Saturday, September 10, 2022

Langlois Bridge at Arles - Van Gogh

We just learned about the Van Gogh painting Bedroom in Arles.

Another group of paintings by Van Gogh is Langlois Bridge at Arles.

Van Gogh made 4 oil paintings, 1 drawing, and 4 water colors of this bridge.
When he was in France he saw this bridge over the water, and with the windmills drawbridges and cottages it reminded him of the Netherlands where he grew up.

(from: wikipedia - langlois bridge at arles)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Paris Manuscripts - Leonardo da Vinci

Friday, September 9, 2022

Hindi - Drinks

We counted to 900 in Hindi! Wow!

Let's learn how to say some things to drink.

water पानी (paanee) - sounds like pah-nee - 文A

milk दूध (doodh) - sounds like doo-d - 文A

juice रस (ras) - sounds like rah-s - 文A

hindi devanagari
(from: wikipedia - devanagari)

Swahili: maji, maziwa, juisi

Russian: вода (voda), молоко (moloko), сок (sok)

Norwegian: vann, melk, juice

Greek: water νερό (neró), milk γάλα (gála), juice χυμό (chymó)

ASL: water, milk, juice

Italian: acqua, latte, succo

German: Wasser, Milch, Saft

Spanish: agua, leche, jugo

French: eau, lait, jus

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Paraffin Wax

We just learned about the Kerosene.

Another thing made from oil is Paraffin Wax.

This is a type of wax that can be made into things like crayons or candles.

(from: wikipedia - paraffin wax)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tire Code

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Striped Skunk

We just learned about the South American Coati.

Another animal that is related to the Coati is the Striped Skunk.

These animals live in North America, in Mexico, the US and Canada.
They grow to be about 60 centimeters, and weigh around 4 kilograms.
Striped skunks have black fur with a white stripe going down their back.

Skunks are very well known for the way they can spray someone with a stinky liquid if they are defending themselves.
They can spray several meters away, to keep themselves safe!

(from: wikipedia - striped skunk)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Black Capped Squirrel Monkey

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


We just started learning about Sleep.

One thing about sleep is Consciousness.

When you are conscious you are awake, and when you are asleep it is called being unconsciousness.

(from: wikipedia - consciousness)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Eardrum

Monday, September 5, 2022


We just learned about the country of Paraguay

Let's learn a little about the country of Peru!

This country is in South America, and borders Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile and the Pacific Ocean.
It is about 1.2 million square kilometers, and about 32,000 people live there.
The people in this country speak mostly Spanish.

(from: wikipedia - peru)

The flag of Peru is three stripes of red, white red, and sometimes has the coat of arms in the middle.
Red is for the blood of the people who fought for freedom and white is for peace.
Sometimes the red and white is for a type of red and white flamingo called parihuanas.

(from: wikipedia - flag of peru)

To eat in this country you might have Papa a la huancaina, which is potatoes with cream sauce, pepper, onion and garlic.

(from: wikipedia - peruvian cuisine)

Visiting this country you might go see Machu Picchu, an ancient city on top of a mountain.

(from: wikipedia - machu picchu)

Manú National Park is a park over 1 million hectares in size that has lots of special protected animals, rainforests and nature.

(from: wikipedia - manu national park)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: East Timor

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Adam and Eve

We just learned about Genesis Chapter 1 in the Bible.

In Genesis Chapter 2, God creates the first people, Adam and Eve.

(from: wikipedia - adam and eve)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Silent Night