Saturday, April 16, 2016

Younger Memnon

We just learned about Nefertiti Bust sculpture.

Another ancient sculpture is the Younger Memnon statue.
This is the sculpture of an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh named Ramesses II or Ramesses the Great, and it is over 8 feet tall and 6 feet wide.
The statue used to have a lower body and legs, but they were broken.

This statue used to stand outside a large temple called the Ramesseum, a temple built for the pharaoh.
Rameses II was pharaoh for a long time and had many temples, statues and sculptures built through the time he was a ruler.

(from: wikipedia - younger memnon)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: A Bar at the Folies-Bergère - Manet

Friday, April 15, 2016

Italian - Our table is short

We just learned in Italian their car is tall is La loro auto è alto.

To say our table is short you would say Il nostro tavolo è breve.
We can break it up like this:
Our - Il nostro - sounds like eel noh-st-doh /?/
table - tavolo - sounds like tah-voh-loh /?/
is - è - Sounds like ay /?/
short - breve - Sounds like b-day-vay /?/

So all together Il nostro tavolo è breve sounds like eel noh-st-doh tah-voh-loh ay b-day-vay.

academy of the bran
(from: wikipedia - accademia della crusca)

In German:
Unser Tisch ist kurz

In Spanish:
Nuestra mesa es bajo

In French:
Notre table est courte

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Category 1 Hurricane

We just learned about the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale used to measure hurricanes.

The first level on that scale is a Category 1 Hurricane - Very dangerous winds that will produce some damage.

These hurricanes have winds between 74 and 95 mph.

They usually are not strong enough to damage large houses or buildings, but could blow over mobile homes, uproot trees or blow off roof shingles.

(from: wikipedia - hurricane barbara (2013))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Rain

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Green Tree Python

We just learned about Corn Snake.

Another type of snake is the Green Tree Python.
These snakes live in areas like New Guinea, Indonesia or Australia.

They live in trees, and will loop their coils over the tree like a saddle, and then lay their head in the middle.
When they hunt for the rodents that they eat, they will hang down from the tree and surprise their prey.
They do not have venom, and they are constrictors.
That means they wrap their body around their prey and squish it.

Sometimes they will bite humans if they get scared, but since they do not have venom they are not very dangerous.

(from: wikipedia - green tree python)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Chow Chow

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Frontal Lobe

We just learned about the Cerebrum.

There are four parts of the cerebrum, called lobes.

The lobe in the front at your forehead is called the Frontal Lobe.

The frontal lobe helps control voluntary movement.
Voluntary movement means things that you control, like walking or moving your arms.
Involuntary movement is things you can't control, like your heart pumping, or your stomach digesting your food.

It also helps make decisions on what is good or bad, and helps make decisions on if two things are alike.

(from: wikipedia - frontal lobe)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Abdominal Aorta

Monday, April 11, 2016

Reindeer Lake

We just learned about Lake Turkana in Russia.

The next biggest lake is Reindeer Lake in Canada.

This lake has a very deep circular part called Deep Bay Crater that was made when a large meteorite crashed into the earth.
There is also a legend about a giant creature that lives deep in that crater.

(from: wikipedia - reindeer lake)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Nebraska

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Maundy Thursday

We just learned about Palm Sunday.

The next day in the church calendar is Maundy Thursday.

This day is to remember the Last Supper, when Christ sat with his disciples for the last time, washed their feet and then ate together.

Some churches remember the day by having foot washing ceremonies where everyone washes each other's feet.

(from: wikipedia - maundy thursday)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Jesus' Burial