Sunday, June 16, 2013

Other Kings

From the time of the prophets Samuel and Elija and Kings Saul, David and Solomon, there were over 40 different Kings over Israel!

Some of them were good, but most of them were very very bad.

The people asked God for a person to be king over them to be a ruler in place of Him,
but all of these kings showed that people can not be trusted in the way we can always trust in God.
king of israel
(from: wikipedia - kingdom of judah)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Alpha Centauri

We already learned about how Proxima Centauri is the nearest star to our solar system.

The next closest star is Alpha Centauri.
The neat thing about that star is that it's actually two stars!
Alpha Centauri A, and Alpha Centauri B.

They're so close that they actually look like one star.
alpha centauri
(from: wikipedia - alpha centauri)

Friday, June 14, 2013

French - March, April

Let's keep learning the months of the year in French!

We already learned that January is Janvier and February is Février.

Next up is March and April.
March, - Mars - sounds like ma-uh-ss /?/

April - Avril - sounds like ah-vuh-eel /?/

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Atomic number

We already know that atoms are super small things,
and that they have even smaller protons, neutrons and electrons in them.

We also know that chemical elements and molecules make up all the things in the world,
from the air to the water to the earth.

Each one of those chemical elements is different, because of the number of protons it has.

And the number of protons an atom or element has, we call that the atomic number.
It's different for every chemical element in the world!
atomic number
(from: wikipedia - atomic number)

For example, oxygen has 8 protons, and gold has 79.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cat tongue

We just learned about the Northern Pike.

Have you ever been licked by a cat?

You'd know if you had, because their tongue is very rough!
It's rough like that to help when they're grooming, and if you look up close
you can see that their tongue has little spikes on it, almost like a hair brush!
cat tongue
(from: wikipedia - cat)

The spikes on the cat's tongue are made of keratin.
The same thing your hair and fingernails are made of,
and also rhino horns, turtle shells, and whale teeth!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lacrimal bones

Let's learn the other parts of the facial skeleton!

We've already learned about the mandible, maxilla, nasal bone, vomer, palatine bones and zygomatic bones.

Next up are the lacrimal bones, right behind your nose and on the inside part of your eyes.
lacrimal bones
(from: wikipedia - lacrimal bone)

Monday, June 10, 2013


Let's keep learning about the countries in Europe!

We've already learned about France, Spain and Germany.

Next up is England.
(from: wikipedia - england)

One of the oldest buildings ever found is in England, called Stonehenge built over 4,000 years ago!
(from: wikipedia - stonehenge)

England has a royal family with a Queen, princes and princesses!
The home of the royal family is Westminster Palace
(from: wikipedia - palace of westminster)

And a very famous scientist Isaac Newton was from England too!
isaac newton
(from: wikipedia - isaac newton)