We know that in Russian, dog is собака (sobaka)and cat is кошка (koshka),
cow is корова (korova), chicken is курица (kuritsa), and pig is свинья (svin'ya).
Let's learn more animals!
horse - лошадь (loshad') - sounds like loh-sh-ad 文A
sheep - овца (ovtsa) - sounds like ah-v-ts-ah 文A
duck - утка (utka) - sounds like oo-t-kah 文A
Also in Russia horses say И-го-го (ee-go-go), sheep say Б-е-е-е (beh), and ducks say Кря-кря (kr-yah).

(from: wikipedia - russian academy of sciences)
Norwegian: hest, sau, and
Greek: άλογο, πρόβατα, πάπια
ASL: horse, sheep, duck
German: Pferd, Schaf, Ente
Spanish:caballo, oveja, pato
French:French - cheval, mouton, canard