-kah-b-d 文A

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: November, December

Greek: Νοέμβριος (Noémvrios), Δεκέμβριος (Dekémvrios)

ASL: November, December

Italian: Novembre, Dicembre

German: November, Dezember

Spanish: Noviembre, Diciembre

French: Novembre, Décembre

Thursday, June 25, 2020


We just learned about the Pen-y-Darren Locomotive.

Another part of the history of locomotives is the Salamanca steam locomotive, built in 1812 by Matthew Murray from England.

Even though people were figuring out how to make steam engines and hook them up to boats and wheels, it took a while for anyone to make one that worked really well on a train track.

Even before there were locomotives, people made metal tracks for carts that would be pulled by horses.
It wasn't until Murray made the Salamanca in 1812, that someone would make a locomotive that was actually used for people to haul big heavy loads around and do some work.

The Pen-y-Darren locomotive was built in 1802, so for 10 years people mostly just saw these steam engines as an interesting invention, but did not put the engines to work yet.

The Salamanca ran on a rack and pinion track, which means the wheels were gears that worked on a track with teeth that it would go along.

(from: wikipedia - salamanca (locomotive))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Fire Investigation

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


We just learned about the Bay Cat.

Another type of wild cat is the Serval.

The serval lives in Africa, mostly in the southern part of the continent.
It is about 2 feet tall, and can weigh up to 40 pounds.
This cat has a head that is smaller than some of its other cat cousins.

Serval's have big ears, and yellow fur with black spots and stripes, and a black tipped tail.
The ears of a serval are probably the thing that makes them stand out the most.
They have black ears, with a white stripe right across the middle.
When they move their ears they can spin them all the way around from front to back.
Some people think that the colored ears that can move so well are one of the ways that servals can talk to each other, like giving signals about whether they are happy, sad or mad.

These cats have very long legs compared to their bodies, and they use them for jumping when they hunt.
They can jump over 6 feet in the air, and then pounce onto their pray like a mouse.

(from: wikipedia - serval)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Warty Comb Jelly

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


We just learned about the Refractive Error.

One of the types of refractive errors is Near-Sightedness, also called myopia.

If someone is near-sighted that means they can see up close very well, but they can't see far away very well.
An easy way to remember that is that if you are "near-sighted" you are good at seeing nearby.

Of all the types of eye problems, more people are near-sighted than any other problem, about 1.5 billion people!

When light comes into the eye, the lens is supposed to try and make it focus right on the retina.
The lens is like a magnifying glass, and if it doesn't focus just right then it won't get a clear enough picture.

If the lens is focusing all of the light into a point before the retina, then this causes near-sightedness.
An eye doctor can make glasses to change the direction of the light coming into the eye so that it focuses right on the retina and helps the eye see near and far.

(from: wikipedia - near-sightedness)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: White Roll

Monday, June 22, 2020


We just learned about the Melt Pond.

Another part of Antarctica is glacial Meltwater.

Sometimes the ice or snow in Antarctica will melt a little, and turn into what is called meltwater.
Meltwater is different than the ocean water around Antarctica because it is fresh water.
This means animals can drink it, and it also means it can mix with the ice and snow of the glaciers and melt and refreeze over and over.
The meltwater usually melts because of the warmer summer weather, from magma underground, or from volcanic eruptions.

If the water stays in one place on top of the snow or ice, that is the melt pond.
Other times the melted snow or ice will turn into a small river and flow across the snow and ice.
There are even times when the snow or ice will melt underneath the top part, and make a small lake underneath the snow or ice.

Sometimes the meltwater is underground and is between two glaciers.
When this happens the glaciers can move around as they are sliding on the water in between.

Scientists study meltwater because it can help them understand climate change and how glaciers move.

(from: wikipedia - meltwater)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Ramparts

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Notre-Dame de Paris

We just learned about the Decretum Gratiani.

Another part of early Christianity is the cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris.

In 1160 AD in Paris, the leader of the church there was Maurice de Sully.
He thought that they should build a really big nice church in a style called "Gothic style", and dedicate it to Jesus' mother Mary.

The cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris became very famous in Paris, and it was made even more famous later in 1831 when someone wrote a story about a hunchback who rang the bells in the tower.

