Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fourth commandment

We just learned about the Third Commandment to keep the Sabbath Holy.

The fourth commandment that God gave to Moses is:

Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long upon the earth.

This means to listen to your parents, be good to them, and don't disobey them.

(from: wikisource - Luther's Small Catechism)

(from: wikipedia - honour thy father and thy mother)

Saturday, October 20, 2012


We just learned a little about our Solar System.

Let's learn about Orbit!

The earth orbits around the sun, which means that it spins around the sun kind of like the outside of a ferris wheel or merry go round.
It takes one year for the earth to do a full orbit around the sun.
earth orbit
(From: Wikipedia - Solar System)

The moon orbits around the earth, and we see a full moon about every 27 days, almost a whole month.
If there are two full moons in one month, that is called a blue moon.
full moon
(From: Wikipedia - Lunar Month)

The earth spins (rotates) and when it does a full spin around that takes one day.
earth spin
(From: Wikipedia - Earth's Rotation)

Friday, October 19, 2012

French - Mr, Mrs, Miss

In French, the word for Sir or Mr. is Monsieur pronounced like muhsyuh.
(google translate)
The word for Madam or Mrs. is Madame pronounced like mahdahm.
(google translate)
The word for Miss or a young lady is Mademoiselle pronounced like mahdmwahzehl.
(google translate)

Thursday, October 18, 2012


A muffler is the part of the car that helps make the engine quieter.
When the engine runs it creates smoke, or exhaust, and that exhaust goes out through the muffler and then the tailpipe.

(from: wikipedia - exhaust system)

Without the muffler the car engine would be very loud.
The word "muffle" actually means to wrap something up to make it quieter,
so just like you can cover your mouth to make sounds quieter the muffler makes a car quieter.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lion's Mane

A lion's mane (only found on male lions) is used to make the lion look bigger and stronger to scare away other animals.
lion's mane
(From: Wikipedia - Lion)

You can tell how healthy a lion is by looking at it's mane. The thicker, fuller and darker the mane is, the healthier the lion.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


We just learned about the Lumbar Vertebrae

The esophagus is the tube that goes down your neck, and brings the food from your throat to your stomach.
(#1 in picture. From: Wikipedia Esophagus)

The part at the back of your throat that connects your mouth to your esophagus is called your pharynx.

Monday, October 15, 2012

United States of America

The United States of America (Also called "USA" or just "America") has 50 states.
(From: Wikipedia - United States)

The American flag has 50 stars on it because there are 50 states.

The national bird (like a mascot) for America is the bald eagle

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Third Commandment

We just learned the Second Commandment to not take God's name in vain.

The third commandment God gave to Moses is:
Thou shalt sanctify the holy-day.

(from: wikisource - Luther's Small Catechism)
This means you should take one day out of each week, like Saturday or Sunday, to worship God.

(from: wikipedia - sabbath)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Solar System

Our sun and the planets that spin around it are called our "Solar System"
solar system

There are other stars in the universe that have planets around them called "Planetary Systems", but the word "Solar" is just for our sun.

(From: Wikipedia - Solar System)

Friday, October 12, 2012

French - Hello, goodbye

In French, the word bonjour (pronounced: bohzhoor) means Hello,
(google translate)

Au revoir (pronounced: Oh revwah) means goodbye.
(google translate)

Thursday, October 11, 2012


We just learned about Hardware and Software.

Let's learn a little about car engines.

Inside a car's engine is something called a piston.
It is inside a small metal tube, and it moves up and down.
When it moves up, it squishes the gasoline in the tube (which comes from the gas tank) and electricity comes from the spark plug and BOOM the gas explodes.

The gas explosion pushes the piston down, and that pushing over and over again is what makes the pistons run the engine and spin the wheels.

(from: wikipedia - internal combustion piston engine)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Giraffe Horns

We just learned a little about what is Inside Bees

Let's learn about giraffes! The horns on a giraffe's head are called "ossicones".

A female giraffe's ossicones have fuzzy black hair, and a male's are usually bald.

giraffe ossicones
(From: Wikipedia - Giraffe)

The males will use their ossicones when fighting (or "necking") with other giraffes.

giraffes necking
(From: Wikipedia - Giraffe)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lumbar Vertebrae

We just learned about the Thoracic Vertebrae.

The five vertebrae in your lower back are called the "lumbar" vertebrae.

To help remember that, think of your back hurting so you put your hand on your lower back, and you have five fingers on your hand.
L is for lower and lumbar, and five fingers for five vertebrae!
lumbar vertebrae
(from: wikipedia - human vertebral column)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Great Lakes (HOMES)

There are five lakes in the United States called the "Great Lakes" and an easy way to remember the names of all five is the word HOMES.

