We just learned that in Russian I am happy is Я счастлив (ya shastliv),
you are sad is Ты грустный (Ty grustnyy),
and he is angry is Он сердится (On serditsya).
Let's learn how to say they are excited.
Они взволнованы (Oni vzvolnovany)
They - Они (Oni) - Sounds like oh-nee 文A
are excited - взволнованы - (vzvolnovany) Sounds like v-z-voh-l-noh-vah-nee 文A
So all together Они взволнованы (Oni vzvolnovany) sounds like oh-nee v-z-voh-l-noh-vah-nee.
(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)
Norwegian: De er begeistret
Greek: Είναι ενθουσιασμένοι
ASL: They are excited
Italian: Sono eccitati
German: Sie sind aufgeregt
Spanish: Ellos estan emocionados
French: Ils sont excité