Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Popliteal Vein

We just learned about the Fibular Vein which brings deoxygenated blood from the lower leg up to the upper leg.

Another vein that is in the knee area is called the popliteal vein.

(from: wikipedia - popliteal vein)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Villi

Monday, September 7, 2015

West Virginia

We just learned about the US state of Washington.

West Virginia is a state on the eastern part of the US.

It's nickname is the Mountain State because of the Appalachian Mountains, and it's motto is Montani semper liberi which means Mountaineers Are Always Free.

(from: wikipedia - west virginia)

The flag of West Virginia has a blue border and a white background, and the state seal in the middle surrounded by a wreath of the state flower rhododendron.
The seal has a boulder with the date June 20, 1863 when they became a state, two crossed rifles and a liberty cap above it to show that the state fights for freedom, a farmer on the left and a miner on the right.

(from: wikipedia - flag of west virginia)

West Virginia used to be one state together with the state of Virginia, but during the Civil War, the state split

(from: wikipedia - west virginia)

There are many caves in West Virginia, like Organ Cave.

(from: wikipedia - organ cave)

There is a very long bridge over a gorge in West Virginia called New River Gorge Bridge.

(from: wikipedia - new river gorge bridge)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Malawi

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Paul's Letter to the Galatians

We just learned about Paul's second letter to the church in Corinth.

Another letter Paul wrote was to a church in a town called Galatia which is now part of the country of Turkey.

The church there was following some people who were telling them the wrong things, so Paul sent them the letter to try and straighten things out.

Galatia also had a lot of people that were Gentiles, meaning they were not the Hebrews that were God's chosen people from a long time ago.
Some people argued that they couldn't be Christians, but Paul helped them understand that everyone is equal in the eyes of God.

One of the most well known parts of Galatians is Paul telling people that they are all one in Christ.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

(from: wikipedia - epistle to the galatians)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Farewell - August Macke

We just learned about the famous work of art The Tower of Blue Horses by German artist Franz Marc.

Another famous work of art is Farewell by German artist August Macke in 1914.

Macke was part of a group of artists called Der Blaue Reiter who worked together to make art that used strong colors and shapes, was exciting and had meaning behind it but didn't look like a picture of real people.

His painting Farewell was made when World War I started, and it shows the sadness of people because of the war.

(from: wikipedia - august macke)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Mars 2 - 6, Viking 1 & 2

Friday, September 4, 2015

German - Counting to eighty nine

We counted to 79 in German, let's keep going!

80 achtzig - sounds like ah-k-tsig /?/
81 einundachtzig - sounds like ah-een-oon-ah-k-tsig /?/
82 zweiundachtzig - sounds like svai-oon-ah-k-tsig /?/
83 dreiundachtzig - sounds like duh-ai-oon-ah-k-tsig /?/
84 vierundachtzig - sounds like fee-ah-oon-ah-k-tsig /?/
85 fünfundachtzig - sounds like foo-nf-oon-ah-k-tsig /?/
86 sechsundachtzig - sounds like zeks-oon-ah-k-tsig /?/
87 siebenundachtzig - sounds like zee-bm-oon-ah-k-tsig /?/
88 achtundachtzig - sounds like ah-kt-oon-ah-k-tsig /?/
89 neunundachtzig - sounds like no-een-oon-ah-k-tsig /?/

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
ochenta, ochenta y uno, ochenta y dos, ochenta y tres, ochenta y cuatro, ochenta y cinco, ochenta y seis, ochenta y siete, ochenta y ocho, ochenta y nueve

Do you remember how to say it in French?
quatre-vingts, quatre-vingts-un, quatre vingt deux, quatre vingt trois, quatre vingt quatre, quatre vingt cinq, quatre vingt six, quatre vingt sept, quatre vingt huit, quatre vingt neuf

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sand Storm

We just learned about Freezing Rain.

Another type of weather is called a sand storm.

When strong winds come along over desert areas with lots of sand, the wind keeps blowing on them until they are shaking.
The wind keeps blowing and eventually the sand is blown up just a little off the ground and is bouncing along the ground.
As the wind keeps up for a long time, more and more sand is blown up into the air higher and higher until it becomes a giant sand storm.

Sand storms can be 50 feet high, as tall as a five story building, and it is very dangerous to get caught in one.
It is not good for you to breathe in sand, so you have to cover your whole face up and get inside quick!

(from: wikipedia - dust storm)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Potassium

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


We just learned about the type of dog the Dalmatian.

Another type of dog is the Pomeranian, also known sometimes as a Pom Pom, or just Pom.

These dogs are very small, can get excited easily and are known to bark a lot, so they can sometimes make good watch dogs.
They are very friendly, and love to be the center of attention.

Queen Victoria of England had a pet Pomeranian dog, which made the dog very popular.

(from: wikipedia - pomeranian (dog))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Clownfish