We just learned about Prince Edward Island.
Canada has provinces and territories, which are a lot like the provinces.
One of the provinces is Northwest Territories which is in the northern part of Canada.
The name for this territory in the native Inuktitut means "beautiful land."
This is a very cold territory, with temperatures getting as low as -40 F.
The territory used to be almost all of Canada, but then it was divided up more and more into the other provinces.
(from: wikipedia - northwest territories)
The flag is blue with a white stripe in the middle.
The white is for snow and ice, and the blue is for water.
In the middle is the coat of arms of the Northwest Territories.
(from: wikipedia - flag of northwest territories)
The crest has two golden narwhals on top with a compass rose in the middle.
Below them is a white strip with a wavy blue line in the middle that is for the Northwest Passage.
Below that on the left is a green background for the forest and gold rectangles for the gold mines.
On the right is red for the tundra, and a white fox for the fur hunting.
(from: wikipedia - coat of arms of the northwest territories)
The Great Slave Lake is in Northwest Territories, and it is the deepest lake in North America.
(from: wikipedia - great slave lake)
There is an ice road on the Great Slave Lake that is used when the lake freezes over.
(from: wikipedia - northwest territories)
There are many mines in the Northwest Territories, like the Diavik Diamond mine in Lac de Gras.
(from: wikipedia - diavik diamond mine)
Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Shisapangma