Showing posts with label Arabic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arabic. Show all posts

Friday, December 2, 2022

Arabic Alphabet

We just learned how to Count to ten in Arabic.

The Arabic alphabet looks very different from the English one.
There are a few different ones, but one of the common ones is called abjadī.
ا ب ج د ه و ز ح ط ي ك ل م ن س ع ف ص ق ر ش ت ث خ ذ ض ظ غ
There aren't different letters for vowels, they just use dots over some of the letters called diacritics.

arabic language
(from: wikipedia - lebanese academy of sciences)

The Hindi alphabet: अ, अं1, ॲ / ऍ, इ, उ, ऋ, ऌ4, ए, ओ, प, पं, पि, पु, पृ, पॢ, पॅ, पे, पो, क, ख, ग, घ, ङ, च, छ, ज, झ, ञ, ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण, त, थ, द, ध, न, प, फ, ब, भ, म, य, र, ल, व, श, ष, स, ह
The Swahili alphabet: a, b, ch, d, dh, e, f, g, gh, i, j, k, kh, l, m, n, ng', ny, o, p, r, s, sh, t, th, ts, u, v, w, y, z

The Russian alphabet: Аа, Бб, Вв, Гг, Дд, Ее, Ёё, Жж, Зз, Ии, Йй, Кк, Лл, Мм, Нн, Оо, Пп, Рр, Сс, Тт, Уу, Фф, Хх, Цц, Чч, Шш, Щщ, Ыы, Ээ, Юю, Яя

The Norwegian alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Æ, Ø, Å The Greek alphabet: Α, Β, Γ, Δ, Ε, Ζ, Η, Θ, Ι, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ξ, Ο, Π, Ρ, Σ, Τ, Υ, Φ, Χ, Ψ, Ω

ASL alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

The Italian alphabet looks the same as the English alphabet.

The German alphabet has the letters ä, ö, ü, ß

The Spanish alphabet:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G H, I, J, K, L, LL, M, N, Ñ O, P, Q, R, RR, S, T, U V, W, X, Y, Z

The French alphabet:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G H, I, J, K, L, M, N O, P, Q, R, S, T, U V, W, X, Y, Z

Friday, November 11, 2022

Arabic - Dog, Cat

We just learned that to ask if someone speaks Arabic you say هل تتحدث العربية؟ (hal tatahadath alearabiatu) or (hal tatahadathina alearabiatu).

To say dog in Arabic, you say كلب (kalb) 文A

To say cat in Hindi, you say قطة (qita) 文A

arabic language
(from: wikipedia - lebanese academy of sciences)

Hindi: कुत्ता (kutta), बिल्ली (billee)

Swahili: mbwa, paka

Russian: собака (sobaka), кошка (koshka)

Norwegian: hund, katt

Greek: σκύλος (skýlos), γάτα (gáta)

ASL: dog, cat

Italian: cane, gatto

German: Hunt, Katze

Spanish: perro, gato

French: chien, chat

Friday, November 4, 2022

Arabic - Do you speak Arabic

Ok how do you say "Do you speak arabic?"

Remember that to say please, you're welcome in Arabic, you say هل تتحدث العربية؟ (hal tatahadath alearabiatu) or (hal tatahadathina alearabiatu) for girls.

To ask if someone speaks Arabic, you say:

هل تتحدث العربية؟ (hal tatahadath alearabiatu) or (hal tatahadathina alearabiatu) 文A

To say yes you would say हنعم (naeam) 文A

or to say no you would say لا (la) 文A

arabic language
(from: wikipedia - lebanese academy of sciences)

Hindi: क्या आप हिंदी बोलते हैं?

Swahili: Unazungumza kiswahili?

Russian: Ты говоришь по-русски? (Ty govorish' po russki), Вы говорите по русски (Vy govorishtay po russki)

Norwegian: Kan du norsk?

Greek: Μιλατε ελληνικα? (Milate ellinika?)

ASL: Do you speak ASL?

Italian: Parli italiano?

German: Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Spanish: ¿Hablas español?

French: parlez-vous français?

