Thursday, March 30, 2017


We just learned about the Milling Cutter.

One type of milling cutter is called a Hob.
Cutting with a hob is called hobbing.

When you need to make a gear or sprocket to be used in a machine or something like a bike chain, the hob can be used to cut the teeth of the gear into the right size and shape.

(from: wikipedia - hobbing)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tropical Storm

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Goliath Frog

We just learned about the smallest frog in the world, the Paedophryne Amauensis.

The largest frog in the world is the Goliath Frog.

This frog can grow to be over a foot long and weigh over seven pounds!

(from: wikipedia - goliath frog)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Blue Krait

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


We just learned about the Skin.

Skin is made up of a lot of layers. The top part on the outside is called the Epidermis.
This is the dry part of the skin that helps protect things from getting inside of your body.

(from: wikipedia - epidermis)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Brain

Monday, March 27, 2017

Brooks Range

We just learned about the Laramide Belt.

One mountain range in the Laramide Belt is the Brooks Range in Alaska and Canada.

This mountain range has a mine called the "Red Dog Mine", which is the largest Zinc mine in the world.

(from: wikipedia - brooks range)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lake Taymyr

Sunday, March 26, 2017


We just learned about the Solomon.

Another person from the Bible was Elijah.

Elijah was a prophet of God during a time when the Kings of Israel were not doing what they were supposed to.
God told Elijah to tell everyone there would not be any rain for a long time.
During this time God sent Elijah to meet a woman and ask her for food.
She said she had only enough food for her to eat for one more day, and then she would starve.
Elijah told her to go make him some bread and that she would not run out, and the flour and oil she had lasted for 40 days.

One of the bad kings was named Ahab, and he had his people worship a false God named Baal.
God told Elijah to go challenge the prophets that worked for Baal, to see if they could start a fire to burn up a sacrifice.
No matter what the Baal prophets did, they could not get the fire to light.
When it was Elijah's turn, he told them to soak everything with water to prove how strong God was.
Elijah asked God to light the fire, and it burned up the offering and the wood and the stones.
Everyone who saw this was amazed and believed in God again.
Because they came back to God, there was rain again and people could grow crops again.

(from: wikipedia - elijah)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Holy Week

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Fontana Maggiore - Pisano

We just learned about the Siena Cathedral Pulpit.

Another gothic sculpture is the Fontana Maggiore made in Italy in 1278 by the famous sculptors Nicola and Giovanni Pisano.

There are twenty five sides of the fountain basin, and they have sculptures of many things from the Bible like prophets, saints, stories from Genesis, and also signs of the zodiac.

(from: wikipedia - fontana maggiore)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Statue of Gudea

Friday, March 24, 2017

ASL - My drink is cold

We just learned in ASL how to say This chair is small.

To say the my drink is small in ASL you first start by putting your flat open hand on your chest "my".

After that to do the sign for drink you hold your hand out in front of you like you are holding an invisible glass, then you bring it toward your mouth and tip it, and tip your head back like you are taking a drink.

To say "cold" you put your hands into fists, and with your fists held by your body at your chest you shake them a little, almost like you are shivering.

Here are some helpful videos to show how these signs are done.

drink - ASL sign for drink - My Smart Hands

Sign Language Lessons hot,cold,summer,rain - Franz Lucading

(from: wikipedia - american sign language)

Italian: La mia bevanda è freddo

German: Mein Getränk ist kalt

Spanish: Mi bebida es fría

French: Ma boisson est froid