Sunday, March 24, 2019


We just learned about the Ignatius of Antioch.

Another part of early Christianity is the Pope.

After Jesus died, the apostles went around and tried to help tell people about Jesus.
When groups of people would get together and worship Jesus, that place became a church.
The leaders of big areas that had one or more churches was called a bishop.
This bishop was in charge of trying to make sure people were taught the right things, and if anyone needed help they could come to the bishop to ask for help.

The first bishop was Peter, one of Jesus' apostles.
He became the bishop of Rome.
Because Rome was the city in charge of everything, the bishop in Rome was the bishop in charge of all the other bishops.
They called this bishop of Rome the "Pope" which comes from the greek πάππας (pappas) meaning "father".

There have been over 250 popes since St. Peter.
These days the Pope lives in the country known as the Vatican, and is the leader of the Catholic church.

(from: wikipedia - pope)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Saint Stephen

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Mshatta Facade

We just learned about the Khajuraho Group of Monuments.

Another famous work of art is the Mshatta Facade.

This used to be part of one of the desert castles in the country of Jordan.

The castle was later abandoned and ruined by some earthquakes.
In 1840, the sultan in Jordan named Abdul Hamid II gave this nice looking piece of the old castle as a gift to the German emperor named Wilhelm II, and it is now in a German museum.
It is about 16 feet tall, and over 100 feet long.

(from: wikipedia - mshatta facade)

(from: wikipedia - qasr al-mshatta)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Terracotta Army

Friday, March 22, 2019

Norwegian - My drink is cold

We just learned that in Norwegian:
This house is big: Dette huset er stort
This chair is small: Stolen er liten

Let's learn about more things we see every day.

To say My drink is cold, we say Min drikke er kald.

Here's how to say it:

My - Min - sounds like min

drink - drikke - sounds like d-dee-kah

is - er - sounds like ah-r

cold - kald - sounds like kah-ld

So all together Min drikke er kald sounds like min d-dee-kah ah-r kah-ld.

norwegian language
(from: wikipedia - norwegian language)

Greek: Το ποτό μου είναι κρύο (To potó mou eínai krýo)

ASL: My drink is cold

Italian: La mia bevanda è freddo

German: Mein Getränk ist kalt

Spanish: Mi bebida es fría

French: Ma boisson est froid

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Falcon Heavy

We just learned about the Falcon rocket.

Another SpaceX rocket is the Falcon Heavy.

This rocket is a lot more powerful than just one Falcon rocket, and it is being made to hopefully some day take people into outer space, to the Moon or even to Mars!

It is made from three "Falcon 9" rockets strapped together.
The one in the middle is the core main rocket, and the two on the outside are booster rockets.

This rocket can carry a lot of weight, about 141,000 pounds into outer space!
On the first of the Falcon Heavy rocket launch, the owner Elon Musk sent his car into space, a shiny red Tesla Roadster, and they also put a fake person inside in a space suit, and nicknamed him "Starman".

When the space craft makes it up into space, the Falcon 9 rockets actually fall off the main spacecraft and fall back to earth.
They don't crash into the ocean though, they actually use guidance systems to come back down to the ground and land safely on a launch pad so they can be used again!

(from: wikipedia - falcon heavy)

Falcon Heavy boosters landing - SciNews

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Rockets

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Fried Egg Jellyfish

We just learned about the Blue Blubber Jellyfish.

Another type of jellyfish is the Fried Egg Jellyfish or egg yolk jellyfish.

There are two types of jellyfish that have this nickname.
Their big long science names are phacellophora camtschatica, and cotylorhiza tuberculata.

The phacellophora camtschatica grows up to 2 feet wide and has tentacles up to 20 feet long.
It lives in the cold water of the ocean.
To eat, it snacks on other tiny jellyfish or types of plankton that get stuck in its long tentacles.
This jelly's sting is so weak that sometimes small crabs will ride on top of its bell and will even steal food that it has trapped in its tentacles!

(from: wikipedia - phacellophora camtschatica)

Egg Yolk Jellyfish - Phacellophora camtschatica - Jellyfish Are Awesome

The cotylorhiza tuberculata grows to about 16 inches wide, but its tentacles are much shorter.
It lives in warmer water, mostly in the Mediterranean Sea, and is sometimes even called the Mediterranean Jellyfish.
There are so many jellies in that water that they get in the way of boating and fishing, and sometimes they will remove thousands of jellyfish in a year!

(from: wikipedia - cotylorhiza tuberculata)

Samos - Fried egg jellyfish - Torben Olsen

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Cirroteuthis Octopus

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Sulcus Terminus

We just learned about the Median Sulcus.

Another part of the human tongue is the Sulcus Terminus.

This is all the way on the back of the tongue.
Right before the back of the throat, some of the skin in the tongue makes a V-shape,
that comes to a point in the middle right at the end of the median sulcus before going down the throat.

This is called the sulcus terminus.

(from: wikipedia - tongue)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Inferior Tibiofibular Joint

Monday, March 18, 2019


We just learned about Castles and Palaces.

Castles have all sorts of different things that they use for defense or attack.

One thing some castles have is called a Motte.

A motte is like a large hill made out of dirt, with the top part being flattened out.
Usually there was also a ditch around the bottom of the motte, and a castle was built on top of the flat hill.

(from: wikipedia - castle)

Kid Facts - Blast from the past: Nayarit