Friday, February 21, 2014

Spanish - horse, sheep, duck

We've learned now that in Spanish dog is perro, cat is gato, cow is vaca, chicken is pollo and pig is cerdo.

Let's learn about some more animals!

horse - caballo - sounds like kah-bah-yo /?/
sheep - oveja - sounds like oh-vay-hah /?/
duck - pato - sounds like pah-toh /?/

Also in Spanish horses say jiii (sounds like heee), sheep say bee (sounds like bay), and ducks say cuac cuac!
association of spanish language academies
(from: wikipedia - Association of Spanish Language Academies)

Do you remember how to say it in French?
French - cheval, mouton, canard
et's learn a few more farm animals!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Metamorphic rock

There are three main types of rocks in our world.

We've learned about two types of rock now:
Igneous rock which is made from cooled lava.
Sedimentary rock which is made from water flowing over and leaving tiny pieces of dirt over thousands of years.

The third type of rock is metamorphic rock.
The word metamorphism means change in form.

These kinds of rocks are formed when two other rocks are squished together very hard for many many years.
Scientists can even look at the insides of the rock to figure out which types of rocks were squished together.

metamorphic rock
(from: wikipedia - metamorphic rock)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Voltage

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


We just learned about the Wildebeest.

Another type of antelope is the oryx.

It's horns are so dangerous that it has even been known to kill lions with them.
Sometimes it is called the sabre antelope. Sabre is another word for a sword.
(from: wikipedia - oryx)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Prairie Dogs

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


The lungs are the part of your respiratory system that holds the air you breathe in.

When you breathe in deeply, you can feel your lungs get bigger and fill up with air.
The air we breathe has something called Oxygen that our body needs to live.
(from: wikipedia - human lung)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Metatarsus

Monday, February 17, 2014

Saudi Arabia

We just learned about Afghanistan.

Saudi Arabia is a country in Asia South of Israel.
It is also in an area known as the Middle East along with Israel and Turkey. saudi arabia
(from: wikipedia - saudi arabia)

For a meal in Saudi Arabia, you may have Kabsa, which is spices with rice, meat and vegetables.
(from: wikipedia - kabsa)

A famous woman scientist in Saudi Arabia is Hayat Sindi.
It is very difficult for girls in that country to go to college or be scientists.
Many people there think that women should only stay home and cook and watch children.
Hayat Sindi has made many successes and helps teach little girls in her country that they can be anything they want to be.
hayat sindi
(from: wikipedia - hayat sindi)

In the town of Mada'in Saleh, there are some giant tombs carved into the side of mountains.

(from: wikipedia - mada'in saleh)

In Saudi Arabia, women have to wear something called a hijab, which covers their head and chest.
(from: wikipedia - hijab)

Men wear something called a thawb which is like a long robe.
(from: wikipedia - thawb)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: United States of America

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Jesus' Miracles - Healing in the synagogue

We've learned about Jesus' Miracles healing lepers, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, healing women and healing on the sabbath.

Another time Jesus healed on the sabbath, he did it in a place that is like a church, called a synagogue. He healed a man whose hand was very hurt. The people of the synagogue were very upset because they didn't think he should be healing on the sabbath in a synagogue.
christ heals man with paralysed hand
(from: wikipedia - healing the man with a withered hand)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apostle's Creed Part 11

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Lunar Phase

We just learned about the Solar Eclipse.

A full moon is when you can see the whole moon bright in the night sky.

What about when the moon isn't full and only part of it is showing?
Or when you can't see the moon at all in the sky?

The changing of the moon in the sky is called the lunar phase.
The light on the moon changes because it orbits the earth, and when the part we can see does not have sunlight shining on it, it is dark.
When the sunlight is shining on it all the way, it's bright.

lunar phase
(from: wikipedia - lunar phase)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Mars