Monday, November 30, 2015

Lake Huron

We just learned about Lake Victoria in Africa.

The next largest lake in the world is Lake Huron.

It is connected to the US State of Michigan, and the Canadian province of Ontario.

(from: wikipedia - lake huron)

The largest island in any lake in the world is on Lake Huron, called Manitoulin Island.

(from: wikipedia - manitoulin island)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Delaware

Sunday, November 29, 2015

First Peter

We just learned about the book of James.

Another book of the bible is First Peter who wrote a letter to some of the churches in his area.

He wrote to tell people to stay strong even if people were treating them badly for being Christians,
He told them how they should e acting, and reminded them about Jesus.

One famous saying from the book is:

Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

(from: wikipedia - saint peter)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Plans to kill Jesus

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Black Square - Malevich

We just learned about the famous painting Dynamic Hieroglyph of the Bal Tabarin by Gino Severini.

Another famous work of art is Black Square by Russian artist Kazimir Malevich in 1915.

This art was part of something called suprematist art.
This type of art used simple shapes like circles, squares, lines and rectangles
painted in simple colors like black, white, grey or brown.

(from: wikipedia - black square (painting))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: The Persistence of Memory - Salvador Dali

Italian - Do you speak Italian?

Remember that to say thank you in Italian, you say grazie.

To ask if someone speaks Italian, you say Parli italiano?.

It sounds like pah-r-lee ee-tah-lee-ah-no   /?/

To say yes you would say which sounds like see  /?/
or to say no you would say no which sounds like no  /?/

academy of the bran
(from: wikipedia - accademia della crusca)

To say it in German:
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?.

To say it in Spanish:
¿Hablas español?

To say it in French:
parlez-vous français?

Thursday, November 26, 2015


We just learned about how tornadoes can appear different in the sunlight.

Tornadogenesis is the way a tornado starts.

We know there are a lot of different kinds of tornadoes, and they all start in different ways.

(from: wikipedia - tornadogenesis)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Weather Fronts

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


We just learned about the type of dog the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.

Another type of dog is the Newfoundland.

(from: wikipedia - newfoundland (dog))

The newfoundland is a very big strong dog, that is great at swimming.
It has webbed feet almost like a duck, and it swims very well.
The newfoundland is so good at swimming, that they sometimes are used as rescue dogs for people that are drowning.

(from: wikipedia - newfoundland (dog))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Spider Lungs

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Digital Veins

We just learned about the Superficial Palmar Venous Arch.

The veins in the fingers are called the digital veins.

(from: wikipedia - palmar digital veins)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Pulmonary Vein

Monday, November 23, 2015

Lake Victoria

We just learned about Lake Superior.

The next largest lake is Lake Victoria in the continent of Africa, bordering the countries of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania

It is the largest tropical lake in the world, which means it is very close to the equator.

(from: wikipedia - lake victoria)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Connecticut

Sunday, November 22, 2015


We just learned about all of the letters that Paul wrote.

The next book of the Bible after the Pauline Epistles is the book of James.

James wrote about many things, but one of his most famous was talking about how having faith in God is great, but you still have to live by the faith that you believe in and work hard to do what God wants you to do.

James 2:26 says:

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

(from: wikipedia - james (brother of jesus))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Jesus Transfiguration

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Dynamic Hieroglyph of the Bal Tabarin - Severini

We just learned about the famous work of art The City Rises by Umberto Buccioni.

Another famous work of art is the painting Dynamic Hieroglyph of the Bal Tabarin by Italian painter Gino Severini in 1912.

This was another futurist painting, showing a bunch of dancers moving around and looking lively.

(from: wikipedia - gino severini)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: The Scream of Nature

Friday, November 20, 2015

Italian - Please, You're Welcome

Remember that to say thank you in Italian, you say grazie.

To say please in Italian is per favore.
It sounds like pay-er fah-voh-ray /?/.

And to say you're welcome, you say prego and it sounds like pray-goh /?/.

academy of the bran
(from: wikipedia - accademia della crusca)

To say it in German:
bitte, bitte schön

To say it in Spanish:
Por favor, de nada

To say it in French:
s'il vous plait, de rien

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tornado Appearance

We just learned that Tornado Rotation in the northern hemisphere is usually counter clockwise.

Sometimes tornadoes can look really big and scary, and other times they don't look all that big.

A lot of that has to do with where the sunlight is, whether it's behind or in front of the tornado.

If the tornado is in front of the sun, it looks very dark and scary because the light is behind it.
If the sun is behind someone who is looking at a tornado, the light is shining on the tornado and it can make it not look as dangerous.

(from: wikipedia - tornado)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Deposition

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

We just learned about the Flat Coated Retriever

The last and smallest type of retriever dog is the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.

