Sunday, March 31, 2013


Let's keep learning about the other Books of Law in the Old Testament.

We already learned about Genesis, and Exodus. Next up is Leviticus.

The word Leviticus just means a book about the Levites.
The Levites were the group of people that God picked to be in charge of keeping his laws.

So the book of Leviticus is mostly about rules or laws that God made for his people.
There are over 200 different laws in Leviticus!

(from: wikipedia - book of leviticus)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kuiper Belt

Remember we talked about Pluto and how it's part of something called the Kuiper belt?
(kuiper rhymes with viper)

Well it turns out that lots of things are floating around in that area,
over 100,000 different things called Kuiper Belt Objects or KBO for short.
kuiper belt
(from: wikipedia - kuiper belt)

They come in all sizes, some even close to the size of Pluto!

Friday, March 29, 2013

French - The chair is small

We learned last time that to say This house is big
you would say Cette maison est grande

Let's learn more about the things we see every day.

To say The chair is small you would say La chaise est petit
The - La - sounds like lah /?/
chair - chaise - sounds like shez /?/
is - est - sounds like ay /?/
small - petit - sounds like puh-tee /?/

All together it sounds like lah shez ay puh-tee /?/

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Solid, Liquid, Gas

We just learned a little about Light Bulbs.

Have you ever gone sledding in the snow?
What about swimming in a pool?
Have you ever seen water boil on a stove?
What about a bright neon sign for a store?

If so, then you've seen the four types of matter in our world:
solid, liquid, gas and plasma
states of matter
(from: wikipedia - states of matter)

We see water all the time in three of the four types.
An ice cube is water when it's solid, and the steam that rises from boiling water is actually the water turning into a gas.
There are lots of types of solids made from things other than water,
like the dirt you walk on, or the chair you sit in.

Solids can turn to liquids when they get hotter, like lava is actually rock as a liquid!

Sometimes gases are really hot like steam from water,
but sometimes gases are just normal temperature like the air we breathe.

Plasma is what happens when a gas gets really hot, and when the parts of the gas get really full of energy, and whenever you see a bright neon sign, it's filled with plasma!
(from: wikipedia - neon sign)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


We just learned about the Arctic Fox.

Don't judge this animal by his size!

The Wolverine is known to be a very ferocious animal,
and even sometimes will try to fight a bear or wolf for food!
(from: wikipedia - wolverine)

The wolverine is also famous.

One of Michigan's nicknames is the Wolverine State and the University of Michigan uses the wolverine as it's mascot because of it's fierce reputation.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Parietal bones

We learned before that the frontal bone is part of the neurocranium.

Also part of the neurocranium are two parietal bones, left and right.
They are the large bones in your skull that make up most of the top and sides for your head.
parietal bone
(from: wikipedia - parietal bone)

Monday, March 25, 2013


We just learned about the Caribbean Islands.

The largest country in the South American continent is Brazil
(from: wikipedia - brazil)

In Brazil they speak the Portuguese language.
To say hello, you would say Olá.

The largest city in Brazil is São Paulo, with over 11 million people.
It's the biggest city in all of North and South America!
são paulo
(from: wikipedia - São Paulo)

The most popular city for tourists is Rio De Janeiro
rio de janeiro