Showing posts with label Starfish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Starfish. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Velcro Sea Star

We just learned about the Asterias Amurensis.

Another type of starfish is the Velcro Sea Star, also called the Novodina Antillensis.

This type of starfish lives in the deap sea in tropical areas of the Atlantic Ocean.

It has 10-14 long arms with eyespots on the ends.

These starfish live on the branches of corals, and stick their long arms into the water to catch small animals drifing by.

Because the poky arms stick to things, they got the nickname velcro.

(from: wikipedia - novodinia antillensis)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Indri

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Asterias Amurensis

We just learned about the Heliaster Microbrachius.

Another type of starfish is the Asterias Amurensis, also called the Northern Pacific seastar or Japanese common starfish.

This type of starfish can grow to be 50 centimeters, and can be orange, yellow, red or purple.

Where this starfish lives it is called an invasive species, because there are so many of them they hurt the environment.

(from: wikipedia - asterias amurensis)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Aye Aye

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Heliaster microbrachius

We just learned about the Freyella Elegans.

Another type of starfish is Heliaster microbrachius.

This starfish grows to be about 4 inches, and can have lots more arms than most starfish, and also a bigger disc for the center of their body.

They can be purple, black, yellow or white, and they live in the Pacific Ocean near Mexico.

(from: wikipedia - heliaster microbrachius)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Greater Dwarf Lemur

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Freyella Elegans

We just learned about the Nepanthia Belcheri.

Another type of starfish is the Freyella Elegans.

This is a type of starfish that lives in very deep sea, at around 10,000 ft deep in the Atlantic ocean.

Their arms grow to about 8 inches long.

(from: wikipedia - freyella elegans)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Greater Dwarf Lemur

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Nepanthia Belcheri

We just learned about the Red Knobbed Sea Star.

Another kind of starfish is the Nepanthia Belcheri.

This type of starfish lives near Australia, and grows to be a few inches wide.
One very interesting thing about this starfish is that it can split itself in half and turn itself into two starfishes.

(from: wikipedia - nepanthia belcheri)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Philippine Tarsier

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Red Knobbed Sea Star

We just learned about the Magnificent Star.

Another kind of starfish is the Red Knobbed Sea Star, also called the protoreaster lincki, red spine star, or African sea star.

These starfish grow to be about 12 inches, and has bright re tubercles sticking up.
They have gray bodies with red stripes, and a big central disk.

The only place to find these starfish is in the Indian Ocean, in sandy or muddy sea beds.

(from: wikipedia - protoreaster lincki)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Brown Woolly Monkey

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Magnificent Star

We just learned about the Brisingida.

Another type of starfish is the Magnificent Star, or luidia magnifica.

This starfish lives in the Pacific Ocean.
It has 10 arms, and comes in colors like yellow and red, or brown and olive.

(from: wikipedia - luida magnifica)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Red-Faced Spider Monkey

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


We just learned about the Crown of Thorns Starfish.

Another type of starfish is the Brisingida.

These animals can have up to 20 arms, and they live in the deep seas over 1,000 meters deep.

(from: wikipedia - brisingida)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Black Howler

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Crown of Thorns Starfish

We just learned about the Sunflower Sea Star.

Another type of starfish is the Crown of Thorns Starfish, also called acanthaster planci.

This starfish grows to be about 14 inches, and his sharp spikes on top that hurt and sting if the starfish is stepped on.
They live around Australia, and come in colors of purple, blue, red, grey, brown, green or yellow.

The name crown of thorns comes from the Bible story of Jesus wearing a crown of thorns.
Because the starfish kind of looks like a thorny crown the people named it that.

(from: wikipedia - crown of thorns starfish)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Colombian Red Howler

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Sunflower Sea Star

We just learned about the Eight Armed Sea Star.

Another type of starfish is the Sunflower Sea Star also called the pycnopodia helianthoides.

These starfishes live in the pacific, and are the biggest starfish in the world growing to be about 3 feet wide.
They can have up to 24 arms, and can come in many colors like orange, yellow, red, brown, or purple.
If they get attacked by another animal, they can regrow them within a few weeks.

(from: wikipedia - sunflower sea star)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Mantled Howler

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Eight-Armed Sea Star

We just learned about the Necklace Starfish.

Another type of starfish is the Eight-Armed Sea Star.

This animal lives in the pacific, and it's coloring could be brown/green, brown/orange or brown/black.
It has pointed arms, a flat top and is usually about 10 inches wide.

These starfish live underwater in the muddy sand, burying themselves so they can't be seen.
They eat things like sea urchins, sand dollars, sea cucumbers or snails.

(from: wikipedia - luidia maculata)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Black Bearded Saki

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Necklace Starfish

We just learned about the Antarctic Sun Starfish.

Another type of starfish is the Necklace Starfish, also called the Fromia Monilis or Tiled Starfish.

This starfish lives in the Indian or Pacific oceans, near Australia and Japan.
They can grow to be around 12 inches wide, they have a red circle in the middle, their arm tips are red, and the rest of their arms are white.

These starfish are sometimes used in aquariums, but they have to actually keep them dirty for the starfish to eat the algea or the starfish will starve to death.
In the wild they can eat on other things like sponges or very small sea creatures.

(from: wikipedia - fromia monilis)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: White Faced Saki

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Antarctic Sun Starfish

We just learned about the Astropecten Aranciacus.

Another type of starfish is the Antarctic Sun Starfish, also called the wolftrap starfish or labidiaster annulatus.

This type of starfish comes from the very cold waters around Antarctica.

Most starfish usually have five arms, but this type of starfish can have over 40 arms!
They grow to be about 24 inches wide.

(from: wikipedia - labidiaster annulatus)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Bald Uakari

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Astropecten Aranciacus

We just learned about the American Hog-Nosed Skunk, and a lot of other animals in that same family.

Let's learn about some different kinds of starfish!

One type of starfish is the Astropecten Aranciacus.

This starfish lives in the east part of the Atlantic ocean, and also in the Mediterranean Sea.
It lives right by the coast, and when the water goes out for low tide it buries itself into the sand.

The top of this animal is reddish orange with some yellow, and the bottom is all white.
It has two sets of spiney pokey parts on the outside of its legs called inferomarginal spines and superomarginal spines.

For food these starfish eat molluscs by crawling over them and then using their mouth on the bottom to eat them.

(from: wikipedia - astropecten aranciacus)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Azaras Night Monkey