Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hippo Sunscreen

We just learned about how frogs breathe with their cheeks

Hippos live in the hot Southern part of the African continent.

With all that sun out there, they've got to keep from getting a sunburn,
and their bodies have a pretty cool way to do it.

From underneath a hippo's skin comes a type of gooey stuff called mucus,
and it comes out through their skin like sweat.

It's red colored, and it looks like sweat, so people sometimes call it blood sweat,
but it's really two kinds of acid that mix together in the hippo's body
and then come out through their skin like sweat.

This red gooey mucus acid stuff (called hipposudoric and norhipposudoric acid)
is the hippo's natural sunscreen!

It turns hard and it stays on their body even if they go in and out of the water.
(from: wikipedia - hippopotamus)

Wouldn't it be great if our body could make it's own sunscreen?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Let's keep learning about the muscles in the human body!

Last time we learned about the deltoids

Next up is the pectorals.

The pectorals, which are sometimes just called pecs
are used when you do pushups, when you clap your hands together, or flap your arms like wings.

pectoralis major
(from: wikipedia - pectoralis major muscle)

Monday, July 29, 2013


Let's keep learning about the countries in Europe!

Last time we learned about Norway,
and how Norway, Denmark and Sweden are all Scandinavian countries.
Sweden is also part of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

(from: wikipedia - sweden)

Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, and started the Nobel peace prizes.
alfred nobel
(from: wikipedia - alfred nobel)

Every year Sweden builds a hotel made of ice, big enough for 100 people.
ice hotel
(from: wikipedia - tourism in sweden)

The type of meal where you have a table full of food to choose from
is very often called a smorgasbord, which comes from the Swedish word Smörgåsbord.
(from: wikipedia - smörgåsbord

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Let's keep learning about the books of prophecy in the Old Testament.

Last time we learned about the prophet Isaiah.

Another prophet was named Jeremiah.
He is sometimes called the weeping prophet because he was so sad
that he had to tell God's people that because of their sins they were going
to have some difficult days ahead when their temples would be destroyed and they would be captured.

(from: wikipedia - jeremiah)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Stellar Classification

We just learned about Canopus.

Remember that stars in the sky like our Sun
are just giant balls of burning gas floating in outer space.

When scientists want to measure how hot a star is,
they use something called stellar classification.

The letters for stellar classification from hottest to coldest are:
O, B, A, F, G, K, M.

That can be tough to remember, so you can think of it with this sentence:
Oh Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me since those first letters all match up.

A stars heat usually makes it burn a type of color,
so each of the letters has a color that goes with it.

O - blue
B - blue white
A - white
F - yellow white
G - yellow
K - orange,
M - red

Scientists like to use the letters for how hot the star is,
but sometimes it's more fun to talk about a star by it's color!

stellar classification
(from: wikipedia - stellar classification)

Friday, July 26, 2013

French - Counting to Twenty

We just learned how to count to 15 in French, let's keep going!
16 seize - sounds like sez /?/
17 dix-sept - sounds like dee-set /?/
18 dix-huit - sounds like dee-zoo-ee /?/
19 dix-neuf - sounds like dee-nef /?/
20 vingt - sounds like vah-un/?/

Thursday, July 25, 2013


We've learned about how conductivity means how fast electricity goes through something,
and that metal is a good conductor, but rubber is a bad one, also known as a resistor.

What about things that are kind of good conductors?
We call those semiconductors.

One of the most common semiconductors out there is a chemical called silicon.
(from: wikipedia - semiconductor)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Frog breathing

We just learned that the red thing on a rooster's head is called the Comb

Let's learn more fun stuff!

How can frogs stay so long underwater?
Because they can breathe air right through their skin!

When they are in the water, the oxygen they need to breathe
can go right into their body through their skin.

Their skin is permeable which means it allows things like water to get through it.
(from: wikipedia - frog)

When they are above water, they don't have very strong lungs to breathe with,
so they do something called buccal pumping. Buccal means cheeks or mouth.

This means they use their mouth to suck air in and out of their lungs.
If you watch underneath a frog's mouth, you can usually see their throat area puffing out and sucking in.
That's them breathing using buccal pumping!

buccal pumping
(from: wikipedia - buccal pumping)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Let's keep learning about the muscles in the human body!

Last time we learned about the triceps

Next up is the deltoid.

The deltoid is the muscle on the corner of your shoulder, right above where your arm is.
deltoid muscle
(from: wikipedia - deltoid muscle)

You are using your deltoid when you move your arm around at the shoulder.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Let's keep learning about the countries in Europe!