(from: wikipedia - notre-dame de paris)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Holy Nails

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark - Charles Keck

We just learned about the Black Hawk Statue - Lorado Taft.

Another famous American statue is Meriwether Lewis and William Clark made by Charles Keck in 1919.

Keck was born in 1875 in New York, and went to school to study art in America and also in Italy.

He became famous for making statues of famous people across America.

The statue which is also called "Their First View of the Pacific" is of the famous explorers Lewis and Clark, along with their Native American guide Sacagawea.

In 1803 America made a deal with France to buy a big piece of land in the middle of North America.
This land later became the states of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana.

Because the land was so big, they needed someone to go explore, so Lewis and Clark went off from Pennsylvania and traveled all the way to the west coast to the Pacific Ocean.
Along the way they met Sacagawea, a 16 year old Native American woman who stayed with them and helped guide them safely all the way.

At the bottom of the statue are the words: "Bold and farseeing pathfinders who carried the flag of the young republic to the western ocean and revealed an unknown empire to the uses of mankind."

(from: wikipedia - meriwether lewis and william clark (sculpture))

(from: wikipedia - lewis and clark expedition)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Chiwara

Friday, June 19, 2020

Russian - September, October

We already learned that January, February is Январь (Yanvar'), Февраль (Fevral'), March, April is Март (Mart), Апрель (Aprel'),
May, June is Май (May), Июнь (Iyun'),
and July, August is Июль (Iyul'), Август (Avgust).

Let's keep going!

September - Сентябрь (Sentyabr') - sounds like say-n-tee-ah-b-dyah 文A

October - Октябрь (Oktyabr') - sounds like ah-k-tah-b-d-yah 文A

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: September, Oktober

Greek: Σεπτέμβριος (Septémvrios), Οκτώβριος (Októvrios)

ASL: September, October

Italian: Settembre, Ottobre

German: September, Oktober

Spanish: Septiembre, Octubre

French: Septembre, Octobre

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Pen-y-Darren Locomotive

We just learned about the steam wagon Cugnot's - Fardier à vapeur.

Another early steam engine was the Pen-y-Darren Locomotive.

Just like the steam boat and steam car, people mostly wanted to use steam power to move very heavy things from one place to another.
The big difference between boats, cars and trains was that the train didn't need a steering wheel to make sure it was going the right way, it would just go along the rails carrying its big load.

In 1802 a man from England named Richard Trevithick built a steam engine to be put on metal rails and carry a lot of weight.
It had a steam cylinder hooked up to a rotative beam engine, using a sun and planet style gear to turn the wheels.

To test his locomotive, he had it carry ten tons of iron, which is about 20,000 pounds.
It went about 10 miles and went a little over 2 miles per hour.

This wasn't very fast, about as fast as someone walking.
But it was like someone walking carrying a few giant elephants on their shoulders, so people were very impressed!

His steam engine did not become very popular, but it did help other people in the future learn how to make steam engines that would become the locomotives we know about from history.

(from: wikipedia - richard trevithick)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tire Skid Marks

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Bay Cat

We just learned about the Asian Golden Cat.

Another type of wild cat is the Bay Cat, also called the Borneo bay cat, or catopuma badia.

Bay cats are like the Asian golden cat, but a lot smaller.
Their fur is a light red-brown color, and their tail is long with a white tip.
They have rounded small ears that have black and brown fur on them.

These cats are a little over 2 feet long, with a 1 foot long tail, and they weigh about 8 pounds.
On their heads they have an "M" mark, and they have white cheeks and a white chin.

This cat lives mostly on the island of Borneo, and there are only about 2,500 of them left in the world.
At one time these cats were almost extinct and people could not even find 100 of them.
People worked to find them and take care of them, and help keep them safe so they would not go extinct.

(from: wikipedia - bay cat)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Venus Girdle Jellyfish

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Refractive Error

We just learned about the Myokymia.

Another part of how the eye works is a Refractive Error.

Some people have better vision than others and can see farther, closer or more clearly.

The reason some people have problems seeing is because the shape of the eyeball is not perfect, or because a person is old and their eye muscles aren't working as well as they used to.

