Monday, December 14, 2015

Lake Tanganyika

We just learned about Lake Michigan.

The next largest lake is Lake Tanganyika.

The lake is touching the countries of Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Burundi, and Zambia.

It is not the biggest lake in the world, but it is the longest lake.

(from: wikipedia - lake tanganyika)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Georgia

Sunday, December 13, 2015

First John

We just learned about the book of Second Peter.

The next book of the bible is the book of First John which was a letter that John wrote to tell people that God is perfect and that we should try to live our lives in love.

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

(from: wikipedia - john the evangelist)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: The Last Supper

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Tatlin's Tower - Tatlin

We just learned about the work of art Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge by Lissitzky.

Another famous work of art is Tatlin's Tower, designed by Vladimir Tatlin in 1919 to be built in Russia.

The tower was never built because there wasn't enough money, but it was supposed to be a very large metal tower bigger than the Eiffel Tower in France, and there are smaller models of what it would have looked like.

It was supposed to be a really big tower to show how modern, strong and successful the Russians were.

(from: wikipedia - tatlin's tower)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Girl with a Pearl Earring

Friday, December 11, 2015

Italian - One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Let's count to five in Italian!

1 uno - sounds like oo-no /?/
2 due - sounds like doo-ay /?/
3 tre - sounds like t-day /?/
4 quattro - sounds like coo-ah-t-doh /?/
5 cinque - sounds like chee-n-coo-ay /?/

academy of the bran
(from: wikipedia - accademia della crusca)

In German:
Ein, zwei, drei, veir, fünf

In Spanish:
Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco

In French:
Un, deaux, trois, quatre, cinq

Thursday, December 10, 2015


We just learned that the mesocyclone is when spinning wind lifts up into the air.

A supercell is when a mesocyclone happens in a thunderstorm.

(from: wikipedia - supercell)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Warm Front

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


We just learned about the type of dog the Greyhound

Another type of dog is a whippet.

The whippet is a lot like a greyhound, just smaller.

Since they are smaller they were used long ago to hunt rabbits, and sometimes people race whippets to see which is the fastest.

(from: wikipedia - whippet)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Spider Spinnerets

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Right Atrium

We just learned about the jugular vein that brings deoxygenated blood from the head and neck down toward the heart.

All of the arteries in the push blood away from the heart, and all of the veins bring blood back toward the heart.

We learned about the superior and inferior vena cava that brings blood back into the heart.
That goes right into the right atrium a chamber in the heart that fills up with deoxygenated blood.

(from: wikipedia - atrium (heart))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Left Ventricle