Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Hawaiian Bobtail Squid

We just learned about the Coconut Octopus.

Another type of cephalopod is the Hawaiian Bobtail Squid.

This squid has a special type of bacteria that lives in its body that helps it glow a little, and also helps it change colors to match other things around it.

When it wants to hide, it buries its whole body under the sand, leaving just its eyes uncovered.

(from: wikipedia - euprymna scolopes)

(from: wikipedia - euprymna scolopes)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Darwin's Frog

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Medial and Lateral Meniscus

We just learned about the Knee Ligaments.

Another important connective tissue is the meniscus in the knee.

When you have more than one meniscus, it is called menisci.
The meniscus is like the rubber padding on your tibia where your fibula touches so it does not hit the other bone.

The two menisci in the knee are the medial and lateral meniscus.
Medial means closer to the middle of the body, and lateral means further from the middle of the body.
So the medial meniscus is on the inside part of your leg, and the lateral meniscus is on the outside part of your leg.

(from: wikipedia - medial meniscus)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Schwann Cell

Monday, February 26, 2018

Quintana Roo

We just learned about the Mexico State of Zacatecas.

Another Mexico State is Quintana Roo.

This state is on the eastern part of the bottom of Mexico, on what is called the Yucatan Peninsula.
It borders the Atlantic Ocean on the east, and the country of Belize on the south.

(from: wikipedia - quintana roo)

The coat of arms shows the four elements that were important to the Mayan people, Day, Night, Earth and Wind.
The day is the sun at the top, the night is the star on the middle right, the earth is the snail on the middle left in the red, and the wind is the bottom.

(from: wikipedia - quintana roo)

The city of Cancun is one of the most popular places for people to visit and enjoy the beaches.

(from: wikipedia - cancun)

Another famous beach and tourist place is Playa del Carmen

(from: wikipedia - playa del carmen)

In the city of Tulum, there are many castles and ancient ruins.

(from: wikipedia - tulum)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Sierra Madre Occidental

Sunday, February 25, 2018


We just learned about James son of Alpheus, the first of the seventy disciples.

The second one on the list is Cleopas.

Cleopas is in the Bible as one of the disciples who met Jesus on the road after Jesus came back to life after dying on the cross.

(from: wikipedia - cleopas)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Saul

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Vajrasana, Bodh Gaya

We just learned about the Bimaran Casket.

Another famous ancient art from Asia is the Vajrasana, Bodh Gaya.

Long ago there was a famous person called the Buddha who worked to try and figure out the best ways for people to live.

One famous place where he sat and meditated was saved, and sculptures were placed on and around it to remember the Buddha.

The word Vajrasana means diamond throne, and Bodh Gaya was the place where the throne was made.

(from: wikipedia - vajrasana, bodh gaya)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Pórtico da Gloria - Mateo

Friday, February 23, 2018

Greek - They are excited

We just learned that I am happy in Greek is Είμαι χαρούμενος (eímai charoúmenos),
you are sad is Είσαι λυπημενος (Eísai lypimenos),
and he is angry is Είναι θυμωμένος (Eínai thymoménos).

Let's learn how to say they are excited.

Είναι ενθουσιασμένοι (Eínai enthousiasménoi)

They are - Είναι (Eínai) - Sounds like EE-nay

Excited - ενθουσιασμένοι (enthousiasménoi) - Sounds like eh-n-thoo-zee-as-MAY-nee

So all together Είναι ενθουσιασμένοι (Eínai enthousiasménoi) sounds like EE-nay eh-n-thoo-zee-as-MAY-nee.

center for the greek language
(from: wikipedia - center for the greek language)

ASL: They are excited

Italian: Sono eccitati

German: Sie sind aufgeregt

Spanish: Ellos estan emocionados

French: Ils sont excité

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Richter Magnitude Scale

We just learned about the Seismogram.

Another part of earthquake science is the Richter Magnitude Scale.

We learned before about how seismic waves are waves of energy that move through the earth during an earthquake.

