Friday, December 9, 2022

Arabic - Red, Orange, Yellow

We just learned about the alphabet in Arabic.

Now let's learn some colors!

red - أحمر ('ahmar) - 文A

orange - नالبرتقالي (alburtuqaliu) - 文A

yellow - पأصفر ('asfar) - 文A

arabic language
(from: wikipedia - lebanese academy of sciences)

Hindi: लाल (laal), नारंगी (naarangee), पीला (peela)

Swahili: nyekundu, machungwa, manjano

Russian: красный (krasnyy), оранжевый (oranzhevyy), желтый (zheltyy)

Norwegian: rød, oransje, gul

Greek: κόκκινο, πορτοκαλί, κίτρινο

ASL: red, orange, yellow

Italian: rosso, arancione, giallo

German: rot, orange, gelb

Spanish: rojo, naranja, amarillo

French: rouge, orange, jaune