Saturday, February 14, 2015

Campbell's Soup Cans - Andy Warhol

We just learned about the famous work of art Guernica by artist Pablo Picasso.

Another famous work of art was called Campbell's Soup Cans by artist Andy Warhol.

Andy Warhol started off working in advertising where he would use something called silk screening.
Silk screening is like using a stencil to fill in colors, and the open parts of the stencil have a screen over them with holes in it, just like a screen you might find in a window.
Using this silk screening it was easy to make the same picture over and over again.

Warhol made paintings of 32 different Campbell's soup cans.
When he showed them to people at an art gallery, some people were very upset and didn't think he was a good artist.
Other people thought it was very interesting, showing art using something you'd find at a grocery store.

Warhol was very famous for something called Pop Art.
This type of art was of famous people or things you might see in TV commercials.
Pop was short for popular, so anything that was really popular might end up in a painting.

(from: wikipedia - campbell's soup cans)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Lunar Phase

Friday, February 13, 2015

German - You are sad

We just learned that I am happy in German is Ich bin glücklich.

Now let's learn how to say You are sad.

Sie sind traurig

We can break it up into three words:
You - Sie - sounds like zee /?/
are - sind - sounds like zin /?/
sad - traurig - Sounds like tuh-ow-uh-ee-hh /?/

So all together Sie sind traurig sounds like zee zin tuh-ow-uh-ee-hh.

Goethe Institute
(from: wikipedia - Goethe Institute)

Do you remember how to say it in Spanish?
Estas triste

Do you remember how to say it in French?
Vous êtes triste

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cirrostratus cloud

We've now learned that cirrus clouds are thin wispy stringy clouds way up high in the sky,
cumulus clouds are big and puffy, almost like cotton balls,
cumulonimbus clouds are tall mushroom shaped clouds that are seen during storms,
stratus clouds are flat hazy foggy clouds that sometimes have light rain,
and nimbostratus clouds are big, hazy and dark and are a sign of rain.

Another type of cloud is called a cirrostratus cloud.
Just like cirrus clouds, they are very high up in the sky, and just like stratus clouds they are flat and hazy.

Since they are so high up in the sky they are usually made up of tiny ice crystals, and because of this sometimes at night they can make a halo around the moon in the night sky.

(from: wikipedia - cirrostratus cloud)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Sedimentary Rock

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Spider Tubular Webs

We've now learned that orb weaver spiders that build big spiral webs,
other spiders build cobwebs or tangle webs,
and others build funnel webs.

Another type of web is called a tubular web.

These types of webs are built in cracks in walls, or trees.
The spiders put their web out from the cracks so they can feel when an insect walks over it,
and when they feel their web move they jump out and bite their prey.

(from: wikipedia - segestria florentina)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Wildebeest

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Internal Thoracic Artery

We've learned about the oxygenated blood in the subclavian artery,
and how it branches into the vertebral artery in your neck to give blood to your brain.

Another branch of the subclavian artery is called the internal thoracic artery.

This artery brings blood to your chest.

(from: wikipedia - internal thoracic artery)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Respiratory System

Monday, February 9, 2015


We just learned about the state of Kentucky.

Louisiana is a state on the southern part of the USA. It has many nicknames:
Bayou State - because there are many slow marshy rivers and swamps called bayous in Louisiana.
Child of the Mississippi - because the Mississippi river ends in Louisiana and goes out into the Atlantic Ocean.
Creole State - because people who lived in Louisiana before it was part of the US were called creoles.
Pelican State - because the pelican is the symbol on the state seal.
Sportsman's Paradise - because there is so much fishing in Louisiana.
Sugar State - because sugar was a very important crop.

The state motto is: Union, Justice, Confidence.

(from: wikipedia - louisiana)

The flag of Louisiana has the state motto on it, and also a picture of a mother pelican poking herself in the chest, making herself bleed so she can feed her babies.

This might seem strange, but it is based on an old legend about a pelican whose children were starving and she did not have enough food to feed them so she cut herself so her babies could live.

This story is used in Christianity to be a symbol like Jesus who died on the cross so his followers could live eternally.

(from: wikipedia - flag of louisiana)

Louisiana catches more crayfish than anywhere else in the world, and the US eats more crayfish than any other country!
Crayfish are sometimes called crawfish, crawdads, freshwater lobsters, or mudbugs.

(from: wikipedia - procambarus clarkii)

Louisiana is the birth place of jazz music, as many of the most famous jazz musicians are from Louisiana, like Louis Armstrong.

(from: wikipedia - louis armstrong)

New Orleans is a very famous city in Louisiana, right on the Mississippi.
Many people go there to visit the old buildings, listen to music and eat many different types of food.
Cajun food was a type of food invented by people who used to be from Canada, but were kicked out and went to live in New Orleans.

(from: wikipedia - new orleans)

There are many swamps in Louisiana, with lots of alligators, snakes and turtles.

(from: wikipedia - honey island swamp)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Afghanistan

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Jesus Trial - Crown of Thorns

After Pontius Pilate sent Jesus to be crucified,
the crowd of people made fun of him, put a robe on him and gave him a crown made of sharp thorns to wear to pretend like he was a king since he said he was the king of the Jews.

Even though Jesus was very powerful, he did not fight back because he knew it was all part of God's plan for him to die on the cross.

(from: wikipedia - crown of thorns)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Jesus' Miracles - Healing on the Sabbath