Friday, September 27, 2013

French - one hundred

We just learned how to count to 99 in French! Wow!

What about numbers 100 and over?

100 in French is cent - sounds like son - /?/
For numbers higher than that, you just say the individual numbers afterward.
101 cent un - sounds like sont-on /?/

102 cent deux - sounds like son-doo /?/

103 cent trois - sounds like son-twah /?/

104 cent quatre - sounds like son-cat-uh-ah /?/

105 cent cinq - sounds like sont-sank /?/

106 cent six - sounds like son-see /?/

107 cent sept - sounds like son-set /?/

108 cent huit - sounds like son-oo-ee /?/

109 cent neuf - sounds like son-nef /?/

Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
(from: wikipedia - OIF)