These waves are measured using seismograms, and a man named Charles Richter came up with numbered levels to use when talking about how powerful an earthquake was.

This is kind of like the Fujita scale for tornadoes, or the Saffir Simpson scale for hurricanes.

(from: wikipedia - richter magnitude scale)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lathe - Tailstock

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Coconut Octopus

We just learned about the European Squid.

Another type of cephalopod is the Coconut Octopus, also known as the veined octopus or amphioctopus marginatus.

This type of octopus lives mostly on the bottom of the water, and walks along in the sand.
It gets the name of coconut octopus, because it has been seen carrying empty coconut shells while it walks, and then when it wants to hide it climbs into the shell and closes it up.
Sometimes it will carry shells instead of coconuts and hide out in them, either hiding from predators or hiding so they can attack their prey.

Scientists also think that when it walks it looks like a coconut shell bouncing along the ocean floor.

(from: wikipedia - amphioctopus marginatus)

Coconut-carrying octopus stuns scientists - AFP news agency

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Common Midwife Toad

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Knee Ligaments

We just learned about the Hip & Femur Ligaments.

Another set of ligaments are the Knee Ligaments.

There are four main ligaments that connect the femur bone in the thigh, to the tibia and fibula bones of the lower leg.

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) connects the back of the femur to the front of the tiba. It helps keep the knee from twisting.
The Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) connects the front of the femur to the back of the tibia.
The Medial Cruciate Ligament (MCL) connects the inside of the femur to the inside of the tibia.
The Lateral Cruciate Ligament (LCL) connects the outside of the femur to the fibula.

(from: wikipedia - anterior cruciate ligament)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Myelin Sheath

Monday, February 19, 2018


We just learned about the Mexico state of Durango.

Another Mexico state is Zacatecas.

This state is right in the middle of Mexico.
It is known for the mining of riches like silver, and for being an important place in Mexico's battle for freedom.

(from: wikipedia - zacatecas)

The coat of arms has the Cerro de la Bufa hill with a cross on top of it, and a bunch of soldiers standing around a statue of the Virgin Mary.

(from: wikipedia - zacatecas)

There is a large hill with a rock formation on top that is called the Cerro de la Bufa.
It was an important place in many battles, and some important churches and other places have been built around it.

(from: wikipedia - cerro de la bufa)

Just like many other parts of Mexico, there are ancient ruins, like Las Columnas in the city of La Quemada.

(from: wikipedia - zacatecas)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Peninsular Ranges

Sunday, February 18, 2018

James son of Alpheus

We just learned about the Seventy Disciples.

The famous historian Hippolytus of Rome wrote down names of who he felt were the 70.

The first disciple listed is James the Lord's brother, bishop of Jerusalem.

Sometimes James is also known as "James, son of Alphaeus" or "James the lesser" because there were two apostles named James.

People aren't sure whether he was a child of Jesus' mother Mary, or if he was called Jesus' brother because they were so close.

After Jesus death, James moved to Jerusalem and was a leader in the church there along with Peter.

(from: wikipedia - james, son of alphaeus)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Samuel

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Bimaran Casket

We just learned about the Gandhara Stone Palettes.

Another example of art in Asia that has some Greek style is the Bimaran Casket, made around 50 AD in Afghanistan.

This is a golden container that has pictures of Buddha on the outside.
Buddha was a very important and wise person in Eastern Asia.
The pictures of Buddha on this container show him dressed and standing in a way that is a lot like Greek sculptures, so people think this was either done by Greek people who came through Afghanistan, or Greeks helped teach other people in the area how to do sculptures.

(from: wikipedia - bimarian casket)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tympanum at Vézelay Abbey - Gislebertus

Friday, February 16, 2018

Greek - He is angry

We just learned that I am happy in Greek is Είμαι χαρούμενος (eímai charoúmenos), and you are sad is Είσαι λυπημενος (Eísai lypimenos).

Now let's learn how to say He is angry.

