Friday, May 31, 2013

French - Saturday, Sunday

Let's keep learning the days of the week in French.

We already learned that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, and Thursday, Friday is Jeudi, Vendredi.

Last is Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday, - Samedi - sounds like sahm-dee /?/

Sunday - Dimanche - sounds like dee-mah-sh /?/

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Remember we learned that ions are atoms with a mismatched number of protons and electrons.

When these mismatched atoms meet up with other mismatched atoms,
they can stick together to become a bunch of atoms, called a molecule.

(from: wikipedia - properties of water)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


We just learned about Wasps and Bees.

Vultures can look pretty gross and scary sometimes, mostly because of their head with no feathers on it.

They don't have feathers because vultures eat carrion which means dead animals.
Since the meat they're eating may be old and kind of nasty,
they don't have feathers on their head so they don't get all messy and covered in old meat.
turkey vulture
(from: wikipedia - turkey vulture)

Even though vultures look scary, they only eat animals that are already dead,
so you don't have to worry about them attacking you.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Palatine bones

Let's learn the other parts of the facial skeleton!

We've already learned about the mandible, maxilla, nasal bone and vomer.
Next up is the palatine bone. If you feel in the roof of your mouth toward the back, that's it! It is part of the roof of your mouth and is below your nose.
(from: wikipedia - palatine bone)

Monday, May 27, 2013


Let's keep learning about the countries in Europe!

We've already learned about France.

Next up is Spain.

In Spain they speak Spanish, and to say hello you would say Hola!.
The people there call their country España (like Ess-pahn-yah)
(from: wikipedia - spain)

Spain is home to a special type of dancing called Flemenco
(from: wikipedia - flamenco)

And there is an old tradition of a running race where people are chased by wild bulls!
It's called the running of the bulls
running of the bulls
(from: wikipedia - running of the bulls)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

King David

Let's keep learning about the kings from the books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles.
We already learned about the prophet Samuel and King Saul.

Next up is King David.

David was a small boy, but he had great faith.

When the Israelits were fighting a giant named Goliath none of the soldiers would meet him in battle,
but David went up against him using only a sling to throw rocks.
He hit Goliath right in the head and killed him, because he believed in God's power.

David was also a musician, and met with King Saul because his music helped make the king's bad headaches go away.

Eventually David became king after Saul died.
He is such a popular king that some people called Jesus a son of David because Jesus was from David's family.

David was a great king until one day when he saw a woman that was not his wife,
and stole her away from her husband.

God was angry because David could have had anything he wanted, but he stole something that wasn't his.
David loved the Lord and so he begged for forgiveness.
God forgave him, but because David had done something bad, he had many other problems with his family.

Eventually David died as an old man in his bed after making his son Solomon the next king.

(from: wikipedia - david)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Constellations - Taurus

We've now learned about the constellations the Big Dipper and Orion.

Next up is Taurus.
This one is supposed to be a giant bull in the sky.
The best way to find it is to first find Orion, then look to the left of Orion's belt and you should see a bunch of stars that make up a V shape.
That's Taurus!

Follow the points of the V and you should find two stars that make up the points of the bull's horns.

(from: wikipedia - taurus constellation)