Showing posts with label De Stijl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label De Stijl. Show all posts

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Metz & Co showroom - van der Leck

We just learned about the famous work of art Composition VII by Theo van Doesburg.

Another famous work of art is the Metz & Co showroom by Dutch artist Bart van der Leck in 1941.

Like Mondrian and van Doesburg, van der Leck was part of the abstract art style called De Stijl.

Metz and Co was a store that asked van Doesburg to make a nice looking room, and he made it using simple shapes and colors, that weren't supposed to look like anything except a bunch of shapes.

(from: wikipedia - bart van der leck)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Raphael Rooms

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Composition VII - van Doesburg

We just learned about the famous painting Composition II by Piet Mondrian.

Another famous work of art is Composition VII by Dutch artist Theo van Doesburg in 1917.

Like Mondrian, van Doesburg was part of the De Stijl movement that made abstract art using shapes and colors that were just from their imagination.

(from: wikipedia - theo van doesburg)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: The Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata - Donatello

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Composition II - Mondrian

We just learned about the work of art Revolving Torsion by Naum Gabo.

Another famous work of art is Composition II by Piet Mondrian.

We learned a while back about another of Mondrian's works called Broadway Boogie Woogie

Mondrian was famous for an abstract style of painting called De Stijl which is Dutch and means the style.

He only used the same shades of white, yellow, red, blue and black to make his paintings, and he used straight lines, squares and rectangles.

(from: wikipedia - piet mondrian)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Whistler's Mother