This dog is an orange brown color and is good at helping hunters catch ducks.
The dog will go play out in the water, and the ducks swim over to see what is going on.
This is called tolling.
Then the hunter calls the dog back and he stands up, which scares the ducks and makes them fly away, and he can try to shoot them.

(from: wikipedia - nova scotia duck tolling retriever)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Spider Esophagus

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Superficial Palmar Venous Arch

We just learned about the Dorsal Venous Network of the Hand

The veins on the bottom or palm side of your hand are called the Superficial Palmar Venous Arch.

These veins are much smaller and can't really be seen from the skin, but they are right up along the arteries in the palm.

(from: wikipedia - superficial palmar venous arch)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Capillaries

Monday, November 16, 2015

Lake Superior

We just learned about the lake the Caspian Sea

The next largest lake is Lake Superior, which is a fresh water lake.
It is the largest lake that is not connected to the ocean like the Caspian Sea.
Superior is connected to the US states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and the Canadian province of Ontario.

Superior was called Gitche Gumee by the Native Americans, which means a great sea.
There was an old ship called the Edmund Fitzgerald that sank in Lake Superior, and it is still there today on the bottom of the lake.

(from: wikipedia - lake superior)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Colorado

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Paul's Letter to Philemon

We just learned about Paul's Letter to Titus.

The last letter Paul wrote was to his friend Philemon.

He wrote about a friend of his named Onesimus, and asked that his friend Philemon would take care of him, because Paul was in jail.

(from: wikipedia - paul the apostle)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Jesus tells his apostles that he will be killed

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The City Rises - Boccioni

We just learned about the famous work of art Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash by Giacomo Balla.

Another famous work of art is the painting The City Rises by Italian Painter Umberto Boccioni in 1910.

Just like Giacomo Balla, this artist was also famous for painting in the style of Futurism.

In this painting, there are things like buildings in the background, but most of the painting is people and horses that are all blended together.

The artist painted them in this way to try and make them look like there was a lot of action and movement.

(from: wikipedia - the city rises - (boccioni))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: The Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

Friday, November 13, 2015

Italian - Very good thanks, and you?

We just learned to say How are you? in Italian, Come va?

and Very good thanks is Molto bene, grazie.

To be polite you should also ask how the other person is doing.

And you? - E tu? - sounds like Ay too /?/

So with all that we've learned so far, we could understand a meeting between two people like this:

Mario: Ciao!
Luigi: Buongiorno! Come va?
Mario: Molto bene, grazie. E tu?
Luigi: Molto bene, grazie. Arrivederci!
Mario: Ciao!

academy of the bran
(from: wikipedia - accademia della crusca)

In German:
Sehr gut, danke. Und Sie?

In Spanish:
Muy bien gracias. ¿Y tú?

In French:
Très bien, merci. Et vous?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Tornado rotation

We just learned about a Snownado

Let's learn more about tornadoes!

Remember we learned about the equator that goes around the middle of earth, and splits up into the north and south parts, called hemispheres.

When a tornado is in the northern hemisphere, it almost always is spinning in a counter-clockwise direction.
Counter clockwise is the opposite of the direction a clock's hands usually go.

(from: wikipedia - clockwise)

Tornadoes in the southern hemisphere almost always spin in the clockwise direction.

(from: wikipedia - clockwise)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Condensation

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Flat Coated Retriever

We just learned about the type of dog the Curly Coated Retriever

Just like the curly coated retriever had curly hair, there is a dog called the Flat Coated Retriever that has flat non-curly hair.

This is another type of dog used a lot for hunting, with strong jaws and a long mouth for carrying birds and other animals that it is returning for hunters.

The flat coated retriever looks a lot like the labrador retriever, but there are a few small differences like the flat coated retriever has longer hair and a thicker chest.

(from: wikipedia - flat-coated retriever)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Spider Pedipalps

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Dorsal Venous Network of the Hand

We just learned about the Radial and Ulnar Veins in the forearm and wrist that bring deoxygenated blood back toward the heart.

There are veins on the top or back of your hand, called the dorsal side, that stick out a lot, and are sometimes used by doctors when they need to put a needle into your veins.

These large veins are called the dorsal venous network of the hand.

The word dorsal means top, like the dorsal fin on top of a dolphin's back, so the dorsal veins are on the top or back of your hand.
The palmar veins are by the palm of your hand.

(from: wikipedia - dorsal venous network of hand)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Circulatory System

Monday, November 9, 2015

Caspian Sea

We just learned about the US Virgin Islands

A while back we talked about all the oceans in the world, let's learn about some lakes!

The largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea.
It is in Asia, and borders with the countries of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan.