Last time we learned about Greece.

Next up is Norway.

Norway is part of what is called the Scandinavian countries,
along with Denmark and Sweden
It makes up part of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

(from: wikipedia - norway)

Vikings played a very strong part in Norwegian history,
sailing their large ships in the seas and attacking the villages.
viking ship

The icy northern coast of Norway has over 50,000 small islands!

norway islands

Norway also has fjords, (sounds like fee-or-ds)
which are long thin areas of water with high cliffs on either side.
norway fjords
(from: wikipedia - fjord)

Sunday, July 21, 2013


We just learned about the Bible Books of Poetry

Isaiah was a prophet who lived 700 years before the birth of Jesus.

A prophet is someone who speaks to God and then tells other people what God said.

Isaiah told God's people that they were in trouble for not listening to him,
and that they were going to be taken over by some other people that would not treat them nicely.

He also talked about a savior that would come one day to save everyone,
and this was 700 years before Jesus was born!

(from: wikipedia - isaiah)

Saturday, July 20, 2013


We've learned about the stars Alpha Centauri, Sirius and Betelguese.

The second brightest star in the sky is called Canopus

It can be seen in the Southern part of the night sky.
(from: wikipedia - canopus)

Friday, July 19, 2013

French - Counting to Fifteen

We counted to 10 in French, now let's learn some bigger numbers!
11 onze - sounds like owns /?/
12 douze - sounds like dooze /?/
13 treize - sounds like tuh-ayz /?/
14 quatorze - sounds like kay-toh-z /?/
15 quinze - sounds like kay-uh-nz /?/

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Electrical Conductivity

We just learned about what Capacitors are!

Let's learn about Electrical conductivity.

Electrical conductivity sounds like a couple of big words,
but really it's not all that hard to understand.

We know about electricity from things like lightning, batteries or plugs.

Conductivity just means how easy or hard it is for electricity to go through something.

Things like metals are very conductive, but things like rubber or plastic are not very conductive.
This is why plugs and wires for your electronics are all made out of metal,
and the metal wires are usually wrapped in rubber because then the electricity can't get out!

electrical wiring
(from: wikipedia - electrical wiring)

Things like rubber that are not very conductive, can also be called resistive.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Rooster Comb

We just learned about the mouth of a mosquito called a Proboscis

Let's learn about more weird things!

The bright red skin you see on top of a rooster's head is called a comb.

(from: wikipedia - chicken)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Let's keep learning about the muscles in the human body!

Last time we learned about the biceps

Next up is the triceps.

The tricep is the muscle on the back side of your upper arm between the shoulder and elbow,
right along your humerus bone, and on the opposite side of the bicep.

You are using your tricep when you push your arms out from your body.
(from: wikipedia - triceps)

Monday, July 15, 2013


Let's keep learning about the countries in Europe!

Last time we learned about Poland.

Next up is Greece.

Greece is home to some great foods like moussaka, pastitsio and a cheese called saganaki that they light on fire and say OPAH!
(from: wikipedia - greece)

Many famous big thinkers called philosophers were from Greece, one was named Socrates

There are many famous buildings in Greece, like the Parthenon

And Greece is where the Olympic Games were first invented.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Books of Poetry

The bible has lots of poetry in it, and a lot of it was written
by the kings we learned about, David and Solomon

Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs are all
books full of poetry and songs written in praise of God.
(from: wikipedia - psalms)

Saturday, July 13, 2013


We've learned about the stars Alpha Centauri and Sirius.

Another star that has a funny name is Betelgeuse, pronounced like beetle-juice.
It is the ninth brightest star in the night sky,
and part of the constellation of Orion.
(from: wikipedia - betelgeuse)

Friday, July 12, 2013

French - November, December

Let's keep learning the months of the year in French!

We already learned that January is Janvier, February is Février, March is Mars, April is Avril,
May is Mai, June is Juin, July is Juillet, August is Août, September is Septembre and October is Octobre. .

Last is November and December.

November - Novembre - sounds like no-vom-buh-ah /?/
December, - Décembre - sounds like day-som-buh-ah /?/

Thursday, July 11, 2013


We've now learned about how circuit boards have small things called resistors on them.

Another thing you may find on a circuit board is a capacitor.
It's kind of like a bucket that fills up with electricity, then dumps it out, over and over.

(from: wikipedia - capacitor)

You have to be very careful with capacitors on circuit boards!

