Saturday, June 7, 2014

Solar Core - Energy

Let's keep learning about the sun's solar core. We've learned about it's size, heat and density.

The heat that is made at the solar core is because of the energy the core makes using something called fusion.

Remember we learned that atoms are very very tiny things, smaller than the tiniest grain of sand. So small that we can't see them without special super microscopes.
And hydrogen is a type of gas, kind of like the oxygen we breathe.

When hydrogen atoms are smashed together really really hard and fast, fusion can happen, and the hydrogen turns into helium.
When that happens it releases a HUGE amount of energy.

Compared to an explosion from a stick of dynamite, it is over a quintillion times bigger!
A quintillion is a 1 with 18 zeroes after it: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000

That much energy from fusion is created every single second of every day,
and it's what creates the heat and light that keep the sun going.

Just think of it as a whole bunch of tiny little things making huge explosions every second
so that we can stay warm and have sunshine every day.
solar core energy
(from: wikipedia - fusion power)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Proxima Centauri

Friday, June 6, 2014

Spanish - Thursday, Friday

Let's keep learning the days of the week in Spanish!

We already learned that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is Lunes, Martes, Miercoles

Thursday - Jueves - sounds like hoo-ay-bay-ss /?/

Friday - Viernes - sounds like bee-ay-d-nay-ss /?/

association of spanish language academies
(from: wikipedia - Association of Spanish Language Academies)

Do you remember how to say it in French?
French - Thursday, Friday - Jeudi Vendredi

Thursday, June 5, 2014


We just learned about the shiny black rock Graphite

Another cool type of element is Iron.

Iron is a very common mineral found throughout the earth, and it is used in many types of metal things.

Because it is such a useful metal, it is mined throughout the world.
(from: wikipedia - iron)

Iron is one of the main chemical elements, the building blocks that make up our world.
It is on the Periodic Table under the name "Fe" which comes from the latin word for iron: "ferrum".

When combined with other types of minerals like carbon, it can become stronger.
When two minerals are combined like that it is called an alloy.
With the right type of carbon and iron, you can make the super strong metal steel.

steel wire
(from: wikipedia - steel)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Chemical Elements

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Peacock Spider

We just learned about the Wolf Spider that carries around its babies.

Spiders come in all shapes and sizes. Some are really colorful!

One type of fancy looking spider is nicknamed the peacock spider.
It's real science name is maratus volans.

When the male spider is looking for a wife, he will flap around the colorful parts of his body, wave his arms, and do a dance to get her attention.

peacock spider
(from: wikipedia - maratus volans)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Northern Pike

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Stomach - Fundus

Let's keep learning about the parts of the stomach in the digestive system.

Last time we learned about the cardia.

Next up is the fundus.

That is the part at the top, that helps hold extra food, stores gas build up from the stomach, and helps the stomach stretch to get bigger if it is full.

stomach fundus
(from: wikipedia - stomach)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Zygomatic Bones

Monday, June 2, 2014


We just learned about the African country of Morocco.

Kenya is a country in Africa on the Eastern border, right on the Indian Ocean.

(from: wikipedia - kenya)

The motto of Kenya is "Harambee" which means ""Let us all pull together".
The flag's colors are black for the people of the Republic of Kenya, red for the blood shed by the people who fought for their independence, green for the plants and the land, white for peace and honesty, and the shield for the defense of all things peace and honesty.
kenyan flag
(from: wikipedia - flag of kenya)

A very common food in Kenya is sukuma wiki. It looks a lot like lettuce, and is often called collard greens.
sukuma wiki
(from: wikipedia - sukuma wiki)

President Barack Obama's father was originally from Kenya, before he moved to Hawaii for college.

barack obama sr
(from: wikipedia - barack obama, sr.)

The second largest lake in the world is Lake Victoria, in Kenya.
lake victoria
(from: wikipedia - lake victoria)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Germany