Friday, March 31, 2017

ASL - Your food is hot

We just learned in ASL how to say My Drink is Cold

Let's learn how to say Your food is hot.
To say "your", put your open hand out in front of you, almost like you are telling someone to stop.

To say "food" you point all your fingers out and put them together, almost like making a puppet hand. Then put your fingers to your mouth, almost like you're putting food into your mouth.

To say "hot" you put your hand up by your mouth, with your fingers all spread out like a claw. Then blow on your hand, and have your hand move away like you blew it away with your breath.

Here are some helpful videos to show how these signs are done.

American Sign Language (ASL) Lesson: Food & ABCDE - Eric Buffington

hot - ASL sign for hot - My Smart Hands

(from: wikipedia - american sign language)

Italian: Il vostro cibo è caldo
German: Ihr Essen ist heiß

Spanish: Tu comida está caliente

French: Votre nourriture est chaud

Thursday, March 30, 2017


We just learned about the Milling Cutter.

One type of milling cutter is called a Hob.
Cutting with a hob is called hobbing.

When you need to make a gear or sprocket to be used in a machine or something like a bike chain, the hob can be used to cut the teeth of the gear into the right size and shape.

(from: wikipedia - hobbing)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tropical Storm

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Goliath Frog

We just learned about the smallest frog in the world, the Paedophryne Amauensis.

The largest frog in the world is the Goliath Frog.

This frog can grow to be over a foot long and weigh over seven pounds!

(from: wikipedia - goliath frog)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Blue Krait

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


We just learned about the Skin.

Skin is made up of a lot of layers. The top part on the outside is called the Epidermis.
This is the dry part of the skin that helps protect things from getting inside of your body.

(from: wikipedia - epidermis)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Brain

Monday, March 27, 2017

Brooks Range

We just learned about the Laramide Belt.

One mountain range in the Laramide Belt is the Brooks Range in Alaska and Canada.

This mountain range has a mine called the "Red Dog Mine", which is the largest Zinc mine in the world.

(from: wikipedia - brooks range)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lake Taymyr

Sunday, March 26, 2017


We just learned about the Solomon.

Another person from the Bible was Elijah.

Elijah was a prophet of God during a time when the Kings of Israel were not doing what they were supposed to.
God told Elijah to tell everyone there would not be any rain for a long time.
During this time God sent Elijah to meet a woman and ask her for food.
She said she had only enough food for her to eat for one more day, and then she would starve.
Elijah told her to go make him some bread and that she would not run out, and the flour and oil she had lasted for 40 days.

One of the bad kings was named Ahab, and he had his people worship a false God named Baal.
God told Elijah to go challenge the prophets that worked for Baal, to see if they could start a fire to burn up a sacrifice.
No matter what the Baal prophets did, they could not get the fire to light.
When it was Elijah's turn, he told them to soak everything with water to prove how strong God was.
Elijah asked God to light the fire, and it burned up the offering and the wood and the stones.
Everyone who saw this was amazed and believed in God again.
Because they came back to God, there was rain again and people could grow crops again.

(from: wikipedia - elijah)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Holy Week

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Fontana Maggiore - Pisano

We just learned about the Siena Cathedral Pulpit.

Another gothic sculpture is the Fontana Maggiore made in Italy in 1278 by the famous sculptors Nicola and Giovanni Pisano.

There are twenty five sides of the fountain basin, and they have sculptures of many things from the Bible like prophets, saints, stories from Genesis, and also signs of the zodiac.

(from: wikipedia - fontana maggiore)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Statue of Gudea

Friday, March 24, 2017

ASL - My drink is cold

We just learned in ASL how to say This chair is small.

To say the my drink is small in ASL you first start by putting your flat open hand on your chest "my".

After that to do the sign for drink you hold your hand out in front of you like you are holding an invisible glass, then you bring it toward your mouth and tip it, and tip your head back like you are taking a drink.

To say "cold" you put your hands into fists, and with your fists held by your body at your chest you shake them a little, almost like you are shivering.

Here are some helpful videos to show how these signs are done.

drink - ASL sign for drink - My Smart Hands

Sign Language Lessons hot,cold,summer,rain - Franz Lucading

(from: wikipedia - american sign language)

Italian: La mia bevanda è freddo

German: Mein Getränk ist kalt

Spanish: Mi bebida es fría

French: Ma boisson est froid

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Milling Cutter

We just learned about Milling.

