Saturday, August 24, 2013

Yellow Dwarf

We've learned so much about how to measure stars now!

We now know that:
- stellar classification is how hot the star gets, and uses letters and colors, like M and red
- absolute magnitude is how bright a star is, and uses numbers from -15 to 20.
- luminosity class is heat and brightness together, and uses numbers and names like I and supergiants.
- Hertzsprung-Russel diagram is like a map for understanding all of those measurements.

Now that we understand all of that, we can understand more about the stars in our universe!

The sun in our solar system has a stellar classification of G (yellow)
and a luminosity class of V (main sequence or dwarf)

So some people call our sun a Yellow Dwarf,
and others call it a GV, but they mean the same thing!

yellow dwarf
(from: wikipedia - yellow dwarf)

Yellow Dwarf stars are about 9,000 degrees, and burn for 10 billion years!

Friday, August 23, 2013

French - counting to fifty nine

We just learned how to count to 49 in French, let's keep going!

50 cinquante - sounds like sank-awnt /?/
51 cinquante et un - sounds like sank-aw-nt ay un /?/
52 cinquante-deux - sounds like sank-awn doo /?/
53 cinquante-trois - sounds like sank-awn twah /?/
54 cinquante-quatre - sounds like sank-awn cat-uh-ah /?/
55 cinquante-cinq - sounds like sank-awn sahnk /?/
56 cinquante-six - sounds like sank-awn see /?/
57 cinquante-sept - sounds like sank-awn set /?/
58 cinquante-huit - sounds like sank-awn soo-ee /?/
59 cinquante-deux - sounds like sank-awnt nef /?/

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Doping Semiconductors

We just learned about what a Anode and Cathode are.

We learned a while back that semiconductors are chemicals that do not conduct electricity very well.

Some scientists discovered a crazy thing, that if you mix up a semiconductor with another type of chemical,
then when you zap it with electricity it becomes a good conductor!

This is called doping or adding impurities into the semiconductor.

Remember we said silicon was a semiconductor.
The chemical arsenic can be added to silicon for doping.

(from: wikipedia - silicon)

(from: wikipedia - arsenic)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Squirrels are fun silly little animals, and exciting to watch as they run around climbing trees.

There are over 280 different types of squirrels, from the fox squirrels we see very often,
to the White tailed antelope squirrel and the Thirteen lined ground squirrel.

Squirrels live in pretty much every part of the planet, from super wet tropical rainforests to super dry deserts!
They pretty much only don't live in super freezing areas like Antarctica.

fox squirrel
(from: wikipedia - fox squirrel)

When you see a squirrel running around burying nuts in the ground,
that's the way they save up food for the coming fall and winter.
They are called scatter-hoarders, because they scatter their food and hoard it.

Sometimes the squirrels forget where they bury the nuts, and the buried nuts grow and turn into trees.
If a squirrel thinks it is being watched by someone who is going to steal their nuts,
some smart squirrels will even just pretend to dig a hole and bury the nut,
and then move on to another place!

squirrel eating a peanut
(from: wikipedia - squirrel)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Rectus abdominis

Let's keep learning about the muscles in the human body!

Last time we learned about the latissimus dorsi

Next up is the rectus abdominis.
These are the muscles in the front of your stomach, also called your abs or abdominal muscles.
You use them when you do bend forward, like you're doing a sit up.

rectus abdominis
(from: wikipedia - rectus abdominis muscle)

Since these muscles sometimes look like six bumps on your stomach,
some people call them a six pack.

Monday, August 19, 2013


We just learned about the country of Finland.

The Netherlands is a country just Northwest of Germany.
The language there is Dutch and sometimes the country is just called Holland.
(from: wikipedia - netherlands)

For dinner there you might have stamppot (mashed potatoes with vegetables) or snert (pea soup)!
(from: wikipedia - dutch cuisine)

People visit the Netherlands to go see their windmills and tulips.
(from: wikipedia - tourism in the netherlands)

Vincent van Gogh was a famous Dutch painter.
vincent van gogh
(from: wikipedia - vincent van gogh)

Wooden shoes are also an old Dutch tradition
(from: wikipedia - clog (shoe))

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego

During the time of the prophet Daniel the bad king
who ruled over God's people made it against the law to pray to God.

He even made a giant gold statue of himself and told everyone to worship it!

There were three other of God's prophets at that time called Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
They refused to worship the golden statue of the king,
and for that the king demanded that they were thrown into a giant fiery oven!

But when they were thrown in there to be burned up,
they were not harmed at all, God protected them so not even their clothes got burned.
shadrach meshach abednego
(from: wikipedia - shadrach, meshach and abednego)