We just learned about the Akan Goldweights used as measurements for gold, and to tell stories.
Another ancient African sculpture is the Obelisk of Axum, made some time around 300 AD in Ethiopia.
A very long time ago in Ethiopia when important people died, they would build towers above where they were buried.
The town of Axum where this tower was built has earthquakes sometimes, so most of the towers like this fell down and broke.
During a war, people from another country took this giant obelisk as a war trophy, and then about 50 years later it was finally brought back to Ethiopia and put back together.
The obelisk has carvings of doors and windows on it, and it is also sometimes called a stele or hawelt/hawelti.
(from: wikipedia - obelisk of axum)
Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Li Gui