In the Mill that cuts the piece of metal, there is a tool called the Milling Cutter.

This is the piece that spins around and cuts the metal into shapes.
There are many different types of cutters, and each one has a special purpose for cutting different types of metals in different ways.

(from: wikipedia - milling cutter)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tropical Depresssion

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Paedophryne Amauensis

We just learned about the Mountain Chicken Frog.

Another frog is the Paedophryne Amauensis.

It is the smallest frog in the world, and is less than half an inch long!
Unlike a lot of other frogs, this tiny frog does not start out as a tadpole, the eggs hatch into tiny little baby frogs.

The first part of the name paedophryne means child-frog, and there are a few other types of tiny little frogs in the same family as the Amauensis, but this is the tiniest one.
Their croak is a high pitched chirp, almost like an insect, which is why no one found them for a long time!

(from: wikipedia - paedophryne amauensis)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Coral Snake

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Let's keep learning about the Integumentary System.

The largest part of this system is the skin.

It is the largest organ in the human body, and it makes up about 15 percent of a person's body weight.
That means if a person weighs 100 pounds, their skin weighs 15 pounds!

Human skin has a few layers that help protect the inside of the body from things getting in, and it can heal when it is cut.

(from: wikipedia - epidermis)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Peripheral Nervous System

Monday, March 20, 2017

Laramide Belt

We just learned about the Interior System of Canada, part of the Nevadan Belt.

Another mountain belt is the Laramide Belt.
We've learned about the Pacific Coast Belt which is on the west coast of North America, and the Nevadan Belt which is east of that.
If we look further east of the Nevadan Belt, the mountains there are called the Laramide Belt, going from Alaska, through Canada, the lower US states and Mexico.

The belt is named after the Laramie Mountains in Wyoming, which were named after an explorer named Jacques La Ramee who disappeared in those mountains in 1820.

(from: wikipedia - laramie mountains)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lake Athabasca

Sunday, March 19, 2017


We just learned about the person from the Bible named Nathan.

Another person from the Bible is Solomon.

Solomon was the son of David, and Solomon became king.
When Solomon was young, God talked to him and asked him what he wanted.
He asked God to give him wisdom to rule over God's people.
This made God very happy, and he gave him riches and honor to go with his wisdom.

Solomon wrote many wise sayings that are in the Bible called Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, and a poem that he wrote for his wife in the book Song of Solomon.

(from: wikipedia - solomon)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Ash Wednesday

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Siena Cathedral Pulpit

We just learned about the Portals at Reims Cathedral.

Another gothic art sculpture is the Siena Cathedral Pulpit.

This pulpit was carved by a famous artist named Nicola Pisano.

It tells seven different stories, one on each face of the pulpit.
All the stories are about the life of Christ, from his birth to death and the last judgement.

(from: wikipedia - siena cathedral pulpit)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Cylinder Seal

Friday, March 17, 2017

ASL - The chair is small

We just learned in ASL how to say This house is big

Let's learn about more of the things we see every day.

To say the chair is small in ASL you first start with the sign for chair.

The sign for chair is with two hands, using your index and middle finger together, with your hands in front of you and your palms facing down, you put your right fingers over your left fingers.

To sign small, first start with two hands in fists in front of you.
Move your fists toward each other one time.

Here are some helpful videos to show how these signs are done.

Chair in Sign Language, ASL Dictionary for kids - ASL Kids

Signing "Big" & "Small" - William Conklin

(from: wikipedia - american sign language)

Italian: La sedia è piccolo

German: Der Stuhl ist klein

Spanish: La silla es pequeña

French: La chaise est petit

Thursday, March 16, 2017


We just learned how a Metal Lathe is a piece of metal being spun around while a sharp tool cuts it.

Another type of tool for cutting metal is a Mill.

A mill is a machine that has a tool that spins around very fast, while the piece of metal you want to cut is being held still.
So in a way it's the opposite of a lathe, where the metal is spinning and the tool is held still.

(from: wikipedia - milling (machining))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tropical Cyclone

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Mountain Chicken Frog

We just learned about the Purple Frog.

Another type of frog is the Mountain Chicken Frog.

This frog is called the mountain chicken because it lives in the mountains and is so large it was hunted a lot for food.
Some people think it tastes like chicken, or it is big enough to eat like a chicken.

