Showing posts with label Arachnids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arachnids. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Peacock Spider

We just learned about the Wolf Spider that carries around its babies.

Spiders come in all shapes and sizes. Some are really colorful!

One type of fancy looking spider is nicknamed the peacock spider.
It's real science name is maratus volans.

When the male spider is looking for a wife, he will flap around the colorful parts of his body, wave his arms, and do a dance to get her attention.

peacock spider
(from: wikipedia - maratus volans)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Northern Pike

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders are furry little spiders that live mostly on the ground by themselves in the woods.

They might look a little scary, but they are very helpful as they eat lots of bugs like flies and mosquitos.
They are very good at hiding, and they hunt at night because of their good eyesight, so you really almost never will see them.

They have two big eyes, right above four smaller eyes.
wolf spider eyes
(from: wikipedia - wolf spider)

When wolf spiders lay eggs, they are very small and fragile. The mother wolf spider will user her spider silk to wrap all the eggs up in a sac, and carry them around to keep them safe.
wolf spider egg sac
(from: wikipedia - wolf spider)

Once the spider eggs hatch, the spider babies are still very tiny and fragile, so they climb up onto their mother's back, and the mother keeps them safe there while they are growing.
wolf spider babies
(from: wikipedia - wolf spider)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Vultures