Sunday, March 3, 2019

Gospel Harmony

We just learned about the First Apology.

Another part of early Christianity is the Gospel Harmony.

We know that the four Gospel books of the New Testament in the Bible are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Long ago around 160 AD in Syria, a man named "Tatian" decided to try and put those four books together into one book, since they are all about Jesus' life.

He called this book the "Diatessaron" which means "made of four" or "mixed Gospel".

Because the word "harmony" can mean a mixture of music that sounds nice together, people call this type of writing a "Gospel Harmony".

Other people have made gospel harmonies through the years, but Tatian's Diatessaron was the first one we know about.

(from: wikipedia - diatessaron)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Saint Matthias

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Konark Sun Temple

We just learned about the Rajagopuram.

Another Indian sculpture is the Konark Sun Temple, built around 1238 AD in Konark, Odisha, India.

The name Konar comes from the words Kona meaning "corner" and Arka meaning "the sun".

This 100 foot Hindu temple is made to look like a giant chariot with wheels being pulled by horse sculptures.
There are 24 wheel sculptures, and each one is over 12 feet tall.

There are seven horse sculptures made to look like they are pulling the chariot.
It has sculptures all over the building, and some other sculptures around it like elephants and people.

Next to the temple is another building called the Nata Mandir, which means Dance Temple.

(from: wikipedia - konark sun temple)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Kushan Maitreya

Friday, March 1, 2019

Norwegian - We are surprised

We just learned that in Norwegian I am happy is jeg er glad,
you are sad is Du er lei deg, he is angry is Han er sint,
and they are excited is De er begeistret.

Let's learn how to say We are surprised.

Vi er overrasket

We can break it up into two words:

We - Vi - Sounds like Vee
are - er - Sounds like ah-r
surprised - overrasket - Sounds like oh-veh-d-ask-et

So all together Vi er overrasket sounds like vee ah-r oh-veh-d-ask-et.

norwegian language
(from: wikipedia - norwegian language)

Greek: Είναι έκπληκτοι

ASL: We are surprised

German: Wir sind begeistert

Spanish: Estamos sorprendido

French: Nous sommes surpris

Thursday, February 28, 2019


We just learned about the SM-65 Atlas.

Another famous rocket was the Ariane.

In Europe, a few countries worked together to make a rocket that would be used to launch things up into space, like satellites or even for space exploration.

France, Germany and the UK came up with it and its first launch was in 1973.

They were multi-stage rockets, using liquid rocket fuel.
These rockets change a little every few year, but some are still mostly working today, launching satellites and exploration things into outer space.

(from: wikipedia - ariene (rocket family))

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Mercalli Intensity Scale

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Moon Jellyfish

We just learned about the Flower Hat Jelly.

Another type of jellyfish is the Moon Jellyfish.

This type of small jellyfish only grows to be about 12 inches wide, and is mostly see through.
It lives in cold or hot water in just about every part of the ocean in the world.

They do not move very much, just mostly float around and try to eat up some plankton or fish eggs floating in the water.
Other animals eat these jellyfish a lot, like fish or birds.
Their sting is so little that most people can even pick up this jellyfish and hold it in their hand.

(from: wikipedia - aurelia aurita)

Moon Jellies - PtDefianceZoo1

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Hawaiian Bobtail Squid

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Foliate Papillae

We just learned about the Fungiform Papillae.

Another part of the mouth is the Foliate Papillae.

So we know the filiform papillae are just for touch, and the fungiform papillae have the taste buds.

The foliate papillae are on the back and sides of the tongue, and almost look like they have folds on them.
They are soft, and don't have any keratin, but they do have taste buds on them.

(from: wikipedia - lingual papillae)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Medial and Lateral Meniscus

Monday, February 25, 2019

Cairo Citadel

We just learned about the Castillo de Colomares.

Another famous castle is the Cairo Citadel, built in 1176 in Cairo, Egypt.

It was built by Salah al-Din (Saladin) during the wars known as the Crusades.

The wall and castle were built in the cities of Cairo and Fustat, and near the Nile so that they could try and control that part of the country from invaders.

To get water to the Citadel, they built a 280 foot well in the castle, called the Well of Joseph, that is still there today.

This well has a spiral staircase of 300 stairs going all the way down to the well.

Later on they built a bunch of water wheels that helped bring the water up to the citadel and then the water would go on things called acqueduct which were like ramps that helped bring water from one place to another.

(from: wikipedia - cairo citadel)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Quintana Roo