Είναι θυμωμένος (Eínai thymoménos)

We can break it up into two words:
He is - Είναι (Eínai) - sounds like EE-nay
angry - θυμωμένος (thymoménos) - Sounds like thee-moh-MAY-noh-ss

So all together Είναι θυμωμένος (Eínai thymoménos) sounds like EE-nay thee-moh-MAY-noh-ss.

center for the greek language
(from: wikipedia - center for the greek language)

ASL: He is angry

Italian: Lui è arrabbiato

German: Er ist wütend

Spanish: Él está enojado

French: Il est en colère

Thursday, February 15, 2018


We just learned about the Seismometer.

Another part of earthquake science is the Seismogram.

These are pictures that are made by seismographs, used to show the movement of the ground on a graph.

(from: wikipedia - seismogram)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lathe - Headstock

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

European Squid

We just learned about the Cuttlefish.

Another type of cephalopod is the European Squid.

Squids are a lot like the cuttlefish, as they have eight short arms used for swimming and two tentacles used for grabbing their prey.
They also have a bone inside their body, kind of like the cuttlebone, but it is called the gladius.

They have a large part of their head called a mantle, with fins on the side.
Above the mantle is a tail.
Below the mantle they have the funnel where they breathe, and their eye.
At the bottom is their arms, tentacles and mouth.

(from: wikipedia - european squid)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Strawberry Poison Dart Frog

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Hip & Femur Ligaments

We just learned about the Phalangeal Ligaments.

Another ligament connects the Hip to the Femur.

There are a few different ligaments, tied to the femur from different parts of the hip: The ischiofemoral, pubofemoral and iliofemoral ligaments.

The iliofemoral connecting the upper part of the hip to the femur is the strongest ligament in the whole body, and can support over 700 pounds of weight!

(from: wikipedia - iliofemoral ligament)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Axon

Monday, February 12, 2018


We just learned about the Mexico State of Morelos.

Another Mexico State is Durango.

This state is in the north central of Mexico, and is mostly plains in between the two mountain ranges the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental.

(from: wikipedia - durango)

The coat of arms shows a tree with two wolves around it.
These pictures came from the places in Spain where people came from before they moved to Mexico.
The tree is a special tree that lived for over 400 years in Biscay Spain. People would hold special meetings at the tree, like making promises to fight for freedom.
The wolves are from an old story that said before a famous battle there were two wolves that came along, and that would mean they would win the battle.

(from: wikipedia - durango)

Mexiquillo is a special natural park with waterfalls and rock formations.

(from: wikipedia - durango)

There is a suspension bridge called Ojuela bridge that is over 100 years old, and is over 800 feet long.

(from: wikipedia - ojuela bridge)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Transverse Ranges

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Seventy Disciples

We just learned about Bridget of Sweden and a lot of other Nuns and Monks!

Let's learn a little about the people Jesus sent out called Disciples.

There is a list of some of the most important disciples out there, called the Seventy Disciples.

In the book of Luke, it says that Jesus sent out a group of people to every town and place, tell people about him, spread peace and heal the sick.

The Bible does not say who the people are, but some people have written down lists and made paintings of who they think they were.

(from: wikipedia - seventy disciples)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Ruth

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Gandhara Stone Palettes

We just learned about the Pataliputra Capital.

Another example of Greek sculpture found in Asia are the Gandhara Stone Palettes.

These are small plates with sculputres on them that were made over 2,000 years ago in areas now known as Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Lots of plates have been found showing artwork of stories from Greek mythology like Apollo and Daphne, Athena, Herakles, Poseidon or Aphrodite.

This image is of a sea nymph called a Nereid, riding a giant sea monster called a Ketos.

(from: wikipedia - greco-buddhist art)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Prophet Jeremiah At Mosaic Abbey

Friday, February 9, 2018

Greek - You are sad

We just learned that in Greek I am happy is Είμαι χαρούμενος (eímai charoúmenos).

Now let's learn how to say You are sad.

