Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Upside-Down Jellyfish

We just learned about the Cauliflower Jellyfish.

Another type of Jellyfish is the Upside-Down Jellyfish, also called the Cassiopea Andromeda.

This kind of jellyfish usually lives in the sand or mud.
A lot of times people think this jelly is a sea anemone because it lays on the ground.
It lays on its back with its arms up waving around, and it uses its bell to keep the water flowing up on its arms.
If some animals come along to its arms, they will get stung and then fall into the jellyfish's mouth that is pointing up.

These jellies also live with algea growing in and around it, and some shrimp, and some other very small animals called zooxanthellae.
These tiny animals help keep other animals away that might hurt the jelly, and the jelly helps keep predators away that might hurt them.

(from: wikipedia - cassiopea andromeda)

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