Friday, November 16, 2012

French - Do you speak French?

To ask if someone speaks French, you say parlez-vous français.
(google translate)

It sounds like pahlay voo fuansay.

To say yes, you would say Oui, sounds like wee.
Or no, which sounds just like the way you say it in English.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


We just learned a little about Text Messages.

Let's learn about more fun stuff!

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus

It's the name of a type of connector for computers, to connect phones, computers, cameras, and just about anything else!

This is what a USB port looks like on a computer:

And this is what a USB cable looks like:

(from: wikipedia - usb)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


We just learned a little about .

A corgi is a type of dog, and there are two types of corgis:

Cardigan Welsh Corgi (bigger, huskier, has a tail)
cardigan welsh corgi
(From: Wikipedia - cardigan welsh corgi)

Pembroke Welsh Corgi (smaller, no tail)
pembroke welsh corgi
(From: Wikipedia - pembroke welsh corgi)

The pembroke corgi is the more popular dog, most likely because the Queen of England has had several pet corgis through the years.

Old legends say that fairies used to ride corgis like horses, and that's why they have that white mark around their necks from where the saddle was.

(From: The Fairy Tale of Two Corgis)

(From: Custom Fairy Steed Corgi Dog Costume)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


We just learned about the False Ribs.

The large bone for your upper arm is called your humerus.
(From: Wikipedia - humerus)

Sometimes when you bang the end of your elbow and it hurts, that's called hitting your funny bone.
Someone probably thought this up because the word humerus sounds just like humerous which means funny, and your humerus bone connects to your elbow!

Monday, November 12, 2012


We just learned about the country of Australia.

The big frozen chunk of ice at the bottom of planet earth is called Antarctica.
(From: Wikipedia - antarctica)

It's another continent, just like North America and Australia.

Not many things can live in the frozen cold of Antarctica!
Living on the land are penguins and seals.

And living under the water are blue whales, orcas and colossal squid!
colossal squid

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Seventh Commandment

We just learned the Sixth Commandment about not committing adultery.

The seventh commandment that God gave to Moses is:

Thou shalt not steal.

(from: wikisource - Luther's Small Catechism)

(from: wikipedia - ten commandments)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

North Star

We just learned about the Milky Way

Let's learn about the North Star.

The North star is one of the brightest stars in the sky at night, and if you point toward the direction where the North star is, you will be pointing North!

Many people through the years have used the North star to find their way while traveling on land or sailing on ships at night.

It's also known as Polaris.

(from: wikipedia - polaris)