Friday, April 10, 2015

German - Their car is tall

We just learned in German your food is hot is Ihr Essen ist heiß.

To say their car is tall you would say Ihr Auto ist groß.
We can break it up into four words:
Their - Ihr - sounds like Ee-uh /?/
car - Auto - sounds like ah-oo-toh /?/
is - ist - Sounds like isst /?/
tall - groß - Sounds like guh-oh-ss /?/

So all together Ihr Autoist groß sounds like mine Ee-uh ah-oo-toh isst guh-oh-ss.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Su coche es alto

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Leur voiture est haut