The eye needs to be able to focus on things far away or up close, and switch between the two.
If you use a camera sometimes you can see that it is blurry at first and then focuses.

Refraction means how the eye changes the direction and size of the light coming into the eye.

All of the different parts of the eye have to work together to get the picture right and send it to your brain.
If one of them is not right, then your eyes have a refractive error and you can wear glasses to see better.

(from: wikipedia - refractive error)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Philtrum

Monday, June 15, 2020

Melt Pond

We just learned about the Antarctic Sea Ice.

Another part of the ice Antarctica is the Melt Pond.

Sometimes when it gets warm enough for ice to start melting, the top of it will melt and make a little pond on top of the other ice.
This melt pond area is darker than the white snow colored ice, so it warms up more with the sun and can cause it to melt more and get bigger.
Sometimes melt ponds are on top of sea ice.
If the sea ice melt pond keeps getting deeper as it melts, it will melt all the way through the ice.
Melt ponds are fresh water, but if they melt through to the ocean underneath that is salt water.
The salt water will melt the sea ice even more and make a bigger melt pond.

Other times melt ponds are on top of glaciers.
If a melt pond gets big and deep enough it will just hit the land underneath.

Melt ponds can also be underneath a glacier, like an underground lake.

(from: wikipedia - melt pond)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Moat

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Decretum Gratiani

We just learned about the Teutonic Order.

Another part of early Christianity is the Decretum Gratiani.

We've learned before that "Biblical Canon" means the things that are approved or agreed by the church.
And the word comes from the Greek word "κανών" which means rule or measuring stick.

Through the years many people were arguing about which writings about Jesus were real and which were fake.
They also argued about what all of the real and true writings meant, and what was the best way to live your life.

Like was it ok to make paintings of Jesus or famous people from church history?
How should people be baptized, and how should churches be built?
These decisions and a lot more rules had been made in the time over a thousand years since Jesus was born.

Around 1150 AD, a man named Gratian decided to try and put together all of the different rules and laws that the Catholic church had written down.

He put them into what he called the "Decretum Gratiani" which means "The Decree of Gratian".
People believe this to be the first real law book that listed all of the laws for how to live.

He listed them out in a very organized way, so that later on if someone was talking about a certain law of the church, they could talk about "Decretum c. 1. d. XI". Instead of writing out over and over what the law said, they could just basically say "Go look it up in the law book, at this spot."
This book of law put together by Gratian was the first part of what would become the Canon Law used by the church to rule if someone was guilty of breaking a church law or not.

(from: wikipedia - decretum gratiani)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: True Cross

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Black Hawk Statue - Lorado Taft

We just learned about the sculpture of Johns Hopkins by Hans Schuler.

Another famous American sculpture is the Black Hawk Statue, also called The Eternal Indian made by Lorado Taft in 1911, in Oregon Illinois.

This statue is 48 feet tall, and stands on a 77 foot high cliff by the Rock River overlooking the city.
Black Hawk was a Sauk Native American who fought many battles for his tribe in Illinois.
The statue is the second tallest concrete statue of a person, just after the statue of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro.

Taft made many other monument statues honoring people in the Midwest area.
In Chicago he made a 126 foot long sculpture with 100 people called Fountain of Time showing the peace of the US and Great Britain for 100 years.
He also made The Soldier's Monument in Oregon Illinois, honoring the people who fought in the Spanish-American war.

Taft was born in Elmwood Illinois, where he grew up learning about sculpting.
When he was 20 he moved to Paris to learn more about sculpting, and then moved back in 1886 to Chicago to make sculptures and become a teacher.

He helped teach sculpting to many other people in America that went on to become famous.

(from: wikipedia - black hawk statue)

(from: wikipedia - fountain of time)

(from: wikipedia - the soldier's monument)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Benin Bronzes

Friday, June 12, 2020

Russian - July, August

We already learned that January, February is Январь (Yanvar'), Февраль (Fevral'), March, April is Март (Mart), Апрель (Aprel'),
and May, June is Май (May), Июнь (Iyun').

Let's keep going!

