Sunday, October 13, 2019


We just learned about the wise man Saint Augustine of Hippo.

Another part of early Christianity is Mariology.

This is the study of Mary the mother of Jesus, and exactly who she was and how she gave birth to Jesus.

In 431 AD, a bunch of people met at the city of Ephesus, which is now in Turkey.
They met together because there were people who did not agree on what Mary should be called, and what Jesus was like as a baby.

Some people thought she should be called "Theotokos" which means Mother of God, and others thought she should be called "Christotokos" which means Mother of Christ.

This might not seem like a big deal, but at the time people were still arguing about whether Jesus was a God and Man as one person, or whether he was like a person who also had a separate God personality living inside him.

About 250 different church leaders showed up to argue about this, and they decided she should be called Theotokos, Mother of God.

After this time there were a lot of other people talking about who Mary was, and what her life was like, so this became known as the study of Mariology.

(from: wikipedia - mariology)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Apollos - Bishop of Cæsarea

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Teocalli of the Sacred War

We just learned about the ancient sculpture of The Wrestler.

Another ancient Mesoamerican work of art is the Teocalli of the Sacred War.

This is a stone sculpture that looks like a miniature sized Aztec temple.
Some people believe this was built to be a throne for the ruler of the Aztecs in the 1500s.

(from: wikipedia - teocalli of the sacred war)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tamamushi Shrine

Friday, October 11, 2019

Norwegian - Vegetables

We just learned how to say some fruits in Norwegian.

Let's learn how to say some vegetables.

carrot gulrot - sounds like goo-l-droh-t
corn mais - sounds like mah-ees
pea erter - sounds like ah-ter

norwegian language
(from: wikipedia - norwegian language)

Greek: καρότο (karóto), καλαμπόκι (kalampóki), μπιζέλι (bizéli)

ASL: carrot, corn, pea

Italian: carote, mais, piselli

German: Karotte, Mais, Erbse

Spanish: zanahoria, maíz, guisante

French: carotte, maïs, pois

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Rack and Pinion

We just learned about the Air Gap in a motor.

Another type of thing used in machines is the Rack and Pinion.

A pinion is a gear, which we learned is a circle with teeth on the end.
The rack is a long flat line that has teeth on it, that match up with the gear.

When the gear spins around, it goes along the rack one way or the other.
These can be used as pinion wheels for something like a train that goes along a rack track, or sometimes as a pinion wheel that climbs up and down a pole that has a rack on it.

(from: wikipedia - rack and pinion)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Shock Diamond

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


We just learned about the Gastrodermis that helps the jellyfish eat.

Another part of the jellyfish's body is the Manubrium.

This is a part that hangs down from the middle of the inside of the jellyfish.
They use it to eat, and also to get rid of waste.

(from: wikipedia - jellyfish)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Octopus Gills

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Vitreous Body

We just learned about the Macula in the back of the eye.

Another part of the human eye is the Vitreous Body.

Inside the eye, most of it is filled up with a kind of clear gooey gel.
It's clear like water, but is thicker almost like jelly.

This is called the vitreous body, or sometimes the vitreous humor.
It helps the eye keep its shape, and it helps keep the vision clear between the lens and the retina.

(from: wikipedia - vitreous body)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Tooth Root

Monday, October 7, 2019

Trou de Loup

We just learned about the Abatis tree fortification.

Another type of fortification is the Trou de Loup, which is French for Wolf Hole.

This is a hole used as a trap that people would dig in front of the castle, and then cover up with something like straw or sticks so people didn't see it until they walked right on top of it.

(from: wikipedia - trou de loup)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Château de Chantilly