All the different parts of the Human Body we've learned about:
- Bones - All the bones in the body, called the skeletal system.
Back bone, Sternum, Thoracic Cage, True Ribs, Cervical Vertebrae, Thoracic Vertebrae, Lumbar Vertebrae, Clavicle and Scapula, Pectoral Girdle, False Ribs, Humerus, Radius & Ulna, Wrist bones - carpals, Hand bones - metacarpals, Proximal phalanges, Intermediate phalanges, Distal phalanges, Sacrum, Coccyx, Pelvis, hip bone, Femur, Patella, Tibia & Fibula, Metatarsus, Tarsus, Foot Phalanges, Human skull, Facial Skeleton, Frontal Bone, Parietal bones, Occipital Bone, Ethmoid Bone, Sphenoid bone, Temporal bone, Mandible, Maxilla, Nasal bone, Vomer, Palatine bones, Zygomatic bones, Lacrimal bones, Inferior nasal concha, Ear bones - Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup, Hyoid bone - Cancer - The cancer disease.
Blood Cancer, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Acute or Chronic Leukemia, Leukemia, Lymphoblastic or Myelogenous Leukemia, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Lymphoma, Neoplasm, Anti-Growth Signals, Benign Tumor, Cell Growth, Malignant Tumor, Avoiding Apoptosis, Limitless Replication, Metastasis, Sustained Angiogenesis - Circulatory System - The blood in your veins, arteries and heart.
Capillaries, Circulatory System, Pulmonary Vein, Aorta, Aortic Arch, Ascending Aorta, Left Atrium, Left Ventricle, Common Carotid Artery, External Carotid Artery, Internal Carotid Artery, Subclavian Artery, Axillary artery, Dorsal Scapular Artery, Internal Thoracic Artery, Vertebral Artery, Brachial Artery, Descending Aorta, Palmar Arch, Palmar Digital Arteries, Radial & Ulnar arteries, Abdominal Aorta, Femoral Artery, Popliteal Artery, Thoracic Aorta, Dorsalis Pedis Artery, Fibular Arteries, Plantar Arteries, Tibial arteries, Arterioles, Metatarsal Arteries, Microcirculation, Plantar and Dorsal Digital Arteries, Tarsal Arteries, Metatarsal Veins, Plantar and Dorsal digital veins, Vein, Venules, Dorsal venous arch, Small Saphenous Vein, Tibial Veins, Femoral Vein, Fibular Vein, Great Saphenous Vein, Iliac Veins, Inferior Venae Cavae, Popliteal Vein, Axillary, Cephalic, Brachial veins, Median Cubital Vein, Subclavian Vein, Superior Vena Cava, Digital Veins, Dorsal Venous Network of the Hand, Radial and Ulnar veins, Superficial Palmar Venous Arch, Heart - Blood Flow, Jugular Vein, Pulmonary Artery, Right Atrium, Right Ventricle, Aortic Valve, Heart - Valves, Mitral Valve, Tricuspid Valve, Heart Wall - Endocardium, Heart Wall - Epicardium, Heart Wall - Myocardium, Pulmonary Valve, Heart Wall - Pericardium - Connective Tissue - The ligaments, tendons and tissues that hold the body together.
Collagen, Connective Tissue, Dense Connective Tissue, Ligament, Sharpey"s Fibres, Tendon, Cartilage, Costal Cartilage, Skull Suture Tissue, Temporomandibular Ligament, Intervertebral Disc, Posterior Longitudinal Ligament, Radiate Ligament of Head of Rib, Supraspinous ligament, Xiphoid Process, Costoxiphoid Ligaments, Posterior Sacroiliac Ligament, Sternoclavicular Ligaments, Superior Costotransverse Ligament, Glenohumeral Ligaments, Humeroradial Ligaments, Scapula & Clavicle Ligaments, Ulnar Collateral Ligament, Carpal Ligaments, Intercarpal Ligaments, Metacarpal Ligaments, Phalangeal Ligaments, Radioulnar Ligaments, Hip & Femur Ligaments, Knee Ligaments, Medial and Lateral Meniscus, Patellar Ligament, Inferior Tibiofibular Joint, Superior Tibiofibular Ligaments, Talocalcaneal Ligaments, Talocrural and ankle ligaments, Distal Intertarsal Ligaments, Interphalangeal Ligaments, Metatarsal Ligaments, Transverse Tarsal Ligaments - Digestive System - From the throat to the stomach and intestines.
Esophagus, Epiglottis, Digestive System, Esophagus, Stomach - Cardia, Uvula, Stomach - Body, Stomach - Fundus, Stomach - Hydrochloric Acid, Stomach - Peristalsis, Duodenum, Pancreas, Stomach - Bolus and Chyme, Stomach - Protease, Stomach - Pylorus, Gallbladder, Ileum, Jejunum, Liver, Ascending Colon, Cecum, Small intestine, Transverse Colon, Villi, Appendix, Descending Colon, Rectum, Sigmoid Colon, Large Intestine - Ears - All about the human ears.
Ear muscles, Antihelix, Auricle, Helix, Human Ear, Outer Ear, Antitragus, Intertragic Notch, Earlobe, Tragus, Bony Labyrinth, Concha, Ear Canal, Inner Ear, Vestibule of the Ear, Cochlea, Eardrum, Ear Hair Cells, Semicircular Canals, Ear Ossicles, Middle Ear, Organ of Corti, Perilymph, Incus, Malleus, Oval Window, Stapedius Muscle, Stapes, Eustachian Tube, Tensor Tympani, - Eyes - All about the human eyes.
