We've now learned a whole year of
German words.
Sehr gut!
Let's try another language now, how about
First let's learn how to say hello and goodbye.
There are actually a bunch of ways to say Hello.
Hello -
Ciao - sounds like chow /
This is like saying Hi to your friends.
Salve - sounds like sah-l-vay /
This is like saying a polite hello, maybe to someone you don't really know very well.
Pronto - sounds like proh-n-toh /
This is what you say when you answer the phone.
Piacere - sounds like pee-ah-chay-day /
This really means more like nice to meet you, so it is something you would say maybe when you meet someone for the first time.
There are a few ways to say good bye also. Most of the ways to say hello can also be used to say goodbye.
Goodbye -
Ciao - sounds chow /
This is for your good friends or people you know well.
Salve - sounds like sah-l-vay /
This is like saying a polite goodbye, maybe to someone you don't really know very well.
arrivederci - sounds like ah-dee-vay-day-er-chee /
This is a little more formal goodbye.
(from: wikipedia -
accademia della crusca)
Do you remember how to say it in German?
Hallo, Auf Wiedersehen
Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Hola! Adiós!
Do you remember how to say it in French?
Bonjour! Au Revoir!