July - Июль (Iyul') - sounds like ee--yoo-l 文A

August - Август (Avgust) - sounds like ah-v-goo-st 文A

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Juli, August

Greek: Ιούλιος (Ioúlios), Αύγουστος (Ávgoustos)

ASL: July, August

Italian: Luglio, Agosto

German: Juli, August

Spanish: Julio, Agosto

French: Julliet, Août

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Cugnot's - Fardier à vapeur

We just learned about the North River Steamboat.

Another part of the history of steam engines is Cugnot's - Fardier à vapeur.

A lot of people made steam powered boats that many people liked.
But it took a lot longer for people to make steam powered engines on wheels that people liked.

The first known steam powered engine on wheels was made by a French man named Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, and he called it the "machine à feu pour le transport de wagons et surtout de l'artillerie" which is French for "fire engine for transporting wagons and especially artillery".

Since that's a long name, people just called it the "Fardier à vapeur" which means "Steam wagon".

He built it in 1769, but not a lot of people used it.
It went about 2 miles per hour, and could carry about 2 tons of weight.

Because it was very slow and broke down a lot, it was not very popular, and steam wagons like this were not used a lot for a long time.

(from: wikipedia - nicolas-joseph cugnot)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Forensic Podiatry

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Asian Golden Cat

We just learned about the Marbled Cat.

Another type of wild cat is the Asian Golden Cat, or the Catopuma temminckii.

This type of cat lives mostly in south India and China.
They are about 4 feet long, and weigh about 35 pounds.

Asian golden cats are golden, brown, or red-brown.
Some even have dark black fur like a panther.

These cats live alone and mostly stay up at night to hunt.
They hunt a lot of different animals, and can even climb trees to hunt birds.

When they want to talk, these cats can hiss, meow, purr or growl just like other cats.

(from: wikipedia - asian golden cat)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Sea Wasp

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


We just learned about the Rheum.

Another part of the eye is a Myokymia, which is a type of eye spasm where the eyelid twitches.

Sometimes without doing it on purpose the upper or lower eyelid might twitch a little.
It usually goes away after a while, and is usually caused by not getting enough sleep or not drinking enough water.

If it is really bad and doesn't go away for months, then it is called a blepharospasm.

(from: wikipedia - blepharospasm)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Vermillion Border

Monday, June 8, 2020

Antarctic Sea Ice

We just learned about the South Pole.

Another part of Antarctica is the Antarctic Sea Ice.

We've learned before about the big Antarctic Ice Sheet that covers the continent.
And we've learned about the Ice Shelves that stick out from the Ice Sheet above the water.

The ice shelves are very thick, sometimes 1 kilometer deep.
Sea ice is a lot thinner, and is usually only a few meters thick.
Sometimes it is touching the shelf ice, and sometimes it's just floating out in the ocean close to Antarctica.

During the winters in Antarctica, the frozen sea ice goes out very far from the main land of Antarctica, and then in the summer most of it melts back to the ice shelves.

(from: wikipedia - antarctic sea ice)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Barbican

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Teutonic Order

We just learned about the Knights Templar.

Another military group in the Catholic church was the Teutonic Order, also called the Order of the Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem.

Just like the Knights Hospitaller and the Knights Templar, these were soldiers who wore armor and worked for the church.

The job of the Teutonic Order was mostly to protect Christians that were traveling to the Holy Land of Jerusalem, and to also help set up some hospitals.

This group is actually still around but the people are not soldiers anymore, they are just a group of people who try to do good things for the world.

(from: wikipedia - teutonic order)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Church of Holy Sepulchre

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Johns Hopkins - Hans Schuler

We just learned about the Civil War Memorial by Martin Milmore.

Another famous American work of art is the statue of Johns Hopkins, made in 1935 in Baltimore Maryland by Hans Schuler.

Schuler was born in Germany in 1874, and then came to American when he was young.
He went to art school in Maryland, and then later moved to France to work with some famous sculptors there.

When he was 32, he moved back to Maryland and stayed there for the rest of his life.
He was famous for making public monuments in Baltimore, and was called "Baltimore's Monument Maker".
There are a few cemeteries in town that he made a lot of sculptures for.

When he was 61 he made the statue of Johns Hopkins.
Johns Hopkins was famous for helping build hospitals and schools, and also was famous for fighting against slavery.
This statue of him was placed at Johns Hopkins University.