Eyes, Cornea, Eye Color, Iris, Pupil, Lens, Optic Nerve, Retina, Sclera, Aqueous Humour, Ciliary Body, Fibrous Tunic, Macula, Vitreous Body, Choroid, Rod Cells, Uvea, Zonule of Zinn, Cone Cells, Eye Movement, Fovea, Opthalmic Artery, Photoreceptor Cells, Central Retinal Artery, Central Retinal Vein, Field of View, Optic Disc, Peripheral Vision, Rapid Eye Movement, Saccade, Smooth Pursuit, Depth Perception, Lacrimal Ducts, Lacrimal Gland, Lacrimal Punctum, Lacrimal Sac, Epicanthic Fold, Eyelids, Meibomian Gland, Nasolacrimal Duct, Bulbar Conjunctiva, Canthus, Eyelash, Lacrimal Lake, Far Sightedness, Myokymia, Near-Sightedness, Refractive Error, Rheum, Astigmatism, Presbyopia - Integumentary System - Skin, hair and nails.
Epidermis, Integumentary System, Skin, Adnexa, Dermis, Hair, Hypodermis, Hair - Follicle, Hair Growth, Hair - Muscle, Hair - Plexus, Hair - Root Sheath, Hair sebaceous gland, Nail - Matrix, Nails, Sweat glands, Eponychium and Cuticle, Lunula, Nail Plate, Paronychium - Lymphatic System - White blood cells, bone marrow and lymph nodes.
Lymph, Lymphatic System, Lymph Capillary, Bone Marrow, Lymphatic Vessel, Lymph Nodes, Blood Cell, Haematopoiesis, Platelet, Red Blood Cell, White Blood Cell, B Cells, Lymphocyte, NK Cells, T Cells, Basophil, Eosinophil, Monocyte, Neutrophil, Antigen, Pathogen, Phagocytosis, Spleen, Thymus, Antibody, Epitope, Paratope - Muscles - All the muscles in the body, called the muscular system.
Biceps, Deltoids, Pectorals, Triceps, Gluteus maximus, Latissimus Dorsi, Rectus abdominis, Trapezius, Calf Muscle, Forearm Extensors, Forearm flexors, Quadriceps, Forearm pronators, Forearm supinators, Hand muscles - Thenar, Hypothenar, Lumbrical hand muscles, Dorsal Foot Muscles, Dorsal interossei hand muscles, Palmar interossei hand muscles, Plantar foot muscles, Cheek muscles, Depressor lip muscles, Levator Lip Muscles, Procerus nose muscle, Tongue, Ear muscles, Eyebrow muscles, Eyelid muscles, Nose muscles, Chewing muscles - Mouth - From the teeth to the gums and the skin.
Baby Teeth, Central Incisors, Human Mouth, Maxillary Lateral Incisor, Teeth, Maxillary Canine, Maxillary First Molar, Maxillary First Premolar, Maxillary Second Premolar, Hypodontia, Maxillary Second Molar, Supernumerary Teeth, Wisdom Tooth, Dental Notation - ISO, Dental Notation - Palmer, Dental Notation - Universal Numbering System, Tooth Impaction, Cementum, Dentin, Pulp, Tooth Enamel, Crown, Dentinogenesis, Odontoblast, Tooth - Initiation, Tooth Root, Amelogenesis, Tooth - Bell Stage, Tooth - Buds, Tooth - Cap stage, Alveolar Process, Dental Alveoli, Gingiva, Periodontal Ligament, Lingual Papillae, Lining Mucosa, Masticatory Mucosa, Oral Mucosa, Specialized Mucosa, Filiform Papillae, Foliate Papillae, Fungiform Papillae, Taste Buds, Circumvallate Papillae, Foramen Cecum, Median Sulcus, Sulcus Terminus, Fimbriated Fold, Frenulum, Hard Palate, Soft Palate, Sublingual Caruncle, Incisive Papilla, Lips, Palatal Rugae, Palatine Raphe, Cupid"s Bow, Philtrum, Vermillion Border, White Roll, Frenulum of Lower Lip, Labial Commissure of the Mouth, Parotid Gland, Tonsils - Nervous System - The brain, spinal cord and nerves.
Brain, Central Nervous System, Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Cerebrum, Epithalamus, Hypothalamus, Occipital Lobe, Subthalamus, Thalamus, Cerebellum, Hindbrain, Medulla Oblongata, Pons, Diancephalon, Forebrain, Limbic System, Midbrain, Anterior Roots, Foramen Magnum, Grey Column, Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerve, Cervical Nerves, Dorsal Root, Lumbar Nerves, Thoracic Nerves, Cervical Plexus, Coccygeal nerve, Sacral Nerves, Somatic nervous system, Coccygeal plexus, Intercostal Nerves, Lumbar Plexus, Sacral Plexus, Subcostal Nerve, Autonomic nervous system, Brachial Plexus, Parasympathetic Nervous System, Sympathetic Nervous System, Dendrite, Enteric Nervous System, Neuron, Nucleus, Soma, Axon, Myelin Sheath, Node of Ranvier, Schwann Cell, Axon Terminal - Respiratory System - The throat and lungs and the way we breathe.
Lungs, Respiratory System, Trachea, Alveoli, Blood Air Barrier, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Adam"s Apple, Epiglottis, Larynx, Pharynx, Vocal Cords