It is one of the largest frog in the world and can grow to be 8 inches long.
This frog eats a lot, and will eat anything from crickets and millipedes to snakes, bats and even other smaller frogs!
Because it was hunted for food a lot, there are not a lot of these frogs left, so it is now illegal to hunt them.

(from: wikipedia - leptodactylus fallax)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Blunthead Tree Snake

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Integumentary System

We've learned a lot about the Nervous System.

Another part of the body is the Integumentary System.

This is the part of the body that is your skin, hair and nails.

(from: wikipedia - integumentary system)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Central Nervous System

Monday, March 13, 2017

Interior System of Canada

We just learned about the Nevadan Belt.

One part of the Nevadan Belt is the Interior System of Canada.

These mountains are in the provinces of British Columbia and Yukon in Canada.
There are thousands of mountain peaks in this area, and the area is mostly empty.
Many of the peaks are covered in snow and glaciers, and some have volcanoes.

One special area is the Tuya Range, where a bunch of old volcanoes called Tuyas are found.
Tuyas are flat topped volcanoes, that mostly were formed when volcanoes erupted inside of glaciers.

(from: wikipedia - tuya)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lake Nicaragua

Sunday, March 12, 2017


We just learned about the person from the Bible named David.

Another person from the Bible is Nathan.

During the time of King David, there was a woman that King David took away named Bathsheeba.
Bathsheeba was married to someone else, and so it was very bad that David took her away, but he was the king so no one could tell him no.
God sent the prophet Nathan in to tell David a story about a rich man who had lots of sheep, but he stole his poor neighbor's only sheep.
He used this to explain to David that when he stole Bathsheeba, he did the same thing to her husband.
David felt very bad and asked God for forgiveness.

Later when David's son Solomon was ready to be King, Nathan was the prophet that announced he would be king.

(from: wikipedia - nathan (prophet))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Fat Tuesday

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Portals at Reims Cathedral

We just learned about the Portals at Chartres Cathedral.

Another set of Gothic sculptures are Portals at Reims Cathedral built in France, year 1211 AD.

These portals are large sculpted doorways with arches and columns full of figures that tell stories.
The only cathedral that has more sculptures is the Chartres that we just learned about.

One of the portals tells the story of Mary the mother of Jesus.
Another tells the story of Jesus and the last judgement.
The third portal tells the story of the prophets and apostles.
There is also a famous sculpture of a smiling angel that was damaged in war, and then fixed later.

(from: wikipedia - reims cathedral)

(from: wikipedia - reims cathedral)

(from: wikipedia - reims cathedral)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lyres of Ur

Friday, March 10, 2017

ASL - This house is big

We just learned in ASL how to say We are Surprised

Let's learn about some of the things we see every day.

To say this house is big in ASL you first start with the sign for house.
Put your flat hands out in front of you, palms facing down, fingers pointing away from you, with your hands next to each other.
Move your hands away from each other and outward, and then turn them and move them downward.
This is almost like you are drawing a shape of a square house in the air.

To say big, you put your flat hands in front of you, next to each other but not touching, palms facing left and right, facing each other, fingers pointed away from you.
Move your hands out away from each other, like you are spreading them out.

You can just make the sign for house and big, you don't need to do a sign for "this" unless you really need to say that it is different from "that" house.
If you need to do the sign for "this", you just point your finger down.

Here are some helpful videos to show how these signs are done.

Learn to sign: Homes, Rooms, Furniture, and more - Meredith ASL

big - ASL sign for big - My Smart Hands

(from: wikipedia - american sign language)

Italian: Questa casa è grande

German: Das Haus ist groß

Spanish: Esta casa es grande

French: Cette maison est grande

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Lathe - Carriage

We just learned about the Lathe Bed.

Another part of the lathe is the Carriage.
The carriage is what holds the tool that is used to work on the metal that is being spun around on the lathe between the headstock and tailstock.

The carriage moves the tool in closer, and the tool works like a scraper or a drill and cuts parts of the metal off as the metal spins around.

(from: wikipedia - metal lathe)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: F5 Tornado

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Purple Frog

We just learned about the Darwin's Frog.

Another frog is the Purple Frog.

This frog stayed hidden for a long time and nobody ever knew about it, because it kept itself buried in the mud, and only came out during big monsoon rainstorms.
It has a funny sounding croak that almost sounds like a chicken clucking.