(from: wikipedia - hans schuler)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Mask for King Obalufon II

Friday, June 5, 2020

Russian - May, June

Let's keep learning about the months of the year in Russian!

We already learned that January, February is Январь (Yanvar'), Февраль (Fevral'), and March, April is Март (Mart), Апрель (Aprel').

Let's keep going!

May - Май (May) - sounds like mah-ee 文A

June - Июнь (Iyun') - sounds like ee-oon 文A

russian language
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)

Norwegian: Mai, Juni

Greek: Μάιος (Máios), Ιούνιος (Ioúnios)

ASL: May, June

Italian: Maggio, Giugno

German: Mai Juni

Spanish: Mayo, Junio

French: Mai, Juin

Thursday, June 4, 2020

North River Steamboat

We just learned about the Sun and Planet Gear.

Another part of early machines was the North River Steamboat, also called the Clermont.

After all the pieces were invented to make a working steam engine, people started to try and use them to move things around.

In 1807 in New York, the North River Steamboat was built to take people along the Hudson River from New York City to Albany.

The boat was 142 feet long, and went about 5 miles per hour on the river.
It went about 150 miles, and took about 30 hours to make the trip!
Today in a car that takes about 2 hours, but back then it was a big deal.

(from: wikipedia - north river steamboat)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Forensic Epidemiology

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Marbled Cat

We just learned about the Oncilla.

Another type of wild cat is the Marbled Cat.

This cat lives in Asia, in the forest mountains near places like the Himalayas.
They are about the same size as a normal house cat, but they have more rounded ears and a really long tail.
Their fur is brown or grey, and they have stripes on their head neck and back.

Marbled cats weigh about 11 pounds, and are around 2 feet long with a 2 foot furry tail.
That means their tail is about as long as their whole body!
The extra long tail works kind of like a squirrel's tail and helps them balance when they are running around in the trees.

(from: wikipedia - marbled cat)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Diplulmaris Antarctica

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


We just learned about the Eyelash.

Another part of the eye is Rheum.

This is what some people call sleep, sleepy seeds, sleepy bunds, sleepy sand, eye goop, sleep dust or sleepy dirt.

Sometimes when you wake up in the morning there is some hard crusty thing by the inside corner of your eye.
It is hard almost like a piece of sand, and you can wipe it away.

This is called rheum, and it is just the oils that come from your glands building up and drying by your eye.
These oils are coming out all day long, but when you blink they get spread out on your eye or they dry up.
When you sleep you aren't blinking so it dries up and gets crusty.

In the old days people made up a person called the Sandman that comes around and sprinkles sand on the eyes of kids to bring them good dreams.
When you wake up in the morning, that's the leftover sand from the sandman.

(from: wikipedia - sandman)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Cupid's Bow

Monday, June 1, 2020

South Pole

We just learned about Pole of Inaccessibility Research Station.

We learned before about adventurers traveling to the South Pole.

The south pole is at the very bottom of the planet, and at the opposite end of the north pole.
We know the first person to get there was Roald Admundsen, and the Amundsen-Scott station is right at the south pole.

There is a red striped pole with a silver globe on top with flags all around for picture taking at the south pole. This is called the Ceremonial South Pole, and it is a few feet away from the real south pole.
The warmest the south pole has ever been is 9 F, and the coldest ever was -117 F.

There is also the South Magnetic Pole, which is in a different spot.
When you use a compass and one end points north, the other end points south.
This is because the earth's poles are magnetic which helps a lot for travel!
These north and south poles actually move a little based on the changes in the earth under the ground like the moving magma.

There is also the South Geomagnetic Pole, which is in another different spot.
The earth spins around and makes a magnetic field around it.
You can think about it like how static electricity can move things around.
This is really the true magnetic pole, but the moving of magma and other parts of the earth makes the magnetic pole move around and be different than the geomagnetic pole.

Another place is the South Pole of Inaccessibility.
This is the place in the south pole that is the hardest to get to, as it is the farthest place inland from the ocean.
There was a Russian base there for a while but it has been abandoned.

(from: wikipedia - south pole)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Sally Port