Friday, October 28, 2022

Arabic - Please, You're Welcome

Remember that to say thank you in Arabic, you say شكرًا (shukran).

To say please in Araboc is لو سمحت (law samaht). 文A

To say you're welcome, you say على الرحب والسعة (ealaa alrahb walsaea). 文A

arabic language
(from: wikipedia - lebanese academy of sciences)

Hindi: कृपया (krpaya), आपका स्वागत है (aapaka svaagat hai)

Swahili: tafadhali, karibu

Russian: пожалуйста (pozhaluysta)

Norwegian: Vær så snill, Værsågod

Greek: Παρακαλώ (Parakaló)

ASL: Please, You're Welcome

German: bitte, bitte schön

Spanish: Por favor, de nada

French: s'il vous plait, de rien

Friday, October 7, 2022

Arabic - Good Morning

We just learned a few ways to say hello and goodbye in Arabic, like مرحبًا (mrhaban) and مع السلامة! mae alsalamati.
Sometimes you might want to say good morning, good afternoon, or good night.

Good Morning - صباح الخير (sabah alkhayr) - sounds like sah-bah hoo-l-hay-ree 文A

Good Day - يوم جيد (yawm jahid) - sounds like yaw-m jay-ee-d 文A

Good Evening - مساء الخير (masa' alkhayr) - sounds like mah-sah al-hay-ree 文A

Good Night - طاب مساؤك (taba masawuk) - sounds like tah-bah mah-sah-oo-kah 文A

arabic language
(from: wikipedia - lebanese academy of sciences)

Hindi: शुभ प्रभात (shubh prabhaat), नमस्कार (namaskaar), सुसंध्या (susandhya), शुभ रात्रि (shubh raatri)

Swahili: Habari za asubuhi, Habari za mchana, Habari za jioni, Habari za usiku

Russian: Доброе утро (Dobroye utro), Добрый день (Dobryy den), Добрый вечер (Dobryy vecher), Доброй ночи (Dobroy nochi)

Norwegian: God morgen, God dag, God ettermiddag, God kveld, God natt

Greek: Καλημέρα (Kaliméra), Καλησπέρα (Kalispéra), Καληνυχτα (Kalinychta)

ASL: Good Morning, Good Day, Good Evening, Good Night

Italian: buongiorno, buon pomeriggio, buonasera, buona notte

German: Guten Morgen, Guten Tag, Guten Abend, Gute Nacht

Spanish: Buenos días, buenos tardes, buenas noches

French: bonjour, bonsoir, bonne nuit

Friday, September 30, 2022

Arabic - Hello and Goodbye

We've now learned a whole year of Hindi!

Let's try another language now, how about Arabic?

This is the language spoken by hundreds of millions of people acros the world, mostly in Africa and Asia.

Arabic uses a different alphabet than English, called abjad.
It has 28 letters, and the vowels are just the consonants with small marks called diacritics above them.
Probably the biggest difference between Arabic and English is that it is written from right to left instead of left to right!

Let's learn how to say hello and goodbye in Arabic!

To say hello in Arabic you would say mrhaban, sounds like mah-dr-hah-ben 文A

In the Arabic letters it looks like this: مرحبًا

To say goodbye you say mae alsalamati, sounds like mah-ah-l-sah-lah-mah-ti 文A

In the Arabic letters it looks like this: مع السلامة!

arabic language
(from: wikipedia - lebanese academy of sciences)

Hindi: नमस्ते (Namaste), अलविदा (Alavida)

Swahili: Jambo, Hujambo, Habari, Mambo, Shikamoo

Russian: Привет (privet), Здравствуй (Zdravstvuy), Пока (poka), до свидания (do svidaniya)

Norwegian: Hei, Hallo, Ha det, Ha det brah

Greek: Γειά σου (Geiá sou), Χαίρετε (Chairete), Αντίο (Antío)

ASL: Hello and Goodbye

Italian: Ciao, arrivederci

German: Hallo, Auf Wiedersehen

Spanish: Hola! Adiós!

French: Bonjour! Au Revoir!