Showing posts with label German. Show all posts
Showing posts with label German. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2015

German - January, February

Let's learn about the months of the year in German!

January - Januar - sounds like yahn-wah /?/
February - Februar - sounds like feb-wah /?/

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Enero, Febrero

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Janvier, Février

Friday, May 22, 2015

German - Saturday, Sunday

We just learned that in German:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch,
Thursday, Friday is Donnerstag, Freitag.

Let's keep learning the days of the week!

Saturday - Samstag - sounds like doh-nah-stah-g /?/
Sunday - Sonntag - sounds like fuh-ah-ee-tag /?/

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Sabado, Domingo

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Samedi, Dimanche

Friday, May 15, 2015

German - Thursday, Friday

We just learned that in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday in German is Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch.
Let's keep learning the days of the week!

Thursday - Donnerstag - sounds like doh-nah-stah-g /?/
Friday - Freitag - sounds like fuh-ah-ee-tag /?/

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Viernes, Jueves

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Jeudi, Vendredi.

Friday, May 8, 2015

German - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Let's learn the days of the week in German!

Monday - Montag - sounds like mon-tah-g /?/
Tuesday - Dienstag - sounds like deen-stag /?/
Wednesday - Mittwoch - Sounds like mitt-foh-hk /?/

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Lunes, Martes, Miercoles

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi.

Friday, May 1, 2015

German - His face is rough

We just learned in German her hands are soft is Ihre Hände sind weich..

To say his face is rough you would say Sein Gesicht ist rau.
We can break it up into four words:
His - Sein - sounds like zah-een /?/
face - Gesicht - sounds like gah-zikt /?/
is - ist - Sounds like isst /?/
rough - rau - Sounds like rah-oo /?/

So all together Sein Gesicht ist rau sounds like Zah-een gah-zikt isst rah-oo.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Su cara es áspera

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Son visage est rude.

Friday, April 24, 2015

German - Her hands are soft

We just learned in German our table is short is Unser Tisch ist kurz.

To say her hands are soft you would say Ihre Hände sind weich.
We can break it up into four words:
Her - Ihre - sounds like ee-uh /?/
hands - Hände - sounds like han-duh /?/
are - sind - Sounds like zint /?/
soft - weich - Sounds like vah-ee-hhk /?/

So all together Ihre Hände sind weich sounds like Ee-uh han-duh zint vah-ee-hhk.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Sus manos estan suaves

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Ses mains sont douces.

Friday, April 17, 2015

German - Our table is short

We just learned in German their car is tall is Ihr Auto ist groß.

To say our table is short you would say Unser Tisch ist kurz.
We can break it up into four words:
Our - Unser - sounds like oo-n-zah /?/
table - Tisch - sounds like tish /?/
is - ist - Sounds like isst /?/
short - kurz - Sounds like koo-ats /?/

So all together Unser Tisch ist kurz sounds like mine oo-n-zah tish isst koo-ats.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Nuestra mesa es bajo

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Notre table est courte

Friday, April 10, 2015

German - Their car is tall

We just learned in German your food is hot is Ihr Essen ist heiß.

To say their car is tall you would say Ihr Auto ist groß.
We can break it up into four words:
Their - Ihr - sounds like Ee-uh /?/
car - Auto - sounds like ah-oo-toh /?/
is - ist - Sounds like isst /?/
tall - groß - Sounds like guh-oh-ss /?/

So all together Ihr Autoist groß sounds like mine Ee-uh ah-oo-toh isst guh-oh-ss.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Su coche es alto

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Leur voiture est haut

Friday, April 3, 2015

German - Your food is hot

We just learned in German:
this chair is small is Der Stuhl ist klein,
and my drink is cold is Mein Getränk ist kalt.

Let's learn about more things we see every day.

To say your food is hot you would say Ihr Essen ist heiß..
We can break it up into four words:
ear essen ist ha-ees Your - Ihr - sounds like Ee-uh /?/
food - Essen - sounds like ess-en /?/
is - ist - Sounds like isst /?/
hot - heiß - Sounds like hah-eess /?/

So all together Ihr Essen ist heißs sounds like mine Ee-uh ess-en isst hah-eess.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Tu comida está caliente

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Votre nourriture est chaud

Friday, March 27, 2015

German - My drink is cold

We just learned that in German to say this chair is small you say Der Stuhl ist klein.

Let's learn about more things we see every day.

To say My drink is cold, we say Mein Getränk ist kalt.

We can break it up into four words:
My - Mein - sounds like mine /?/
drink - Getränk - sounds like geh-tuhrank /?/
is - ist - Sounds like isst /?/
cold - kalt - Sounds like kah-lt /?/

So all together Mein Getränk ist kalt sounds like mine geh-trank isst kah-lt.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Mi bebida es fría

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Ma boisson est froid

Friday, March 20, 2015

German - The chair is small

We just learned that in German to say this house is big you say Das Haus ist groß.

Let's learn about more things we see every day.

