Wednesday, November 9, 2016


We just learned about the Timor Python.

Another type of snake is the anaconda.

This is the heaviest snake in the world, usually growing to around 150 pounds.
The largest anaconda ever found was over 200 pounds!

Their eyes and nose are on the top of their head, so when they are hiding in the water they only need a little bit of their body in the air to breathe.

(from: wikipedia - anaconda)

These snakes are not venomous, they are constrictors so they kill their prey by squeezing them.
They are so large that they can eat tapirs, deer, capybaras, caimans, jaguars, and even other anacondas.

(from: wikipedia - green anaconda)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Flat Coated Retriever

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Subcostal Nerve

We just learned about the Intercostal Nerves which comes from the Thoracic nerves T1-T11.

The last of the Thoracic nerves T12 is tied to the Subcostal Nerve.

This nerve helps control your stomach muscles, and gives feeling to the skin on the sides of your body.

(from: wikipedia - subcostal nerve)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Dorsal Venous Network of the Hand

Monday, November 7, 2016

Pacific Coast Belt

We just learned that the North American Cordillera is a group of five different mountainous areas in North America.

The first area is called the Pacific Coast Belt.

This belt contains four mountain ranges: The Southern Alaska ranges, the Western System of Canada, the Pacific Border Province in contiguous U.S. and the Western mountain ranges of Mexico.

(from: wikipedia - Pacific Coast Ranges)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Caspian Sea

Sunday, November 6, 2016


We just learned about Noah.

Noah had children and his children had children and so on through many generations.

Someone's children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are called their descendants.

One of the descendants of Noah was called Abraham.

When Abraham was younger, he was known as Abram.
God told Abram to leave his home and go travel to a place he would lead him.

Abram promised to follow God, and his name was changed to Abraham.
God promised Abram that he would have many descendants, and he had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac.

The Bible tells the story of Abraham in Genesis Chapters 11 - 25.

(from: wikipedia - abraham)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Paul's Letter to Titus

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Gero Cross

We just learned about the Golden Madonna of Essen.

Another ancient sculpture is the Gero Cross, carved around 965 AD.

This crucifix is over six feet tall, and is made out of oak wood, painted, and gilded with some gems.
The oval and sun rays behind the crucifix were added about 700 years later.

It is different from other sculptures of the time, because other crucifixes showed Christ alive with his eyes open looking out.
This crucifix shows him after he died on the cross, looking sad.
Many other crucifixes made after this one copied the same style.

(from: wikipedia - gero cross)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash - Balla

Friday, November 4, 2016

ASL - How are you?

We just learned how to say Hello, Goodbye and Good Morning in ASL.

If you want to say How are you? in ASL, you start with how.

The hand shape you start with is like the "Bent B".

ASL bent b
(from: wiktionary - appendix:sign language handshapes)

It's like the Bent B, but not exactly the same.
Keep your thumb up, bend your hand, point your fingers down, and your palm is facing down.
You do this with both hands, have them meet in front of you with the backs of your fingers facing each other.

Then rotate your hand at the wrist, bringing your fingers up toward the inside of your body until they are pointed up.

After that make the hand shape for "1" with your index finger, and point at the person you're talking to.

A lot of ASL also uses your face and your body, so it helps if you lean forward to show that you are interested in how someone is.

Here is a helpful video showing this sign, and also a way to say "What's up?" that you might say to your close friends:

ASL Signs "How are you?" - teachmesignlanguage

(from: wikipedia - american sign language)

Italian: Come va? Molto bene, grazie.

German: Wie geht es Ihnen? Sehr gut, danke.

Spanish: ¿Cómo estás? Muy bien, gracias.

French: Comment allez-vous? Très bien, merci.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Heat Treatment

We just learned about Forge Welding.

Another way to work with metal is called Heat Treatment.

Some mixtures of metals will get harder or softer if you keep them really hot for a very long time.

(from: wikipedia - heat treating)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Snownado