Showing posts with label Circulatory System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Circulatory System. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Popliteal Vein

We just learned about the Fibular Vein which brings deoxygenated blood from the lower leg up to the upper leg.

Another vein that is in the knee area is called the popliteal vein.

(from: wikipedia - popliteal vein)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Villi

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fibular Vein

We just learned about the tibial vein that brings deoxygenated blood back to the heart.

Another vein in the lower leg right next to the tibial vein is the fibular vein, sometimes called the peroneal vein.

(from: wikipedia - fibular artery)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Small Intestine

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tibial Veins

We just learned about the small saphenous vein.

Some other veins that brings deoxygenated blood back toward the heart are the tibial veins.

There are two types of tibial veins, anterior and posterior.
The word anterior means in the front, and posterior means in the back.
So the anterior tibial veins are in the front part of your leg by your tibia bone, and the posterior tibial veins are in the back part of your leg by your tibia bone.

(from: wikipedia - posterior tibial vein)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Ileum

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Small Saphenous Vein

We just learned about the great saphenous vein that brings deoxygenated blood from the foot up the leg toward the heart.

Another big vein in the foot and leg is the small saphenous vein.

Even though it's name says small, the vein is very big.
It goes from the outside of your foot, then up behind your ankle and up the back of your leg.

(from: wikipedia - small saphenous vein)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Jejunum

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Great Saphenous Vein

We just learned about the Dorsal Venous Arch that helps bring deoxygenated blood from the foot toward the heart.

That vein connects to another very big vein called the Great Saphenous Vein.

This vein goes all the way from your foot up your leg to your hip.
It is the longest vein in the human body.

(from: wikipedia - great saphenous vein)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Liver

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Dorsal venous arch

We just learned about the Metatarsal Veins.

Another vein on your foot that brings deoxygenated blood back to your heart is called the dorsal venous arch.

This vein is on the top of your foot, going across from the left to the right.
Sometimes you can see this vein puffed up a little on top of the foot. It looks like a blue colored tube under your skin.

(from: wikipedia - dorsal venous arch of the foot)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Gall Bladder

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Metatarsal Veins

We just learned about the digital veins in the foot that bring used up deoxygenated blood from the toes back toward the heart.

After the digital veins, the blood goes to the metatarsal veins.

There are two, the dorsal and plantar.
Dorsal is on the top of your foot, like the dorsal fin is on the top of a dolphin's back.
And plantar is on the bottom, like when you stomp your foot sometimes that is called planting your foot.

(from: wikipedia - plantar metatarsal veins)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Pancreas

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Plantar and Dorsal digital veins

So we know that the arteries bring the oxygenated blood from the heart all the way to the toes.
And the veins take the oxygenated blood from the toes and bring it back to the heart.

The arteries in the foot we learned about were the Plantar and Dorsal Digital Arteries

Just like you might guess, the veins are called Plantar and Dorsal Digital Veins.

(from: wikipedia - dorsal digital veins of the foot)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Duodenum

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


After the deoxygenated blood goes into the venules they combine into larger veins.

The veins are the tubes that go through your body, bringing the used up blood back to the heart to be refreshed with new oxygen.

(from: wikipedia - vein)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Stomach - Pylorus

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


After the microcirculation happens at the capillaries, the deoxygenated blood that is all used up goes into small tubes called venules.

The many tiny tubes from the capillaries get combined into fewer bigger tubes called venules where the used up deoxygenated blood goes.

(from: wikipedia - venule)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Stomach - Bolus and Chyme

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


We've learned how the oxygenated blood makes its way through the arteries, and how the last part of the trip before bringing blood to a part of the body is the arterioles.

After the arterioles, the blood goes into tiny small tubes called capillaries.
We learned about capillaries before, and how oxygen gets into capillaries at the blood air barrier by the lungs.

Capillaries are built to let blood out of them, to go to your tissues like your skin and muscles.
You can almost think of it like pouring water over a blanket. The blanket looks solid but if you pour water on it, the water will go through.

After the fresh oxygenated blood goes out from the capillaries into your body, your body uses up the oxygen in the blood, and the capillaries suck it back in to get sent back for more oxygen.

This used blood is called deoxygenated blood.

The whole process of the body dumping out the new blood and picking up the old blood is called microcirculation.

(from: wikipedia - microcirculation)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Stomach - Protease

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


We've learned about how oxygenated blood goes all the way from your heart to your head fingers and toes in the arteries of the body.

At the very end of the trip, the arteries that are carrying the oxygenated blood split apart into smaller tubes called arterioles to bring blood to every part of your body.

(from: wikipedia - arteriole)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Stomach - Hydrochloric Acid

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Plantar and Dorsal Digital Arteries

After the metatarsal arteries of the foot, the last arteries are the digital arteries.

There are two sets, the plantar digital arteries on the bottom of the foot, and the dorsal digital arteries on the top of the foot.

(from: wikipedia - common plantar digital arteries)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Stomach - Peristalsis

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Metatarsal Arteries

We learned that the arteries on the tarsus ankle area of the foot are called the tarsal arteries

After the tarsal arteries, the oxygenated blood goes to the metatarsal arteries.
The long bones of your foot between your toes and ankle are called your metatarsal bones.

You have two sets of metatarsal arteries, the plantar metatarsal arteries on the bottom of your foot, and the dorsal metatarsal arteries on the top of your foot.

(from: wikipedia - plantar metatarsal arteries)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Stomach - Body

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tarsal Arteries

We just learned about the Dorsalis Pedis Artery.

Remember that the large bones in your foot and ankle are called your tarsus.

The two main arteries that supply blood to that part of your foot are the medial tarsal artery and the lateral tarsal artery.

They are on either side of your foot by the ankle.
The medial one is on same side as your big toe is on, and the lateral one is the same side as your pinky toe.

(from: wikipedia - medial tarsal arteries)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Stomach - Fundus

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Dorsalis Pedis Artery

We've learned that the plantar arteries give blood to the bottom of the foot.

For the top of the foot, right at the ankle, the tibial artery turns into the Dorsalis Pedis Artery.

You can sometimes see this artery on the top of your foot, and it goes all the way down to between your two biggest toes.

(from: wikipedia - dorsalis pedis artery)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Stomach - Cardia

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Plantar Arteries

We've learned about the fibular and tibial arteries that bring oxygenated blood down the lower leg and ankle.

Those arteries connect to the bottom of the foot where you have two plantar arteries called the medial plantar artery and lateral plantar artery.

The medial plantar artery goes along from your heel area to your big toe.
The lateral plantar artery makes a big arc from your heel, over to the outside of your foot, and then curves back toward your big toe.

(from: wikipedia - lateral plantar artery)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Esophagus

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Fibular Arteries

We've learned that oxygenated blood comes through the knee in your popliteal artery, and that there are arteries called tibial arteries that go along your tibia.

The other artery in the back of your lower leg is called your fibula, and there are arteries called Fibular Arteries that go along that bone.

(from: wikipedia - fibular artery)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Uvula

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tibial arteries

We just learned about the popliteal artery that brings oxygenated blood down to through your knee.

After it goes past your knee it splits into two arteries called the tibial arteries.
The anterior tibial artery is in front, and the posterior artery is in back.

(from: wikipedia - anterior tibial artery)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Digestive System

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Popliteal Artery

After the oxygenated blood comes through the femoral artery, it goes to the popliteal artery.

This artery goes in the middle of your leg, right behind your knee.

(from: wikipedia - popliteal artery)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Epiglottis