Friday, January 25, 2019

Norwegian - Horse, sheep, duck

We know that in Norwegian, dog is hund and cat is katt,
cow is ku, chicken is kylling, and pig is gris.

Let's learn more animals!

horse - hest - sounds like h-eh-st
sheep - sau - sounds like ss-ah-oh
duck - and - sounds like ah-n-d

Also in Norwegian sheep say bae, and ducks say kvakk-kvakk.

norwegian language
(from: wikipedia - norwegian language)

Greek: άλογο, πρόβατα, πάπια

ASL: horse, sheep, duck

German: Pferd, Schaf, Ente

Spanish:caballo, oveja, pato

French:French - cheval, mouton, canard

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Bell X-1

We just learned about the World War II Rocket Weapons.

Another famous part of rocket history was the Bell X-1.

The Bell X-1 was actually a rocket powered airplane, that was built to go faster than the speed of sound, over 700 miles per hour!
It was made to be shaped kind of like a bullet, and with wings going straight out, not tilted back like most airplanes.

In 1947, pilot Chuck Yeager flew the X-1 to 700 miles per hour and broke the sound barrier.
The plane was carried up into the sky from another bigger plane called the B-29, and dropped so that it didn't have to launch itself.

The rocket engine on the back of the X-1 was the XLR11, the first liquid propellant rocket engine made in the US to be used in an aircraft.

It used ethyl alcohol and liquid oxygen as propellants, and had four combustion chambers.

(from: wikipedia - bell x-1)

Chuck Yeager Breaks the Sound Barrier -- X-1 -- 1947 - Motherboard

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Induced Seismicity

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Purple Striped Jelly

We just started learning about Jellyfish.

One kind of jellyfish is the Purple Striped Jelly, also called the Chrysaora colorata or the mauve stinger.

This jellyfish lives mostly in the Pacific ocean near California.

The main big body of a jellyfish is called a "bell".
This animal's bell is a little over two feet wide, and usually has stripes going out from the middle, almost like spokes on a bicycle.

Sometimes small crabs called cancer crabs live in the jellyfish, and eat tiny little parasites called amphipods that hurt the jellyfish.

They usually have about eight long skinny dark arms and four frilly oral arms.
These jellies use their long arms to sting their prey, and then bring it over to the frilly oral arms.
The oral arms help to hold on to the prey, and bring it up to the jellyfish's mouth so they can eat it.

(from: wikipedia - chrysaora colorata)

Purple Striped Jelly Montage, Chrysaora Colorata, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California, USA - Jim Gateley

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Common Octopus

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Specialized Mucosa

We just learned about the Lining Mucosa.

Another part of the mouth is the Specialized Mucosa.

This is the skin on the top of the tongue that makes up the taste buds that tell you what something tastes like!

(from: wikipedia - lingual papillae)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Intercarpal Ligaments

Monday, January 21, 2019

Château de Chambord

We just learned about the Royal Palace of Madrid.

Another famous palace is the Château de Chambord, built in 1547 in Chambord, France.

It was built as a hunting lodge for King Francis I, but he hardly ever stayed there.

There are four main towers around the outside, and a keep on the inside with four more towers.
The walls have many more towers going up, so looking at it from the side you can see eleven towers!
It is surrounded by a moat.
There is a very fancy double spiral staircase inside, that has one set of spiral stairs going up, and then another set going down, and they don't run into each other!

During the French Revolution in 1792, people did not like the rich or famous anymore, so they sold off all of the furniture inside, and tore down the wall panels and the flooring.

It was later used as a hospital, as storage for paintings from the Louvre during the war.
During World War II an American bomber airplane crash landed right on the lawn in front of the palace!

In the 1950s people worked to clean it up, and it is now a museum and place for people to go visit.

(from: wikipedia - château de chambord)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Yucatan

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Biblican Canon

We just learned about the Quartodecimanism.

Another part of early Christianity is the work on Biblical Canon.

When Jesus was around, the set of books in the Old Testament was already collected and written and copied by many people.
It wasn't called the "Old" testament yet, because when it was being written there was not a "New" testament.

People were starting to collect and copy the things that the Apostles wrote about Jesus, and the letters that Paul wrote and put them into a book.

The early leaders of the Christian church had to all try and agree on what the right books were to be in the New Testament.
They use the word "Canon" to say that the letters or books are approved.
The word Canon comes from the Greek word κανών which means rule or measuring stick.

So once everyone could agree on the right writings and letters, those would become "Biblical Canon".

(from: wikipedia - development of the christian biblical canon)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Rose of Lima

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Sanchi Capital of Ashoka

We just learned about the Indus Valley Civilization.

Another famous Indian sculpture is the Sanchi Capital of Ashoka.

We learned a while back about how the Lion Capital of Ashoka was a sculpture at the top of a pillar, that was made by an emperor named Ashoka.

Another of these statues called "capital" is in the city of Sanchi, but some of the sculpture has been broken so it is not as nice looking.

(from: wikipedia - sanchi)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Woman of Samaria