To say The chair is small, we say Der Stuhl ist klein

We can break it up into four words:
The - Der - sounds like day-rr /?/
chair - Stuhl - sounds like shtool /?/
is - ist - Sounds like isst /?/
small - klein - Sounds like klah-een /?/

So all together Der Stuhl ist klein sounds like day-rr shtool isst klah-een.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
La silla es pequeña

Do you remember how to say it in French?
La chaise est petit

Friday, March 13, 2015

German - This house is big

Let's learn about some of the things we see every day.

To say this house is big in German you say Das Haus ist groß.

We can break it up into four words:
This - Das - sounds like dah-ss /?/
house - Haus - sounds like house /?/
is - ist - Sounds like isst /?/
big - groß - Sounds like gross /?/

So all together Das Haus ist groß sounds like Zee zint ow-f-guh-raykt.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Esta casa es grande

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Cette maison est grande

Friday, March 6, 2015

German - We are surprised

We just learned that I am happy in German is Ich bin glücklich,
you are sad is Sie traurig sind,
he is angry is er ist wütend,
and they are excited is sie sind aufgeregt.

Let's learn how to say We are surprised.

Wir sind begeistert.

We can break it up into three words:
We - Wir - sounds like veer /?/
are - sind - sounds like zint /?/
surprised - begeistert - Sounds like buh-gah-ee-stah-t /?/

So all together Sie sind aufgeregt sounds like Zee zint ow-f-guh-raykt.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Estamos sorprendido

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Nous sommes surpris

Friday, February 27, 2015

German - They are excited

We just learned that I am happy in German is Ich bin glücklich, you are sad is Sie traurig sind,
and he is angry is er ist wütend.

Let's learn how to say they are excited.
Sie sind aufgeregt

We can break it up into three words:
They - Sie - sounds like Zee /?/
are - sind - sounds like zint /?/
excited - aufgeregt - Sounds like ow-f-guh-ray-kt /?/

So all together Sie sind aufgeregt sounds like Zee zint ow-f-guh-raykt.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Ellos estan emocionados

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Ils sont excité

Friday, February 20, 2015

German - He is angry

We just learned that I am happy in German is Ich bin glücklich, and I am sad is Sie traurig sind.

Now let's learn how to say He is angry.

Er ist wütend

We can break it up into three words:
He - Er - sounds like Err /?/
is - ist - sounds like ih-st /?/
angry - wütend - Sounds like voo-tent /?/

So all together Er ist wütend sounds like err ih-st voo-tent.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Él está enojado

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Il est en colère

Friday, February 13, 2015

German - You are sad

We just learned that I am happy in German is Ich bin glücklich.

Now let's learn how to say You are sad.

Sie sind traurig

We can break it up into three words:
You - Sie - sounds like zee /?/
are - sind - sounds like zin /?/
sad - traurig - Sounds like tuh-ow-uh-ee-hh /?/

So all together Sie sind traurig sounds like zee zin tuh-ow-uh-ee-hh.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Estas triste

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Vous êtes triste

Friday, February 6, 2015

German - I am happy

Last time we learned that the German words for horse, sheep and duck are Pferd, Schaf and Ente.

Let's learn how to say I am happy in German!

In German when you see the letters ch together, it means to make a sound like a cat hissing.

We can break it up into three words:
I - Ich - sounds like ichh /?/
am - bin - sounds like ben /?/
happy - glücklich - Sounds like gloo-k-leechh /?/

Together Ich bin glücklich sounds like ich ben gloo-k-leech

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Estoy feliz

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Je suis heureux

Friday, January 30, 2015

German - Horse, Sheep, Duck

We know that in German, dog is hunt, cat is cat-suh, cow is Kuh, chicken is Huhn and pig is Schwein.
Let's learn more animals!

horse - Pferd - sounds like pfay-ah-t /?/

sheep - Schaf - sounds like shah-f /?/

duck - Ente - sounds like en-tuh /?/

Also in German horses say huii, sheeps say wäh wäh, and ducks say quaak quaak!

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
caballo, oveja, pato

Do you remember how to say it in French?
French - cheval, mouton, canard

Friday, January 23, 2015

German - Cow, Chicken, Pig

We already know that in German, dog is hunt and cat is cat-suh.

Now let's learn about some farm animals!

cow - Kuh - sounds like koo /?/

chicken - Huhn - sounds like hoon /?/

pig - Schwein - sounds like sh-vah-een /?/

Also in German cows say muh, chickens say gak-gak, and pigs say grunzen!

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
vaca, pollo, cerdo

Do you remember how to say it in French?
vache, poulet, porc

Friday, January 16, 2015

German - Black, White, Brown, Gray

We just learned that red, yellow, orange in German is rot, orange, gelb,
and green, blue, purple, pink is grün, blau, lila, pink.

Let's learn some more colors!

Remember German has an R sound (xr) that is at the back of your throat, almost like you're gargling water.

black - schwarz - sounds like sh-vah-ts /?/

white - weiß - sounds like vah-eess /?/

brown - braun - sounds like b-xr-ah-oh-n /?/

gray - grau - sounds like g-xr-ow /?/

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

In Spanish:
negro, blanco, marrón, gris

In French:
noir, blanc, brun, gris