Monday, August 7, 2017

Northwest Territories

We just learned about Prince Edward Island.

Canada has provinces and territories, which are a lot like the provinces.

One of the provinces is Northwest Territories which is in the northern part of Canada.

The name for this territory in the native Inuktitut means "beautiful land."
This is a very cold territory, with temperatures getting as low as -40 F.
The territory used to be almost all of Canada, but then it was divided up more and more into the other provinces.

(from: wikipedia - northwest territories)

The flag is blue with a white stripe in the middle.
The white is for snow and ice, and the blue is for water.
In the middle is the coat of arms of the Northwest Territories.

(from: wikipedia - flag of northwest territories)

The crest has two golden narwhals on top with a compass rose in the middle.
Below them is a white strip with a wavy blue line in the middle that is for the Northwest Passage.
Below that on the left is a green background for the forest and gold rectangles for the gold mines.
On the right is red for the tundra, and a white fox for the fur hunting.

(from: wikipedia - coat of arms of the northwest territories)

The Great Slave Lake is in Northwest Territories, and it is the deepest lake in North America.

(from: wikipedia - great slave lake)

There is an ice road on the Great Slave Lake that is used when the lake freezes over.

(from: wikipedia - northwest territories)

There are many mines in the Northwest Territories, like the Diavik Diamond mine in Lac de Gras.

(from: wikipedia - diavik diamond mine)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Shisapangma

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Proverbs 21 - Righteousness and Justice

We just learned about Proverbs 19 - The purpose of the Lord.

Another famous Proverb is Proverbs 21.

To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice..

In the times of the Old Testament, people would sacrifice burnt offerings of animals to God as ways to ask for forgiveness.
This Proverb says that God would rather have people do the right thing than have to ask for forgiveness!

(from: wikipedia - bible)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: The Good Shepherd

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Saint Bibiana - Bernini

We just learned about the Medal of John VIII Palaeaologus by Pisanello.

Another sculpture called Baroque style is the sculpture of Saint Bibiana by artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini in 1624.

The sculpture shows St. Bibiana standing in a robe holding palm branches.
Her mouth is open and she's looking at the skies, and her face and body positions show lots of feelings.

The Baroque style had sculptors trying to show more movement and energy in sculptures, many times reaching outward, and usually viewable from the front sides and back.
In the past a lot of statues did not have much to look at on the back or sides, because they were supposed to be up against a wall so no one would see that side.
Baroque style a lot of times was a statue in the middle of a fountain, so all sides were sculpted.

Bernini was a very famous sculptor in the Baroque style, and some people even feel like he was the one who invented the style and made it popular.

(from: wikipedia - saint bibiana (bernini))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus

Thursday, August 3, 2017


Let's keep learning about Earthquakes.

When an earthquake happens underground, the spot on the earth's surface above where the earthquake is strongest is called the epicenter.

(from: wikipedia - epicenter)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Cross Peen Hammer

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Kihansi Spray Toad

We just learned about the Bumblebee Toad.

Another type of frog is the Kihansi Spray Toad.

These true toads were almost extinct at one point, and there were only 70 of these toads left in the whole world!
They lived in Tanzania near a waterfall, and they needed the misty kind of spray that came off of the waterfall to survive, but their waterfall was changed after a dam was put in place, and some water was flushed into where they live that had pesticides.

There are none of these toads living in the wild, only in zoos where they are trying to rescue them.
There are now thousands of them, but they are still trying to find a place for them in the wild to bring the toad back to it's natural habitat.

(from: wikipedia - kihansi spray toad)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Fox Snake

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Connective Tissue

We've learned a lot about the Integumentary System, everything from skin to hair to nails!

Another important part of the human body is all of the Connective Tissue that holds things together.
Tendons are connective tissue that connect muscle to bone, and ligaments connect bone to bone.
All of these types of cells are very important or our muscles and bones would not work together.
They are almost like the strings in a puppet, and without them we fall down!

(from: wikipedia - connective tissue)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Spinal Cord