Sunday, April 21, 2013


We've just finished up learning about the five books that make up the Old Testament books of law

Now let's learn about the next part of the Old Testament, the books of history.

There are 12 books of history: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicle, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.

Let's start with the book of Joshua.

Remember that at the end of Deuteronomy Moses dies and Joshua becomes the leader of the Israelites.

In this book, Joshua leads the Israelites into God's promised land of Canaan,
and conquers all the cities.

The first city conquered is Jericho, and the Israelites conquer it using God's power
by marching around the city 7 times and then blowing their trumpets
and yelling at the wall to make it come crashing down!

(from: wikipedia - book of joshua)

Saturday, April 20, 2013


A Meteoroid is a smaller piece of a comet or asteroid that has broken off and is floating into space.

When a meteoroid gets close to a planet, it will burn up in the sky.

The burning up is very bright, and it's what we call a shooting star or meteor.

shooting star
(from: wikipedia - meteoroid)

Friday, April 19, 2013

French - Their car is tall

We've now learned that This house is big is Cette maison est grande
The chair is small is La chaise est petit,
My drink is cold is Ma boisson est froide
and Your food is hot is Votre nourriture est chaud.

To say Their car is tall, you would say Leur voiture est haut.

Their - Leur - sounds like leh-uh /?/
car - voiture - sounds like voh-ee-choo-ah /?/
is - est - sounds like ay /?/
tall - haut - sounds like ah-oh /?/

All together it sounds like leh-uh voh-ee-choo-ah ay ah-oh /?/

Thursday, April 18, 2013


We've learned now about measuring distance and time.

Another thing we can measure is called Velocity.

Velocity means speed, or how fast you are going.
It is measured by looking at how much time it takes you to go a distance.
So if you run for 20 meters and it takes you 10 seconds,
then you would say that your velocity was 20 meters per 10 seconds.

If you know your division, you can do 20 / 10 = 2
and then say your velocity was 2 meters per 1 second.

Sometimes we use just one letter for time and distance,
m = meters
s = seconds

So you could write 2 meters per 1 second as 2 m/s

You may also have seen the letters mph before,
that means you are measuring velocity in miles per hour,
and saying how many miles you can go in one hour at the speed you are going.

(from: wikipedia - velocity)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dung Beetle

The Dung Beetle is a type of insect that collects dung to survive.
If you didn't already know this, dung is another word for poop!

dung beetle
(from: wikipedia - dung beetle)

Some dung beetles eat the dung, some lay their eggs in it, and some others just live in it.

Many of the beetles are rollers meaning they wait until the animal has pooped, and they roll the dung into a ball.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sphenoid bone

We learned before that the frontal bone, parietal bones, occipital bone and ethmoid bone are part of the neurocranium.

Also part of the neurocranium is the Sphenoid Bone, located right behind your facial skeleton.
sphenoid bone
(from: wikipedia - sphenoid bone)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Uruguay and Paraguay

We just learned about the country of Argentina.

Two other countries in South America are Uruguay and Paraguay.

Why do their names sound so much alike?
It's because the guay part of their name means river,
and the countries were both named for their rivers.

(from: wikipedia - paraguay)

(from: wikipedia - uruguay)

Uruguay means river of the painted birds
and Paraguay means river that flows to the sea.