Even if you are looking at one that's not plugged in,
the capacitor can still be filled up with electricity and it could zap you!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mosquito proboscis

We just learned about Dragonflies and Damselflies.

We all hate those nasty mosquito bites, but why don't we notice when they bite us?

The part of the mosquito that looks like a big long nose is called it's proboscis.
That's really part of the mosquito's mouth!

When they stick that long skinny mouth in your arm, their saliva (like their spit)
touches your skin so you don't really feel them poking you.

That saliva is also what makes those little bites so itchy!
(from: wikipedia - mosquito)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


We just learned about the Hyoid Bone.

Let's start learning about the muscles in the human body!

The bicep is the muscle on the upper arm between the shoulder and elbow,
right along your humerus bone.

You are using your bicep when you pull your hand toward your shoulder.

(from: wikipedia - bicep)

Monday, July 8, 2013


Let's keep learning about the countries in Europe!

Last time we learned about Italy.

Next up is Poland.
In Poland to say good morning you would say dzień dobry! (sounds like jane doh-bray)

This country's famous food is wonderful tasty things like pierogis, kielbasa and paczis.
(from: wikipedia - poland)

Frédéric Chopin was a great pianist and music composer
(from: wikipedia - frédéric chopin)

Malbork Castle is the largest castle in the world
malbork castle
(from: wikipedia - malbork castle)

The Dunajec River Gorge is one of many beautiful natural sites
dunajec river gorge
(from: wikipedia - dunajec river gorge)

Sunday, July 7, 2013


We just learned about the Return from Exile.

The book of Job teaches us that we should always be patient and trust in God.

In the beginning of the book, Job is one of the best followers of God, and he had many wonderful things.

Then Job lost it all, 10 kids, thousands of sheep and camels, and he even got painful sores on his body.
But through it all, Job did not say bad things about God.

Job knew that God was in control of all things.

Then one day God healed Job, and gave him back twice as many things as he had before. job restored to prosperity
(from: wikipedia - job (bible))

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Canis Major

We've already learned that the brightest star in the sky is Sirius

Sirius is a star in the constellation Canis Major which means something like bigger dog.
canis major
(from: wikipedia - canis major)

Sometimes Sirius is called the dog star, and the Canis Major constellation
is supposed to represent one of the dogs following around Orion the hunter.

Friday, July 5, 2013

French - September, October

Let's keep learning the months of the year in French!

We already learned that January is Janvier, February is Février, March is Mars, April is Avril, May is Mai, June is Juin, July is Juillet and August is Août.

Next up is September and October.
September, - Septembre - sounds like sep-tom-buh-ah /?/

October - Octobre - sounds like Oh-k-tow-buh-ah /?/

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Last week we learned about circuit boards how they are just many little
eletrical circuits made as small as possible on one little board.

If you look on those circuit boards, you will probably see something brown sticking out.
That is called a resistor.
(from: wikipedia - resistors)

Remember that we learned about resistance how it's like a small part of a tube
that the electricity is going through, and it slows down the flow?

Well that's exactly what the resistors on a circuit board do.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dragonflies and Damselflies

We just learned about Horse Withers.

Dragonflies are wonderful creatures that eat LOTS of mosquitos!
They can eat 30 times their entire body weight in those nasty bugs.

When you see dragonflies, you may notice that some of them have their wings laid out flat,
and some hold their wings closed up high.

The one with the wings closed is actually called a damselfly.


(from: wikipedia - dragonfly)

So be nice to dragonflies and damselflies and they will eat a bunch of mosquitos for us!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hyoid bone

We just learned about the Ear Bones - Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup

The very last bone in the body we're going to learn about is the hyoid bone.

It's underneath your chin, right at the top of your neck.

(from: wikipedia - hyoid bone)

Monday, July 1, 2013


Let's keep learning about the countries in Europe!

Last time we learned about Scotland.

Next up is Italy.
In Italy to say hello you would say bonjourno!

This country is very famous for their food, like spaghetti and tortellini,
and for their famous cities of Rome, Milan, Florence and Venice
where there have been many famous artists and musicians.
(from: wikipedia - italy)

The coloseum is a very old place where people called gladiators used to fight
each other with swords and shields while people watched and cheered them on.

There is a city in Italy called Venice where they don't have cars driving on streets,
they have boats on the water instead!
(from: wikipedia - venice)

One of the most famous paintings in the world is the Mona Lisa,
it was painted by the famous Italian artist Leonardo Da Vinci.
mona lisa
(from: wikipedia - leonardo da vinci)