H - Huron
O - Ontario
M - Michigan
E - Erie
S - Superior

great lakes
(Image from: Wikipedia - Great Lakes)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Second commandment

The second commandment God gave to Moses is:

We just learned about the First Commandment to have no other gods.

Let's learn the Second Commandment:

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain.

(from: wikisource - Luther's Small Catechism)

This means you should not say God or Jesus unless you're talking to God or about God.
Saying things like "Oh my God" is an example of what not to do.

(from: wikipedia - ten commandments)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Planet Names

An easy way to remember the planet's names is to remember a funny thing to say:
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos

The first letter from each of those words matches up with the first letter of a planet!
My - M - Mercury
Very - V - Venus
Educated - E - Earth
Mother - M - Mars
Just - J - Jupiter
Served - S - Saturn
Us - U - Uranus
Nachos - N - Neptune

This is also the right order for the planets too, from the closest to the sun (Mercury) to the farthest away (Neptune)
(From: Wikipedia - Solar System)

Remember that Pluto is still out there, but it's not a planet anymore!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hardware & Software

For computers, the word hardware means all of the hard parts of the computer, like the screen, buttons, keyboards, all the bits and pieces inside a phone or laptop or desktop computer.

computer hardware
(From: Wikipedia - Personal Computer Hardware)

The word software means all of the things that the computers do, like games and programs that run and make the computer work.

Angry Birds

(From: Wikipedia - Angry Birds)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Inside Bees

A bee's heart runs all along the heart of it's body.
anatomy of a bee
(from: wikipedia - insect morphology)

They have holes in their bodies called spiracles that are openings where they take in air to breathe.
(from: wikipedia - spiracle)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thoracic Vertebrae

We just learned about the Cervical Vertebrae.

The middle part of your spine is called the Thoracic Vertebrae.
Remember that your ribs are called the Thoracic Cage, and your Spine is made up of vertebrae.

(from: wikipedia - thoracic vertebrae)

Monday, October 1, 2012


A peninsula is some place where land is sticking out and is surrounded by water.

Lake Michigan has an upper peninsula and lower peninsula surrounded by the lakes.
(from: wikipedia - michigan)

And Florida is a peninsula sticking out into the ocean.
(from: wikipedia - florida)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

First commandment

God gave Moses ten very important rules to live by, called the commandments.

The first one is:
Thou shalt have no other gods.
(from: wikisource - Luther's Small Catechism)

This means we should make God the most important thing in our lives, above anything else.
first commandment
(from: wikipedia - ten commandments)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturn's Rings

Saturn has 12 rings, made up mostly of chunks of rock and ice.

saturn's rings
(From: Wikipedia - rings of saturn)

Thursday, September 27, 2012


We just learned about what an Electrical Box is.

The first computer was called the ENIAC.
(Sounds like Any-Ack) It stands for a bunch of big words that just mean it was a big math calculator:
Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

(From: Wikipedia - eniac)

It wasn't like any of the fancy computers we have now with big colored touch screens!
It was a whole room full of wires and lights and could only do math problems with numbers.
This might not seem like much, but it could figure out over 350 problems like this in less than a second.
Way faster than most humans!

9,292,532,154 x 2,135,484,354 = 19,844,057,023,908,918,516

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cervical Vertebrae

We just learned about the True Ribs

The upper seven vertebrae that connect your head to your shoulders are called the cervical vertebrae.

(From: Wikipedia - cervical vertebrae)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Electrical Box

The electricity for your light bulbs, comes from wires in the ceiling and walls.
(From: Wikipedia - electrical wiring)

Those wires go through the walls and end up in something called an electrical box, or breaker box.
In many homes it's found in the basement.
All the wires go into the electrical box, and there are switches like a light switch that can turn the electricity off for the whole house!
electrical box
(From: Wikipedia - circuit breaker panel)

The electricity comes into the electrical box from big wires that that go all the way back to the power company.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

True Ribs

We just learned about the Thoracic Cage.

The upper 7 ribs are called the True Ribs or Vertebrosternal Ribs

true ribs

(From: Wikipedia - true ribs)

If this is hard to remember, you can try to remember that they connect your vertebrae in back to your sternum in front.
Vertebrae + sternum = Vertebrosternal

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thoracic Cage

We just learned about the Sternum.

The human rib cage is made up of 24 ribs (12 on each side) and is also known as the Thoracic Cage.

thoracic cage
(From: Wikipedia - human rib cage)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


We just learned about the human Back Bone.

The hard bone in the middle of your chest that connects your ribs together in the middle is called your sternum or breastbone.


(From: Wikipedia - human sternum)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back bone

The bone in your back is called your spine.

(From: Wikipedia - vertebral column)

It is made up of many small parts called vertebrae.
(From human vertebral column)