The saltwater Caspian Sea sometimes called a sea instead of a lake, because at the bottom of the lake the water actually connects underground and goes out to the ocean.
Lakes are usually not connected to any other large bodies of water like oceans, except by rivers.
If a large body of water is connected right to an ocean it is usually called a sea.

(from: wikipedia - caspian sea)

Whether the Caspian Sea is a sea or a lake, it is a really huge place!
It has more than 3 times the water than all of the Great Lakes in the US combined.

(from: wikipedia - caspian sea)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: California

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Paul's Letter to Titus

We just learned about Paul's second letter to his friend Timothy.

Another letter Paul wrote was to his friend Titus, who was living on an island called Crete that is part of the country of Greece.
Titus was helping Paul to tell other people about Jesus and teach them how to be good people.
Paul's letter gave Titus some more instructions about things he should to to help people.

(from: wikipedia - epistle to titus)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Jesus tells the Apostles that he is the Messiah

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash - Balla

We just learned about the painting Elegant Ball, Dance in the Country by Marie Laurencin.

Another famous work of art is the painting Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash by Italian artist Giacomo Balla in 1912.

This artist was famous for helping come up with the kind of art known as Futurism.
During the time of his paintings, there were many great inventions like the car and the airplane, and people really liked new fast and exciting things.

In Futurist paintings, the artists tried to make it look like things were moving fast.

(from: wikipedia - giacomo balla)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: The Last Supper - Davinci

Friday, November 6, 2015

Italian - How are you?

We just learned some greetings in Italian, like ciao, arrivederci and Boungiorno.

If you want to say How are you? in Italian, you would say:

Come va? - sounds like coh-may-vah /?/

To respond and say Very good thanks, you would say

Molto bene, grazie. - sounds like moh-l-toh bay-nay /?/

academy of the bran
(from: wikipedia - accademia della crusca)

In German: Wie geht es Ihnen?

In Spanish: ¿Cómo estás?

In French: Comment allez-vous?

Thursday, November 5, 2015


We just learned about the type of tornado the Waterspout Tornado.

Another type of weather is called a snownado.

It is also known as a winter waterspout, snow devil, icespout, ice devil, or snowspout.

These are tornadoes that happen over water like a waterspout, but they happen in the winter when it is cold enough out for snow.

Only a few pictures of these snownadoes have ever been taken.

(from: wikipedia - waterspout)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Submilation

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Curly Coated Retriever

We just learned about the type of dog the Labrador Retriever.

Another type of dog is the Curly Coated Retriever.

Just like you'd think from the name, this dog has a curly coat.
The curly coat keeps the dog warm in water, and also keeps poky plants like burrs from getting to their skin and scratching them.

Just like all other retrievers they are good dogs for hunting and going to get the prey and bring it back.

(from: wikipedia - curly coated retriever)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Spider Chelicerae

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Radial and Ulnar veins

We just learned about the median cubital vein in your elbow.

The veins below that are the radial and ulnar veins that bring deoxygenated blood from your wrist and forearm, back toward your heart.

The radial vein is the vein in your wrist by your thumb where doctors will sometimes feel your pulse.

(from: wikipedia - ulnar veins)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Large Intestine

Monday, November 2, 2015

US Virgin Islands

We just learned about the US territory of Puerto Rico.

Another US territory is the US Virgin Islands, which is in the Atlantic Ocean to the south east of Florida.

There are three main islands, and about 50 other very small islands.

(from: wikipedia - united states virgin islands)

The flag of the US Virgin Islands is white with an eagle between the letters V and I.
In one talon the eagle holds an olive branch, and in the other it holds three arrows for the three major islands of Saint Thomas, Saint John, and Saint Croix.

(from: wikipedia - flag of the united states virgin islands)

There is an old fort on one of the islands named Fort Willoughby that is over 200 years old.

(from: wikipedia - hassel island, u.s. virgin islands)

Trunk Bay on the island of St. John has a white sand beach and snorkeling.

(from: wikipedia - virgin islands national park)

In all of the rest of the US and its territories, people drive cars on the right side of the road. In the US Virgin Islands, they drive on the left side of the road. place

(from: wikipedia - right- and left-hand traffic)

Across the US are 10 very large satellite dishes, over 10 feet tall each.
They make up something called the Very Long Baseline Array, that can be used to look into outer space.
One of them is on the island of St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands.

(from: wikipedia - very long baseline array)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Arkansas

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Paul's Second Letter to Timothy

We just learned about Paul's First Letter to Timothy.

He wrote a second letter to his friend Timothy, telling him to stay strong and to keep working hard.

Some famous words from this letter are If we have died with him, we will also live with him;.

(from: wikipedia - saint timothy)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Parable of the Prodigal Son