Showing posts with label Miracles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miracles. Show all posts

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Calming the storm

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, healing women, healing on the sabbath, healing in a synagogue, healing a deaf and mute person, healing the centurion's servant, healing just by touching his cloak, raising the dead, turning water to wine, catching fish, feeding the multitude and walking on water.

Another miracle Jesus performed was when the apostles were in a boat in the water, Jesus was asleep in the boat.

While he was sleeping, a wild storm came along and was so big that there were waves crashing over the boat and the Apostles were afraid they might drown.

They woke Jesus up to see if he could help, and he got up and calmed the storm.
After the storm was calm, he told them that they should not have been afraid since he was in the boat, even though he was sleeping.
jesus calms the storm
(from: wikipedia - calming the storm)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Joshua

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Walking on water

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, healing women, healing on the sabbath, healing in a synagogue, healing a deaf and mute person, healing the centurion's servant, healing just by touching his cloak, raising the dead, turning water to wine, catching fish and feeding the multitude.

Another miracle Jesus performed was when the apostles were in a boat in the water, and Jesus was on land.

He walked out on top of the water and walked to the boat!
jesus walks on water
(from: wikipedia - jesus walks on water)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Deutoronomy

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Feeding the multitude

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, healing women, healing on the sabbath, healing in a synagogue, healing a deaf and mute person, healing the centurion's servant, healing just by touching his cloak, raising the dead, turning water to wine and catching fish.

Another miracle Jesus performed was when a crowd of people had followed him to be healed and hear him speak.
It got very late and the crowd was very hungry, so his apostles looked to see how much food they had.

They only had a few loaves of bread and a few fish, and there were thousands of people to feed!

Jesus told the apostles just to pass out the bread and fish to the people, and they were amazed when there was somehow enough food for everyone, and even some left over.
feeding the multitudes
(from: wikipedia - feeding the multitude)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Numbers

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Catching Fish

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, healing women, healing on the sabbath, healing in a synagogue, healing a deaf and mute person, healing the centurion's servant, healing just by touching his cloak, raising the dead and turning water to wine.
Another miracle Jesus performed was when some of his apostles were fishing for a long time and could not catch any fish.

He told them to try again, and when they did they brought up so many fish they couldn't carry them in one boat!

jesus catch fish
(from: wikipedia - miracle of draught of fishes)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Leviticus

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Turning water to wine

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, healing women, healing on the sabbath, healing in a synagogue, healing a deaf and mute person, healing the centurion's servant, healing just by touching his cloak and raising the dead.

Jesus also turned water into wine!

At a wedding that Jesus and his mother were invited to, they ran out of wine and only had water left.
Jesus had some people bring him large containers of water, and he turned it to wine.
turning water to wine
(from: wikipedia - marriage at cana)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Exodus

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Raising the dead

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, healing women, healing on the sabbath, healing in a synagogue, healing a deaf and mute person, healing the centurion's servant and healing just by touching his cloak.

Jesus also raised people from the dead!

He did this three times.
Once he healed a man's sick daughter, saying "Little girl, I say to you get up!".
raising of jairus daughter
(from: wikipedia - daughter of jairus)

Another time was during a funeral for a widow's son. He went to the coffin and said "Young man I say to thee arise!" and the boy got right up and was alive.
healing the widow's son
(from: wikipedia - the young man from nain)

He also raised a man named Lazarus who had been dead for four days. He was buried in a tomb. Jesus had the stone rolled away and said "Lazarus, come out!" and Lazarus came out and was alive.
(from: wikipedia - raising of lazarus)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Genesis

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Healing in the land of Gennesaret

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, healing women, healing on the sabbath, healing in a synagogue, healing a deaf and mute person and healing the centurion's servant.
One time Jesus was walking through a land called Gennesaret. People heard he was coming, and brought all their sick people to be near him. Just by touching his cloak people were healed.
jesus healing in the land of the gennesaret
(from: wikipedia - jesus healing in the land of gennesaret)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Old Testament

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Healing the centurion's servant

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, healing women, healing on the sabbath, healing in a synagogue, and Jesus' Miracles - Healing a deaf and mute person

One time a soldier called a centurion asked Jesus to heal one of his young servants.
Jesus told the soldier that he would come to his house to heal the boy, but the soldier said that he believed Jesus could just heal the boy without even coming to the house.

Because the soldier had such strong faith, Jesus healed the boy right then.
jesus miracles healing centurion
(from: wikipedia - healing the centurion's servant)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Old Testament and New Testament

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Healing a deaf and mute person

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, healing women, healing on the sabbath and healing in a synagogue.

Another person Jesus healed was a man who could not hear or talk.
He touched the man's ears and tongue then shouted "Be opened!" and the man could hear and talk.
jesus miracles healing deaf mute
(from: wikipedia - healing the deaf mute of decapolis)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostle's Creed - Part 12

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Healing in the synagogue

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, healing women and healing on the sabbath.

Another time Jesus healed on the sabbath, he did it in a place that is like a church, called a synagogue. He healed a man whose hand was very hurt. The people of the synagogue were very upset because they didn't think he should be healing on the sabbath in a synagogue.
christ heals man with paralysed hand
(from: wikipedia - healing the man with a withered hand)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostle's Creed Part 11

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Healing on the Sabbath

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed and healing women

One time some of the people that didn't like Jesus tried to trick him into breaking one of God's commandments.
People believed that you should always rest on the Sabbath day, a holy day that you should set aside just to worship God and not do any work. This was one of Moses's ten commandments.

So the people brought Jesus to a man who was sick and asked if it was OK for him to heal someone on the holy day. Jesus knew it was a trick, and said that if one of those people had a child or an ox that fell into a well, they would rescue it, so it was OK for him to heal the sick man.

jesus healing
(from: wikipedia - healing a man with dropsy)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostle's Creed - Part 10

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Healing Women

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, and healing the paralyzed.

Jesus healed other people as well, like three women that he healed.

One was sick and just had to touch his cloak to be healed.
One was the mother of the Apostle Simon Peter,
and another was a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years.

jesus healing simon peter's mother
(from: wikipedia - healing the mother of peter's wife)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostle's Creed - Part 9

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Healing the Paralyzed

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers and healing the blind.

Jesus also healed people that couldn't walk, also known as being paralyzed.
jesus healing paralytic
(from: wikipedia - healing the paralytic at capernaum)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostles Creed - Part 8

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Healing Lepers

We already learned about Jesus healing the blind.

Another miracle Jesus performed was healing lepers.

A leper was someone who had a disease called leprosy.
It was a really horrible disease, and if you had it no one would touch you and you had to live all by yourself away from other people.
There was no cure for this disease!

Jesus healed people with leprosy, and people were amazed!
jesus healing leper
(from: wikipedia - jesus cleansing a leper)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostle's Creed - Part 7

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Healing the Blind

We just learned about Apostles and Disciples.

Jesus performed many miracles in the Bible.

One miracle he performed was healing blind people.

jesus healing blind
(from: wikipedia - blind man of bethsaida)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostle's Creed - Part 6