Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cheek muscles

We just learned about the Depressor Lip Muscles.

There are three muscles in your cheek area that help you do things like smile and whistle:

Orbicularis oris, risorius, and buccinator.

Orbicularis oris
(from: wikipedia - Orbicularis oris muscle)

(from: wikipedia - risorius)

(from: wikipedia - buccinator muscle)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Sacrum

Monday, December 30, 2013


We just learned about the Asian country of South Korea.

Bangladesh is a very small country with a lot of people, squeezed right between India and China.

(from: wikipedia - bangladesh)

For dinner in Bangladesh you might have biryani, which is rice with spices, chicken and vegetables.
(from: wikipedia - bangladeshi cuisine)

Fazlur Khan was a famous engineer from Bangladesh, he helped make the Sears Tower in Chicago, which was the tallest building in the world when it was made.
fazlur khan
sears tower
(from: wikipedia - fazlur khan)

There are many beautiful lakes and beaches in Bangladesh, one of them is Kaptai Lake.
kaptai lake
(from: wikipedia - tourism in bangladesh)

For the new year in Bangladesh people dress up in colorful outfits and have celebrations.

(from: wikipedia - pohela boishakh)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Pacific Ocean

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Jesus' Apostles - Matthias

After the Apostle Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, they replaced him with Matthias.

(from: wikipedia - saint matthias)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostle's Creed - Part 4

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Lunar impact craters

We just learned about the big long ditches on the moon called Lunar Grabens.

Lunar impact craters are large circle shaped things on the moon that almost look like big empty swimming pools.

They were created by smaller asteroids that crashed into the moon and left marks there.

lunar impact crater tycho
(from: wikipedia - impact crater)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Luna 2 - First spacecraft on the moon

Friday, December 27, 2013

Spanish Alphabet - A B C D E F G

The Spanish alphabet looks almost just like the English one,
but it sounds a little different.

A - Sounds like ah
B - Sounds like bay
C - Sounds like say
D - Sounds like day
E - Sounds like ay (like in say)
F - Sounds like eff-ay
G - Sounds like hay

association of spanish language academies
(from: wikipedia - Association of Spanish Language Academies)

Do you remember how to say it in French?
French Alphabet - A B C D E F G

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Lava channel

We just learned about a Fissure Vent.

A lava channel is like a river of flowing lava.

lava channel
(from: wikipedia - lava channel)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Waves and wavelength

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


We just learned about the Red Fox.

Reindeer are also known as caribou. (sounds like care ih boo)

They love the cold, so they only live in the frozen northern parts of the world, like the North Pole, Canada, Alaska and Russia.
(from: wikipedia - reindeer)

When a grown up reindeer walks, their knees make a clicking sound.
The bigger the reindeer, the louder the click.
Smaller reindeer know to watch out for bigger tougher reindeer when they hear loud clicks!

A reindeer's favorite food is a type of moss called lichen. (Sounds like like en)
They eat so much of it, the moss's nickname is reindeer moss.

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Snail eye stalks, feet and shells

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Depressor lip muscles

We learned that the muscles for the upper lip are the levator muscles.

There are three muscles in your face on the front of your chin that help push up your bottom lip:
depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, mentalis.

depressor anguli oris
(from: wikipedia - depressor anguli oris)

depressor labii inferioris
(from: wikipedia - depressor labii inferioris)

(from: wikipedia - mentalis)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Distal Phalanges

Monday, December 23, 2013

South Korea

We just learned about Thailand.

South Korea is a small peninsula on the east part of China.
south korea
(from: wikipedia - south korea)

For dinner in South Korea you might have bibimbap, which is like rice with vegetables and meat.
(from: wikipedia - bibimbap)

In the city of Boryeong, there is a big mud festival where everyone gets dirty!
boryeong mud festival
(from: wikipedia - boryeong mud festival)

Famous singer Psy who wrote the Gangnam Style song is from South Korea.
(from: wikipedia - psy (rapper))

Seoul is the largest city in South Korea with over 10 million people.
(from: wikipedia - seoul)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Atlantic Ocean

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Jesus' Apostles - Judas Iscariot

We just learned about the apostles James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Jude Thaddaeus

The twelfth apostle of Jesus was named Judas Iscariot.

