Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Coconut Octopus

We just learned about the European Squid.

Another type of cephalopod is the Coconut Octopus, also known as the veined octopus or amphioctopus marginatus.

This type of octopus lives mostly on the bottom of the water, and walks along in the sand.
It gets the name of coconut octopus, because it has been seen carrying empty coconut shells while it walks, and then when it wants to hide it climbs into the shell and closes it up.
Sometimes it will carry shells instead of coconuts and hide out in them, either hiding from predators or hiding so they can attack their prey.

Scientists also think that when it walks it looks like a coconut shell bouncing along the ocean floor.

(from: wikipedia - amphioctopus marginatus)

Coconut-carrying octopus stuns scientists - AFP news agency

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Common Midwife Toad

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Knee Ligaments

We just learned about the Hip & Femur Ligaments.

Another set of ligaments are the Knee Ligaments.

There are four main ligaments that connect the femur bone in the thigh, to the tibia and fibula bones of the lower leg.

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) connects the back of the femur to the front of the tiba. It helps keep the knee from twisting.
The Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) connects the front of the femur to the back of the tibia.
The Medial Cruciate Ligament (MCL) connects the inside of the femur to the inside of the tibia.
The Lateral Cruciate Ligament (LCL) connects the outside of the femur to the fibula.

(from: wikipedia - anterior cruciate ligament)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Myelin Sheath

Monday, February 19, 2018


We just learned about the Mexico state of Durango.

Another Mexico state is Zacatecas.

This state is right in the middle of Mexico.
It is known for the mining of riches like silver, and for being an important place in Mexico's battle for freedom.

(from: wikipedia - zacatecas)

The coat of arms has the Cerro de la Bufa hill with a cross on top of it, and a bunch of soldiers standing around a statue of the Virgin Mary.

(from: wikipedia - zacatecas)

There is a large hill with a rock formation on top that is called the Cerro de la Bufa.
It was an important place in many battles, and some important churches and other places have been built around it.

(from: wikipedia - cerro de la bufa)

Just like many other parts of Mexico, there are ancient ruins, like Las Columnas in the city of La Quemada.

(from: wikipedia - zacatecas)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Peninsular Ranges

Sunday, February 18, 2018

James son of Alpheus

We just learned about the Seventy Disciples.

The famous historian Hippolytus of Rome wrote down names of who he felt were the 70.

The first disciple listed is James the Lord's brother, bishop of Jerusalem.

Sometimes James is also known as "James, son of Alphaeus" or "James the lesser" because there were two apostles named James.

People aren't sure whether he was a child of Jesus' mother Mary, or if he was called Jesus' brother because they were so close.

After Jesus death, James moved to Jerusalem and was a leader in the church there along with Peter.

(from: wikipedia - james, son of alphaeus)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Samuel

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Bimaran Casket

We just learned about the Gandhara Stone Palettes.

Another example of art in Asia that has some Greek style is the Bimaran Casket, made around 50 AD in Afghanistan.

This is a golden container that has pictures of Buddha on the outside.
Buddha was a very important and wise person in Eastern Asia.
The pictures of Buddha on this container show him dressed and standing in a way that is a lot like Greek sculptures, so people think this was either done by Greek people who came through Afghanistan, or Greeks helped teach other people in the area how to do sculptures.

(from: wikipedia - bimarian casket)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tympanum at Vézelay Abbey - Gislebertus

Friday, February 16, 2018

Greek - He is angry

We just learned that I am happy in Greek is Είμαι χαρούμενος (eímai charoúmenos), and you are sad is Είσαι λυπημενος (Eísai lypimenos).

Now let's learn how to say He is angry.

Είναι θυμωμένος (Eínai thymoménos)

We can break it up into two words:
He is - Είναι (Eínai) - sounds like EE-nay
angry - θυμωμένος (thymoménos) - Sounds like thee-moh-MAY-noh-ss

So all together Είναι θυμωμένος (Eínai thymoménos) sounds like EE-nay thee-moh-MAY-noh-ss.

center for the greek language
(from: wikipedia - center for the greek language)

ASL: He is angry

Italian: Lui è arrabbiato

German: Er ist wütend

Spanish: Él está enojado

French: Il est en colère

Thursday, February 15, 2018


We just learned about the Seismometer.

Another part of earthquake science is the Seismogram.

These are pictures that are made by seismographs, used to show the movement of the ground on a graph.

(from: wikipedia - seismogram)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lathe - Headstock