(from: wikipedia - purple frog)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Southern Hognose Snake

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Axon Terminal

We just learned about the Node of Ranvier.

Another part of the neuron is the Axon Terminal.

The Axon Terminal is the branch that goes out after the end of the long Axon, and it uses electricity and chemicals in the body to talk to other neurons.

(from: wikipedia - axon terminal)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Nervous System

Monday, March 6, 2017

Nevadan Belt

We just learned about the Sierra Madre Occidental.

We've learned about a lot of mountains in the Pacific Coast Belt of the North American Cordillera.
Another belt in the North American Cordillera is the Nevadan Belt.
This is a belt that are East of the Pacific Coast Belt.

Nevada is a word that means "Snow Covered".
These Mountains go through parts of Canada, The United States, and Mexico.

(from: wikipedia - sierra nevada (u.s.))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lake Titicaca

Sunday, March 5, 2017


We just learned about the person from the Bible named Saul.

Another person from the Bible was David.

After Saul had made God angry, Samuel went out to pick a new King for Israel.
Samuel went to the farm of a man named Jesse, and God picked the youngest of his eight sons, a boy named David to be the new king.

David went to work for King Saul, and went Saul was not feeling well he would play his harp, also called a lyre, to help him feel better.

One day the people of Israel were in a battle with the Philistine people, who had a giant warrior named Goliath.
Everyone was afraid to fight Goliath, except David, because David had faith that God would help him beat Goliath.
They tried to give him armor, but he said that God would protect him.
David took a rock and used his slingshot to throw it at Goliath and killed him, and won the battle for God.

Later on David was the king, and he won many battles for God's people.
He also wrote many songs which are in the book of Psalms.

One day David was up on the roof of his palace, and he looked over and saw a woman bathing.
He knew that he should not be looking at her, but instead of looking away he told his servants to go get the woman and bring her to him.
She was married to someone else, so this was a very bad thing that David did.
God was very angry with David for taking someone else's wife, since he was king and had so many wonderful things already.

David ran away and begged God for forgiveness, and that made God happy, so he let David's son Solomon become king after David died.

(from: wikipedia - david)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lent

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Portals at Chartres Cathedral

We just learned about the Pórtico da Gloria.

After the Romanesque time of sculptures, a new type of sculpture came around, called Gothic.
This was a lot like the Romanesque, but the statues and buildings were taller, had more windows, and were more pointed to the sky, like they were celebrating heaven.

One type of Gothic sculpture was the large sculptures above doorways, called portals at the Chartres Cahtedral.
There were three different entrances to the Cathedral, and each of them had three arch ways full of sculptures.
From the tympanum over the doorway, to the pillars holding the doorway up, there are hundreds of sculptures.

They all tell many stories from the Bible, from King Solomon, to John the Baptist, to Mary the mother of Jesus.

(from: wikipedia - chartres cathedral)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Copper Bull

Friday, March 3, 2017

ASL - We are surprised

We've learned in ASL how to say I am happy, you are sad, he is angry, and they are excited.

Let's learn how to say We are surprised.
To say "we" you point your finger down, and draw a half circle from your right shoulder to your left shoulder.

To say "surprised" you hold your hands up like you are pinching something.
Hold them up in front of your eyes, and then pop them open into the L hand shape, and open your eyes and mouth like you are surprised when you do that.

surprised - ASL sign for surprised - My Smart Hands

(from: wikipedia - american sign language)

Italian: Siamo sorpresi

German: Wir sind begeistert

Spanish: Estamos sorprendido

French: Nous sommes surpris

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Lathe - Bed

We just learned about the Lathe Tailstock.

Another part of the lathe is the Bed.

The bed of the lathe is the part in the middle connected to the headstock and tailstock.
The tailstock is attached to a rail along the bed, so it can slide back and forth to fit the metal being worked on.

(from: wikipedia - lathe)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Heart Wall - Pericardium

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Darwin's Frog

We just learned about the Common Midwife Toad.

Another type of frog is Darwin's Frog that lives in South America.
It is called Darwin's frog because it was discovered by Charles Darwin in 1841.

The white and brown on the frog makes it look like a dead leaf laying on the ground when they are sitting still trying to hide.

One very interesting thing about this type of frog is that the male frogs carries the eggs inside their mouth until they are ready to hatch.

(from: wikipedia - darwin's frog)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Green Vine Snake