When Jesus came along, he made some people mad because he said they weren't following God the way they should be.
They were so angry they wanted him to be killed!

The apostle named Judas made a deal with these people for some money, and betrayed Jesus so he would be captured.

judas iscariot
(from: wikipedia - matthew 27:4)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostle's Creed - Part 3

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Lunar Grabens

We just learned about the Lunar Wrinkle Ridges

Let's keep learning about the Moon!

Another thing you can see on the moon looks like a big long ditch.

This is called a Graben.

One of the grabens on the moon is called Rima Ariadaeus:
lunar grabens
(from: wikipedia - geology of the moon)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: First Americans in space - Alan Shepard, John Glenn

Friday, December 20, 2013

Spanish - six, seven, eight, nine, ten

We counted to five, now let's count to ten in Spanish!
6 seis - sounds like say-ee-ss /?/
7 siete - sounds like see-et-ay /?/
8 ocho - sounds like oh-cho /?/
9 nueve - sounds like new-ay-vay /?/
10 diez - sounds like dee-ace /?/

association of spanish language academies
(from: wikipedia - Association of Spanish Language Academies)

Do you remember how to say it in French?
six, sept, huit, neuf, dix

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Fissure vent

We just learned about the type of volcano called a Shield Volcano.

Sometimes lava erupts right out of the ground, not from a large volcano.

When it comes up from a big crack in the ground it is called a Fissure Vent.
fissure vent
(from: wikipedia - fissure vent)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Light Year

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Red Fox

We just learned about the Moray Eel.

The red fox is a very common type of fox that lives through North America, Asia and Europe.

A boy fox is called a tod, a girl fox is a vixen, and little baby foxes are called kits.
red fox
(from: wikipedia - red fox)

What does the fox say?

Red foxes make a few different types of sounds.
One is like a high pitched barking sound.
Another is like a high shrieking sound, almost like a woman screaming.
Another is called "gekkering" and it sounds very weird, like chattering teeth and high pitched barking.

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Spectacled Cobra

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Levator Lip Muscles

We just learned about the Procerus Nose Muscle.

There are two muscles in your face that help raise your upper lip:
levator labii superioris and levator anguli oris.

The superioris muscle is the bigger one.

levator means to raise, labii means lip, superioris means upper or bigger, anguli means angled and oris means mouth.

levator labii superioris
(from: wikipedia - levator labii superioris)

levator anguli oris
(from: wikipedia - levator anguli oris)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Intermediate Phalanges

Monday, December 16, 2013


We just learned about the country of Indonesia.

Thailand is a small country just south of China.

(from: wikipedia - thailand)

Phat thai (also called pad thai) is a meal of noodles, meat, vegetables, peanuts and spices.
pad thai
(from: wikipedia - pad thai)

Kickboxing is a popular sport in Thailand.
muay thai kick boxing
(from: wikipedia - muay thai)

Khon is a type of dance where people wear masks and dance while a story is told.
(from: wikipedia - khon)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Asia

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Jesus' Apostles - James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Jude Thaddaeus

We've learned about 8 of the twelve apostles so far:
Fishermen Andrew and Simon Peter
Fishermen James and John who were brothers and sons of Zebedee.
Philip and Bartholomew who were from the same town as the others.
Matthew the tax collector.
Thomas who is sometimes called doubting Thomas.

Some of the apostles were named the same as others, so they aren't just listed by their first name.

There were two apostles named James.
We already learned about James son of Zebedee, there was also James son of Alphaeus.
james son of alphaeus
(from: wikipedia - james, son of alphaeus)

We already learned about Simon Peter, and there is also the apostle Simon the Zealot.
simon the zealot
(from: wikipedia - simon the zealot)

Sometimes people had different names or nicknames too. The apostle Thaddaeus is also called Jude.
jude thaddaeus
(from: wikipedia - jude the apostle)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostle's Creed - Part 2

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Lunar wrinkle ridges

We just learned about Lunar Domes.

Let's keep learning about the moon!

Another thing you can see on the moon look like wrinkled lines.
These are called wrinkle ridges.