Είσαι λυπημενος (Eísai lypimenos)

We can break it up into two words:
You are - Είσαι (Eísai) - sounds like EE-say
sad - λυπημενος (lypimenos) - Sounds like lee-pee-may-noh-s

So all together Είσαι λυπημενος sounds like EE-say lee-pee-may-noh-s.

center for the greek language
(from: wikipedia - center for the greek language)

ASL: You are sad

Italian: Sei triste

German: Sie sind traurig

Spanish: Estas triste

French: Vous êtes triste

Thursday, February 8, 2018


We just learned about the Seismic Wave that moves through the earth.

The main tool for measuring earthquakes is called a Seismometer.

A simple way to think of a seismometer is like a weight hanging from a string.
When there is an earthquake, the weight will bounce up and down, and might also sway from side to side.

Most seismometers are electric now, like some of them that use magnets to hold a thing floating in the air, and when the thing gets moved around by the earthquake they measure how much it moves, and whether it moves forward, backward, side to side or up and down.

Older measuring tools were sometimes called seismographs or seismoscopes.

(from: wikipedia - seismometer)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lathe

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


We just learned about the Chambered Nautilus.

Another type of cephalopod is the Cuttlefish.

Cuttlefish have eight arms like an octopus, but they also have two tentacles that have sharp edges like teeth they use to hook onto their prey, or sting with venom.

They have very different eyes that are in a W shape, that lets them see in front and behind at the same time.
Cuttlefish have green and blue blood instead of red, and they have three hearts!

There is a bone in the middle of the cuttlefish's body called the cuttlebone that is made of aragonite.
This is like a hollow crystaline type of bone that they use to push air or liquid into, so they can float or sink.
Just like some other cephalopods, cuttlefish have ink they can squirt out when they are scared.
This ink was so dark that it was used for painting or in food, and the science name of Cuttle fish is "Sepiida" which is where we get the color name "sepia" from.

Cuttlefish are also sometimes called chameleons of the sea, because they can change their color to look darker, lighter or even change color to disguise themselves.

(from: wikipedia - cuttlefish)

(from: wikipedia - cuttlefish)

(from: wikipedia - cuttlefish)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Edible Frog

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Phalangeal Ligaments

We just learned about the Metacarpal Ligaments that connect your metacarpal bones together in your hand.

The metacarpal bones in the hand connect to the finger bones called phalanges, and there are phalangeal ligaments connecting the metacarpal bones together, and the finger bones together.

The joints where the bones connect has padding to keep the bones from smashing into each other, and also keeps them stuck together so they can't be pulled apart.

(from: wikipedia - metacarpophalangeal joint)

The finger bones have ligaments that go over and under the fingers, to help your fingers stretch out or close into a fist.

(from: wikipedia - palmar plate)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Dendrite

Monday, February 5, 2018


We just learned about the Mexico state of Querétaro.

Another state in Mexico is Morelos.

This is one of the smallest states in Mexico, in the southern part of the country, not on the coast.

(from: wikipedia - morelos)

The coat of arms has a cornstalk growing in the dirt, for the good farmland of the state.
The words around the center mean "The land will be returned to those who work it with their hands."

(from: wikipedia - morelos)

This state has some of the oldest ruins found ever in North America, over 8,000 years old!

(from: wikipedia - morelos)

There is a special type of dance called Chinelos that is in Morelos, where dancers wear fancy costumes and march in parades.

(from: wikipedia - chinelos)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: California Coast Ranges

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Bridget of Sweden

We just learned about the Carmelite Nuns.

Another famous religious nun is Bridget of Sweden.

She was born in the 1300s in Sweden, and spent her life taking care of orphans and sick people.

(from: wikipedia - bridget of sweden)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Samson

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Pataliputra Capital

We just learned about the Lion Capital of Ashoka.

Another famous sculpture from ancient India is the Pataliputra Capital.

It is over 4 feet long, and about 3 feet tall, and it was made over 2,000 years ago.
Even though it was made in India, it looks like a Classical Greek sculpture, so people think that the it was either given as a gift, or that the Greek people taught some other people in the area how to do sculptures the same way they did.

(from: wikipedia - pataliputra capital)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Last Judgement Typanum - Gislebertus