Thursday, July 4, 2019


We've learned a lot about the science of forensics that detectives use to solve crimes.

Another type of science is the study of Machines, which are the things that make the world move.

This could be anything from a car that is driving down the street to a windmill that takes wind power and turns it into energy.

There are many types of machines in the world, and there are lots of jobs for people who work with machines.
One type of job for working with machines is a mechanical engineer.

These people help figure out how to build machines and how to use them to build the things we need in our lives.

Another types of job is a machine operator, like the people who use the machine to do work.
This could be someone driving a big bulldozer, or someone working in a big building using a machine to cut or lift things.

Sometimes our machines break down and we need people to fix them.
There are lots of people working those jobs too, like a mechanic that looks at a car when it isn't working any more and has to figure out how to get it running again.

There are so many machines in our world that we need a lot of smart people to help make them work!

(from: wikipedia - mechanical engineering)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Altimeter

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Bathrocyroe Fosteri

We just learned about the Warty Comb Jelly.

Another kind of jellyfish is the Bathrocyroe Fosteri.

This is another type of comb jelly that lives in the deep parts of the ocean, and lights up with bioluminescence when it gets scared!

They only grow to about 2 inches long.

(from: wikipedia - bathocyroe fosteri)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Broadclub Cuttlefish

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Frenulum of Lower Lip

We just learned about the White Roll at the top of the upper lip.

Another part of the mouth is the Frenulum of Lower Lip.

We learned before about the little piece of skin under the tongue called the frenulum.
It is not the only thing called a frenulum in the body though!

Another frenulum is down at the bottom middle of the inside of the lower lip, right where it meets the gums.
If you put your tongue down there you can usually feel a little piece of skin there.

(from: wikipedia - frenulum of lower lip)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Maxillary First Molar

Monday, July 1, 2019


We just learned about the watery Moat that goes around a castle.

Another part of a castle is a Palisade, also sometimes called a stakewall or paling.

This is a fence made from iron or wooden stakes that was put around a castle to help defend it.
Because it wasn't very big like a stone wall, these defenses could be put up very quickly if people were afraid of an attack coming soon.

(from: wikipedia - palisade)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Malbork Castle

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Holy Tunic

We just learned about the Holy Nails that people believe are the nails used to crucify Jesus.

Another discovery that some people believe Saint Helen made was the Holy Tunic.

This is the robe that Jesus wore when he was crucified.

The Bible says that soldiers took it off of him and kept it.
When Saint Helen went on her pilgrimage, stories say that she found it and gave it to a church in the city of Trier in Germany.

The church there has a robe that they say is the real thing, and they bring it out once every 15 to 50 years, but not very much!

Other churches in France, Georgia and Russia also say that they have the robe, so there is no telling which one is the real one, or even if any of them are.

One of the problems with looking at these things from history is that they are over 2000 years old, so things could have been lost or switched a thousand years ago and no one knows for sure.

(from: wikipedia - seamless robe of jesus)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Andronicus - Bishop of Pannonia

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Gabon Mask

We just learned about the Chiwara antelope sculptures.

Another part of African art is the Gabon Mask.

In the African country called Gabon or the Gabonese Republic, the people there for many years made masks to help tell stories about their history.

This was long before they had ways to write down their history and print books like we do today.

(from: wikipedia - gabon)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Da Ke Ding

Friday, June 28, 2019

Norwegian - November, December

We already learned that January, February is Januar, Februar,
March, April is Mars, April,
May, June is Mai, Juni,
July, August is Juli, August,
and September, October is September, Oktober.

Let's keep going!

November - November - sounds like noh-vem-beh-dr
December - December - sounds like deh-sem-beh-dr

norwegian language
(from: wikipedia - norwegian language)

Greek: Νοέμβριος (Noémvrios), Δεκέμβριος (Dekémvrios)

ASL: November, December

Italian: Novembre, Dicembre

German: November, Dezember

Spanish: Noviembre, Diciembre

French: Novembre, Décembre