If you look inside the crater Letronne, you will see some wrinkled lines that are wrinkle ridges.
wrinkle ridges
(from: wikipedia - geology of the moon)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: First Human in Space - Yuri Gagarin

Friday, December 13, 2013

Spanish - One, two, three, four, five

Let's count to five in Spanish!
1 uno - sounds like oo-no /?/
2 dos - sounds like doh-s /?/
3 tres - sounds like ted-ace /?/
4 quatro - sounds like coo-ah-ted-oh /?/
5 cinco - sounds like sink-oh /?/

association of spanish language academies
(from: wikipedia - Association of Spanish Language Academies)

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Shield Volcanoes

We learned before about stratovolcanoes and how they are tall and cone shaped.

When a volcano is much flatter, it's called a shield volcano.

Shield volcanoes are made up mostly of hardened lava flows.
shield volcano
(from: wikipedia - shield volcano)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Speed of Light

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Moray Eel

We just learned about the Electric Eel

Another type of Eel is the Moray Eel.

Moray eels are big long eels that mostly live in cracks of rocks and other small places.
They can not see very well, but they have a strong sense of smell so when a small fish comes by they jump out and bite it!
moray eel
(from: wikipedia - moray eel)

Moray eels have a second jaw inside their mouth that comes forward, bites down on their prey, then pulls into their mouth.
moray eel second jaw
(from: wikipedia - moray eel)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Beaver Tails

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Procerus nose muscle

We just learned about the Tongue muscle.

There is a muscle on your nose, that helps you wrinkle up your nose like when you are sniffing like a bunny.
That muscle is called your procerus muscle.
(from: wikipedia - procerus muscle)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Proximal Phalanges

Monday, December 9, 2013


We just learned about the country of Israel.

Let's learn about the country of Indonesia!

Indonesia is a country made up of over 17,000 islands!
Most people live on three of the larger islands.

It has the fourth most people of any country in the world, behind China, India and the US.
(from: wikipedia - indonesia)

For a meal in Indonesia, you might have satay, which is cooked meat on a stick, with a sauce.
(from: wikipedia - sate)

Very much of the world's coral is right around the islands, so it's a great place to go scuba diving!
indonesia scuba
(from: wikipedia - tourism in indonesia)

When Barack Obama was a little boy, his family moved to Indonesia and he went to 1st through 4th grade there. barack obama
(from: wikipedia - Early life and career of Barack Obama)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Europe

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Jesus' Apostles - Thomas

We've learned about 7 of the twelve apostles so far:
Fishermen Andrew and Simon Peter
Fishermen James and John who were brothers and sons of Zebedee.
Philip and Bartholomew who were from the same town as the others.
Matthew the tax collector.

Another one of the Apostles was named Thomas.

He is sometimes called doubting Thomas because when the news came that Jesus had risen from the dead, he said that he would not believe it unless he saw Jesus with his own eyes and touched him with his own hands.

When Jesus appeared before him, he said that Thomas should have believed without seeing, because of so many others that believe without seeing.

That lesson helps us to remember that believing in Jesus doesn't always mean we get to see miracles, meet angels or meet Jesus face to face, it means we have to have faith even though we can't see him.
jesus apostle thomas
(from: wikipedia - thomas the apostle)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostle's Creed - Part 1

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Lunar Domes

We've learned about the moon's highlands, maria and rille.

What about volcanoes on the moon?

There are no active volcanoes there, but there are some old ones that we call lunar domes.

The lava from the volcanoes is what made the rilles that we already learned about,
and the dark maria areas are from when lava flowed long ago.

The lunar domes look like circle shaped lumps or holes on the moon.
lunar domes
(from: wikipedia - geology of the moon)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Explorer - 1

Friday, December 6, 2013

Spanish - Dog, Cat

To say dog in Spanish, you say perro and it sounds like ped-oh. /?/

To say cat in Spanish, you say gato and it sounds like gah-toe. /?/

association of spanish language academies
(from: wikipedia - Association of Spanish Language Academies)

Do you remember how to say it in French?
chien, chat

Thursday, December 5, 2013


We just learned about Pillow Lava underwater.

Volcanoes come in different shapes and sizes.

If a volcano is tall and shaped like a cone, it is usually made up of hardened tephra, lava and ash.

We call that type a stratovolcano.
mayon stratovolcano
(from: wikipedia - stratovolcano)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Speed of Sound